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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Are you ready for it?
World War II Japanese Internment Camps:
Manzanar (California): One of the first and largest camps.
Tule Lake (California): The largest and most contentious camp.
Granada (Colorado): Also known as Amache.
Heart Mountain (Wyoming): Located in a remote area of Wyoming.
Minidoka (Idaho): Housed internees primarily from the Northwest.
Topaz (Utah): Also known as the Central Utah Relocation Center.
Rohwer (Arkansas): One of two camps located in Arkansas.
Jerome (Arkansas): The other camp located in Arkansas.
Gila River (Arizona): Consisted of two separate camps within the Gila River Indian Reservation.
Poston (Arizona): The largest of the camps in Arizona.
World War I German-American Internment Camps
Fort Oglethorpe (Georgia): Held German nationals and U.S. citizens of German descent.
Fort Douglas (Utah): Another WWI internment camp for German Americans.
Other Internment Camps
Crystal City (Texas): Held German, Italian, and Japanese immigrants during WWII.
Kenedy (Texas): Another camp in Texas primarily for German and Japanese detainees.
Seagoville (Texas): Originally a detention camp for aliens during WWII.
Fort Stanton (New Mexico): An internment camp during both World Wars.
Angel Island (California): Temporary detention camp for Chinese immigrants in the early 20th century.
2. Times in US History Martial Law Has Happened:
Early Incidents:
New Orleans (1815): Following the Battle of New Orleans, General Andrew Jackson declared martial law briefly.
Rhode Island (1842): During the Dorr Rebellion, martial law was briefly declared.
Civil War
Missouri (1861): General John C. Frémont declared martial law to combat pro-Confederate factions.
Kentucky (1862): Declared by President Lincoln to maintain control.
Hawaii (1941-1944): Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was under martial law for most of WWII.
Labor Strikes and Civil Unrest
West Virginia (1913): Declared during the Paint Creek-Cabin Creek strike.
San Francisco (1934): Declared to control the violence during the longshoremen’s strike.
Modern Incidents
Detroit (1967): Declared to control the civil disorder during the Detroit Riot.
Chicago (1968): Briefly instituted during the Democratic National Convention protests.
Baltimore (2015): Declared briefly following the death of Freddie Gray and subsequent riots.
Stay aware and share ? (Copy and paste this to social media if you still fight the good fight there)
How many events in history contained “concentration camps”? Is it happening again? Be ready..
FEMA Camps for American Dissidents
Everything on fema:
Here we go again… Moderna and mc cannibals team up to give you food for shots…
This was just announced the other day … fun fact for y’all. Did you know they have found Nano Technology in Coca Cola and Pepsi products ? That’s right… this makes alot of sense now. Glad I stopped drinking soda years ago. I will leave a link to the study about Coca Cola and Pepsi having nano tech in it in the comment section down below ? for those who wish to check it out for themselves. This nano tech is in many things we consume on a daily basis btw … which is why you must detox frequently ?
Oh yeah and I found this too:
Vaccine modifies the genes
Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed
Dr. Robert Young’s findings as to ingredient in the vaccines.
Disclosure Hub Content Map
Disclosure Hub FilmsVaccine Patch (Hydro Gel / Luciferase)
Everything on FEMADoctors on COVIDConstitutional LAW especially for Covid and Jabs:Vaccine Fraud ExposureTrump Q DatabaseAnti Lock Down and Protest DatabaseHuman trafficking and elite pedophilia evidence databaseGeorge Soros ExposureBill Gates Fraud ExposureJoe Biden exposureTony Fauci Fraud ExposureObama ExposureNew Word OrderRituals and Satanic CultsJFK Assassination ExposureExtraterrestrial DisclosureQuantum Human CapabilitiesALL 5G and Radiation9/11 DatabaseNEW ZOMBIE DATABASEFree EnergyCovid 19 Fraud ExposedGeneral Conspiracy DatabaseBig Tech Take OverCapital Rally TruthHealth and SurvivalFree EnergyProtests and RiotsThe Ukraine LieQuantame TechnologiesCloning and DroningMoney PoxWhere the Elites HideFight PropagandaOsama Bin Laden
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
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💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago