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1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago

"In fact, the Americans have a dark criminal history towards various populations, not only in the Islamic world but also in other countries. It is well-known what they have done even in America itself, where they annihilated tens of millions of indigenous people, called as 'Red Indians', besides what they have done in Vietnam, Japan, and many other countries. The Americans are known for their moral bankruptcy. Their political orientations lack morals, and they disregard the importance and value of morals, dismissing it entirely. However, their commitment to Zionism is their main and most important motivation."

*- Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi

7th of Rajab, 1445 AH - 2024 CE | Speech Regarding the Latest Developments*

1 year, 1 month ago

"The current circumstances of the Ummah are neither simple nor ordinary circumstances and in light of them, a characterization and diagnosis are constructed: that there is no need for jihad in the path of Allah. On the contrary, the magnitude of challenges and risks, along with the ongoing realities faced by the Ummah, necessitate that it moves in a spirit of jihadi faith.

Faith encompasses everything needed to fulfill this obligation. Hence, there is an inherent connection between jihad in the path of Allah, glorified and exalted is He, and faith. Jihad in the path of Allah is fundamentally built on the principle of trusting Allah, glorified and exalted is He; in order to move in the path of Allah and to receive this complete response, you need to have confidence in Allah, relying on Allah, glorified and exalted is He. What holds back most people from moving in the path of Allah, from fully responding to Allah? Lack of trust in what Allah has promised in terms of victory, empowerment, support, and assistance."

- Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi
19th Ramadan Lecture, 1443 AH - 2022 CE | Part 8

1 year, 3 months ago

"The believer does not look to himself, his personal triumph, his personal goal, his own cause, his own plan or his own position. The march is a long march: working to elevate the word of Allah, victory for the religion of Allah, in this time or the next, or the one after that. If it is not achieved by your hands, it may be accomplished by others whom you have prepared. So on, until victory is achieved. Victory must be realized.

You are also victorious when you fall as a martyr in the path of Allah. You have succeeded; you have done what you were supposed to do by sacrificing yourself and your wealth in the way of Allah. When Muslims or believers see some of their own falling as martyrs in the fields of jihad, as happened on the day of Uhud, did not the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, feel pain when he saw Hamza fallen? Many of the mujahideen fell, but did it stop after that? It never stopped. While it is a loss to lose significant individuals like Hamza, it is a victory for the march, a victory for the entire message movement. In this march, martyrs must fall, even if they are at the highest level, such as the type like Hamza, the master of martyrs."

- Sayyid Husayn Badr al-Din al-Houthi

1 year, 3 months ago

"We are more deserving than others – dear brothers – to have a concern, as Mujahideen, regarding our relationship with Allah, Most High. This concern should nurture and strengthen this relationship, build upon it, and contribute to the refinement of our souls, placing us at the level of responsibility we seek. There are many events, security imbalances, and enemy efforts towards a security war. We must be at the level of responsibility, at the level of confrontation, with a strong and responsible faith-driven enthusiasm. Those who sense their responsibility before Allah, feeling that they are under the banner and flag of Allah, soldiers of Allah, move forward in the fields of work and their responsibilities with a high spirit and with the determination of faith. This is based on a level of faith-driven enthusiasm grounded in the awareness of responsibility before Allah, fear of Allah, desire for what Allah has promised, and a sincere, strong, and immense love for Allah, Most High."

- Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi

1 year, 4 months ago

"In the Noble Quran, the word 'terrorism' means that Muslims should prepare themselves with all the strength they can muster. They should even pay attention to appearances and even the battlements that, in the end, will sow defeat in the heart of the enemy.

{By which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy} [Quran 8:60].*

It us upon you, O Muslims - as the Quran says – that you, O believers, must do everything in your power to terrify the enemies of Allah. This is legitimate terrorism. But instead of talking about legitimate terrorism, we hear about it in the media and from leaders. We allow the word 'terrorism' to echo in its American meaning, not its Quranic one. Isn't this foolish? Isn't this a manifestation of changing facts and inverting realities? We must, brothers, always speak about Jihad, even those who lack a Jihadi spirit should talk about the word 'Jihad.' Because the word 'Jihad' in itself, in its meaning, is subject to war. We have become individuals under attack, our land is under attack, our ideas are under attack, and even our words are under attack, everything is addressed by our enemies. War against us in every arena, in our personal lives, our economy, our culture, our ethics, our values, our language, our Quranic terminology and our Arabic terminology."

- Sayyid Husayn Badr al-Din al-Houthi

*{And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.} [Quran 8:60]

1 year, 4 months ago

We, Insha'Allah, will be in a state of continuous monitoring, continuous coordination with our brothers in the axis, with our mujahideen brothers in Palestine, and we will be, Insha'Allah, ready to participate within the framework of this coordination according to the planned levels, within the framework of this battle, Insha'Allah.
We affirm our stance, and we also express condemnation and denunciation for everything the compromisers are doing, from insults towards the Palestinian people and their free fighters, at the media level, from undermining and obstructing, and efforts to dismantle the Arab position from adopting serious stances, or at the Islamic level in general, from adopting serious stances.
Additionally, on the humanitarian level, there is a clear neglect, even in terms of humanitarian support, from countries that possess enormous resources, and which scatter their funds in serving the Americans, Israelis, and Western communities, while being stingy even on the humanitarian level in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people.
We ask Allah, Most High, to grant victory to the Palestinian people and their heroic fighters, to support them, assist them, guide them, and grant them success, and to guide us to fulfill our duty as it should be towards this injustice and the great cause, which is the cause of the entire nation. He is the Hearer of supplication.
Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you.

- Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi

1 year, 4 months ago

They speak about the Al-Qassam Brigades, about Hamas, about the Islamic Jihad Movement, about the Palestinian factions, and the militant Palestinian movements, as if they have no cause, as if Palestine is a piece of land from Iran, and those Arabs came to fight on behalf of Iran; while the land of Palestine is foremost an Arab land, and if the entire Islamic world were concerned with this issue, because there is a Muslim people, and there is a cause that concerns all Muslims, and Islamic sanctities. But despite all the suffering of the Palestinian people, they talk about it as if it has no rightful owner, no cause, and no injustice, as if it does what it does out of mere curiosity, or for other reasons, with certainty and knowledge that the decision in this operation (Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa) is a Palestinian decision, possessing clear legitimacy and right. It surprised the enemy, and it surprised the friend. A purely Palestinian decision, arising from a clear injustice in the entire world, and a clear just cause, there is absolutely no ambiguity in it; therefore, it is the duty of Muslims to have a clear stance.
Then at all levels for the peoples, they must have a heard voice. Our dear Yemeni people had a heard and clear voice from the first day, since the beginning of this operation, and what followed. This voice will continue, Insha'Allah.
Our Yemeni people are present to do everything they can in fulfilling their sacred duty, standing alongside the Palestinian people, their heroic and free fighters. The turnout of our people in the large-scale demonstrations and marches expresses this stance. We wished we were next to Palestine, and if it were possible for us, our people would have sent hundreds of thousands of mujahideen to participate directly with the Palestinian people. They are ready to mobilize hundreds of thousands of mujahideen to go to Palestine and join the Palestinian people in waging this holy jihad against the Zionist enemy. We need a way. Our people are ready to send hundreds of thousands of mujahideen to Palestine. We have a problem in terms of geography, we have a problem in mobilizing large numbers of our people to get there, but no matter what the obstacles are, we will not hesitate to do everything we can, to do everything possible, everything in our hands to do.
We are in full coordination with our brothers in the axis of jihad and resistance, to do everything we can, and all that we can do. This coordination has red lines, it has specific levels for events, including: If the Americans directly intervene, militarily from their side, as they are now providing support to the Israeli enemy, if they intervene directly, we are prepared to participate, even at the level of missile strikes, drones, and military options to the best of our ability.
There are also red lines regarding the situation related to the Gaza Strip. We are in complete coordination with our brothers in the axis of jihad and resistance on this, and we are present according to that for intervention with everything we can. We will make sure, Insha'Allah, that we have the options that will have a significant impact, within the framework of our coordination with our brothers in the axis of jihad and resistance, Insha'Allah.
As for our mujahideen brothers in the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian people in general, we say to them: You are not alone. Our people are with you, the free of this nation are with you. Do not be concerned with all the media campaigns, with all the exaggerations and scaremongering. This grand operation, may Allah, Most High, grant you success in it, is, Insha'Allah, a signal from Allah, Most High, to begin a new phase. He will grant you more of His support, His assistance, and His victory. It is, Insha'Allah, an indicator of the approach of the divine relief, Insha'Allah.

1 year, 4 months ago

They provide the means and tools of killing and destruction that the Israelis use to kill civilians, from all categories of the Palestinian people, including the elderly and the young, men and women, and to destroy their homes and civilian structures. The Americans are criminals, directly complicit in this crime.
Since this operation took place, the American immediately spoke up, and he acted as if he were the primary concerned party. This clearly shows our peoples and our nation the fundamental truth that has been witnessed in all events in recent years and past stages. This truth is the level of the American role, which reaches the level of partnership in every sense of the word with the Israeli Zionist enemy in all the crimes it commits against the Palestinian people, against our Islamic nation, against our Arab countries and Arab peoples. This is a clear reality. The American is a partner in all the criminal practices of the Israeli enemy against children, women, and civilians.
Against all people in Palestine, against our nation in general, the American is a partner in the crimes, and Israel is America's close ally, as is well known. This is an important matter to maintain the correct perspective for our peoples and our nation, to know who the enemy is, the one targeting us as a Muslim nation, targeting the Muslim Palestinian people, who are a part of us. We bear responsibility towards them, and at the same time, the danger threatening the Palestinian people, and the entire nation, is clear. When the Americans took a full stance after seeing the state the Zionist enemy had reached, the magnitude of shock and dismay, and the great confusion that had overwhelmed the Zionists, and the major defeat that had left them in utter disbelief and complete disarray, it was evident in their reality. The shock was enormous towards this operation. Other Western countries promptly took action: statements, positions, offering financial support, and more.
On the other hand, the legal, humanitarian, ethical, national, and religious duty, in all considerations and circumstances, upon our Islamic nation in general, and foremost among them, the Arabs, is to support the Palestinian people, to stand by the Mujahideen in Palestine, to stand with them, and to provide them with all forms of support and assistance, politically, in the media, financially, and even militarily. It is never permissible, and it is not befitting for this nation to watch the Palestinian people, its heroic Mujahideen, while all other Western countries rush to support the Zionist enemy, the oppressor, the criminal, the occupier, the aggressor, the violator of sanctities. The operation "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood" came in a clear context, even in terms of targeting Al-Aqsa, reaching unprecedented levels of targeting, with negative effects and serious consequences, to the point of posing a real threat to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, given its significance and sanctity in our Islamic nation.
This operation must receive support, and there must be a clear stance from the Muslims. Where is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation?! Why don’t they come together and take serious positions?! Where is the Arab League?! Why don’t they come together and take serious positions?! There is a significant weakness, retreat, and great deficiency, even at the level of routine positions, even in terms of statements and condemnations from most Arab countries. Many of them have weak, hesitant, and complacent positions.
As for the position of those who normalize [relations with Israel], it is a disgraceful position, revealing their loyalty to Israel, to the Israeli enemy, and their severe insults to the Palestinian people and their heroic fighters.

1 year, 5 months ago

Despite all the titles that the disbelieving West boasts about, led by America, titles of rights in all its forms: human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, the right of peoples to self-determination, the right of the people to freedom and independence, the right of humans to life, all kinds of rights that the West talks about, or that are included in the charters of the United Nations, all of this has no value, and no consideration when it comes to the Palestinian people. America, France, Britain, Germany, Italy, and the Western countries in general have allowed the Jewish Zionist enemy to do anything in Palestine. They allowed it to kill the Palestinian people, to kill men and women, to kill the elderly and the young, to excel in killing and executing them in any form, in cold blood, or in prisons, by all means.

If they wanted to kill them with air raids, let them do so. If they wanted to kill them by direct gunfire, let them do so. If they wanted to kill women, let them do so, no problem. There are no rights for women in Palestine. If they wanted to kill children, let them do so. If they wanted to kill people while they are in their homes, in their houses sleeping, let them do so. They permitted their hand to commit all forms and types of crimes, to occupy the land, to control private properties, to demolish houses and homes, to uproot olive trees, to seize lands from their rightful owners without any justification, to seize the independence of a people, and the freedom of a people, and to occupy an entire homeland, against a whole people, because they wanted the Zionist enemy to be their spearhead in the Arab and Islamic region, to target an entire nation, and to be their agent and arm in targeting the entire nation.

Since the inception of the Zionist entity until today, all the scenes, practices, policies, and crimes expose the disbelieving West, expose America, expose Britain, and expose the Western societies in what they boast of in terms of titles, presenting themselves as civilized nations. All the practices, all the crimes, which often escalate to acts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, against human existence, all forms and types of crimes, all forms of aggression, they provide clear evidence that the Western regimes, led by America and Britain, are criminal systems. Their leaders and officials are criminals in every sense of the word. That is why they supported those criminals from that usurping Zionist entity, which is entirely a criminal entity. They supported it because they are also criminals, supporting criminals in every sense of the word.

We, as the Islamic world, and all the free people of the world, should look at them with this true perspective: that they are indeed criminals, oppressors who cannot be trusted with anything. When they boast about titles expressing rights, freedoms, or anything else, they imagine that people are foolish, they imagine that human society is so foolish that they can be fooled, and they can speak before them - while they are engaged in such criminality and tyranny - with such titles to deceive them. Because for them, these are just deceptive techniques, which they politically employ to infiltrate our societies, interfere in all our affairs, stir up discord in our countries. Otherwise, the facts today are clear in Palestine.

The Palestinian people, over all these decades, for over seventy years, and even before that, since the beginnings of the organized Jewish migration within the framework of the occupation plan for Palestine, have never received any serious attention to rectify their situation, to rescue them from their oppression, not from the successive international institutions, which present themselves as concerned with the rights of peoples, with bringing peace and security to human society. What has the United Nations done since the beginning of the events in Palestine, since the beginning of the catastrophe and the oppression of the Palestinian people until today?!

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