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Essay analysis Essays from ZIM 2016 Topics: 1. History Video Lesson sheets 2. Tourism Video Lesson sheets 3. Internet Video Lesson sheets 4. Crime Video Lesson sheets 5. Technology Video Lesson sheets 6. Government - road system Video Lesson…
Words from the essay
English: Thanks to technology, we can communicate instantly.
Uzbek: Texnologiya tufayli biz darhol muloqot qila olamiz.
English: The availability of fresh water is essential for life.
Uzbek: Toza suvning mavjudligi hayot uchun zarurdir.
English: Visiting a park is a perfect choice of recreation.
Uzbek: Bog‘ga tashrif buyurish dam olishning mukammal tanlovidir.
English: The store offers a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Uzbek: Do‘konda turli xil meva va sabzavotlar taklif etiladi.
English: This restaurant satisfies personal preferences with its diverse menu.
Uzbek: Bu restoran xilma-xil menyusi bilan shaxsiy afzalliklarni qondiradi.
English: She is in possession of valuable antiques.
Uzbek: U qimmatbaho antiqa buyumlarga ega.
English: Using a dishwasher can save a significant amount of time.
Uzbek: Idish yuvish mashinasidan foydalanish ko‘p vaqtni tejashi mumkin.
English: The demand for electric cars is much greater this year.
Uzbek: Bu yil elektr mashinalarga talab ancha katta.
English: This issue needs attention regarding both environmental and individual levels.
Uzbek: Bu muammo atrof-muhit va shaxsiy darajalar bo‘yicha e’tiborni talab qiladi.
English: The emission of harmful exhaust from vehicles pollutes the air.
Uzbek: Transport vositalaridan zarari chiqindilarni chiqarish havoni ifloslantiradi.
English: Plastic waste does grave harm to the environment.
Uzbek: Plastik chiqindilar atrof-muhitga jiddiy zarar yetkazadi.
English: Ignoring climate change could cost a legacy for future generations.
Uzbek: Iqlim o‘zgarishini e’tiborsiz qoldirish kelajak avlodlar uchun merosga qimmatga tushishi mumkin.
English: She insists on doing things her way.
Uzbek: U narsalarni o‘z uslubida bajarishga qattiq turib oladi.
English: He decided to purchase a new phone.
Uzbek: U yangi telefon sotib olishga qaror qildi.
English: If demand increases, property prices would certainly accelerate.
Uzbek: Agar talab oshsa, mulk narxlari albatta oshadi.
English: Owing to the growth in customer’s demand, the company expanded production.
Uzbek: Mijozlarning talabining o‘sishi tufayli kompaniya ishlab chiqarishni kengaytirdi.
English: Also of great concern is the lack of clean drinking water.
Uzbek: Shuningdek, katta tashvish tug‘diradigan narsa — toza ichimlik suvi yetishmasligi.
English: One major demerit of online shopping is the lack of physical inspection.
Uzbek: Internetda xarid qilishning asosiy kamchiliklaridan biri — buyumlarni ko‘zdan kechirishning imkonsizligi.
English: Education is of greater significance than ever in today’s world.
Uzbek: Bugungi dunyoda ta’lim katta ahamiyatga ega.
English: Electric vehicles are beneficial from both individual and environmental angles.
Uzbek: Elektr transport vositalari shaxsiy va ekologik jihatdan foydalidir.
Vaqt yetmayapti, birinchi nimadan kechay?
Ortga tortayotgan, dangasalashtirayotgan, procrastinationga sabab bo'layotganlar:
- oshna-og'aynilar;
- ortiqcha choyxona va "gap"lar;
- kino, musiqa va boshqa lag'v.
(lag'vdan tiyilib, kuniga 2-4 soat tejash m-m.)
Uyqudan (kechish emas) kamaytirish:
- balki 8 soat uyqu siz uchun ko'pdir;
(6 soat uxlash o'rganilsa, kuniga 2 soat tejaladi);
- yetarli va sifatli uxlash.
Shu tartibda qilib ko'ring-da, yana vaqt yetmasa, keyin boshqa foydasi kamroq narsalardan voz keching.
Looking for strong teachers with extensive knowledge? Then, you are highly recommended to join this course...
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