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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 months ago
*At that time,
the broken will be made perfect;
the bent will be made straight;
the empty will he filled;
the worn out will be renewed;
those having little will obtain much;
and those having much will be overcome.
The wise, embracing unity,
will become the world’s model.
Not striving,
they will become enlightened;
not asserting themselves,
they will become distinguished;
not boasting,
they will be praised;
not building up themselves,
they will endure.
Is the old saying, “The broken shall be restored a false hope?”
No! All will be restored
and return rejoicing! ఌ
— Lao Tzu* —
*People who were already prone to being an NPC are choosing to go INTO THE FULL NPC robot/cyborg sleeper timeline.
There is no "spirit" in that timeline and material reductionism is their god.
The v@x accelerated this timeline. You can grieve them. But it's a choice they made.
I'm seeing it so clearly. The mrna funneled some into the choice point of having zero connection to spirit. Sadly, these may have been your earth or birth family members. We did have a plan to help all that would listen but it CLEARLY SHOWS THAT EVERYONE MAKES CHOICES — and those choices are ultimately honored.
There's God's plan and people can deviate from it and become a full NPC if they choose. It's not a good choice in my opinion but at this juncture, it's been decided.
Even with a full "healing" they may choose to go with the suboptimal timeline which will SPLIT OFF from new earth and they learn more "lessons" through bad choices. Let them go with love. They can't hear you anymore. Disturbing and heartbreaking but it's the truth. How many times have you tried to reach them only to be rejected?
Redirect now. Take care of you own heart.
— By: Melissa Lyran ———*
The Return of the Ancient Ones
At the crossroads of humanity’s destiny, many prophecies have spoken about the ancient ones returning at the dawning of this next Golden Age.
These returning souls would carry a clear remembrance of their unique purpose within their spiritual DNA.
For these ancient ones, it is prophesied that their greatest initiation would be opening humanity’s heart to remember its divine origin.
Yes. Much has been spoken about you.
You are here to immaculately birth the return and reconciliation of the Divine Feminine Christ with the Divine Masculine Christ energies for the heart of humanity.
You are an ancient soul who has returned to fulfill the prophesies of your ancestors.
You are meant to fulfill the prophesies of this next Golden Age with the innumerable masters that have incarnated alongside you.
At this time, the world is filled with the light of many stars walking upon the Earth.
You are here to shine together as an invincible light that transforms all darkness, just as the prophecies said you would.
You have felt a deep calling to serve humanity from a young age, knowing that a treasure map of destiny lay within your Sacred Heart.
As children of prophecy, we have come from the One Source to walk as the Light of Sophia within, and for the One body of Christ in form.
— Kaia Ra / ‘The Sophia Code’
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 months ago