advertising : @XLightmoonXi
Fan Channel XLightmoonX ????
Last updated 2 months ago
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
????? @Aryaii66
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ???????? — ????????????
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ???? ? : ?????? ?????
★・── ? very strange case came up in court in May 1785. ?obber ?en, was charged with causing the death of a young girl through '?idnapping and ??olence'. How could a father do such a heinous thing to his daughter?
?hey would dedicate and pay full attention to the criminal case. ?hen surveying the crime scene, they pay attention to every detail. They always come up with new hypotheses, when interrogating suspects over and over again. Assumptions are our common enɇmy ・+。*・゚.
( ? :::: ) This is ?estoria speaking. ₩e have good news to announce, ?erraux.
For the first time, ?estoria is opening the gates for all roleplayers who have high ????????? character, quantity and quality, to compete in the selection.
If interested please read, understand and apply all ?estoria rules.
〈 ? 〉??? ???? ?????.
〈 ? 〉??? ????????.
〈 ? 〉??? ??????.
〈 ? 〉??? ???????.
⠀⠀⠀️⠀⠀?????? ?????
★☆ ──────────────────
?alo sobat kamauri ! ?engan kecepatan kilat dan koneksi cepat kami sedang membutuhkan ???? ????. ?ika sobat memiliki kecepatan kilat dan koneksi hebat dalam bekerja, silahkan untuk mengirimkan format di bawah dan pastikan anda membaca RULES DIVISI yang tertera, dan berikut format nya ::
`Hello, saya siap menjadi bagian dari Kamauri A Laise Team
?ilahkan kirimkan format pada @ASSTNKAMAURIBOT, kami memperbolehkan semua gender dan muse, tanpa wawancara tanpa task, mudah bukan? ?api ingat kami juga memiliki beberapa ????? dan ????????? yang harus dipatuhi dan digunakan ya
?ami hanya membutuhkan kalian yang memiliki kecepatan dan ketepatan dalam bekerja juga niat dan tanggung jawab yang hebat! ????????!
advertising : @XLightmoonXi
Fan Channel XLightmoonX ????
Last updated 2 months ago
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
????? @Aryaii66
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago