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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

1 month ago
1 month ago
Finally got it Thanks to the …

Finally got it Thanks to the Dude who sent this.

1 month ago

I’m not Muslim, but I think about Allah and Islam everyday

I come from a non-practicing Christian family. While they attend church occasionally, religion was never a significant part of my childhood, and I never fully subscribed to Christianity—or to any religion, for that matter. As a teenager, I was one of those who firmly believed that science held all the answers about our existence. However, I’ve since evolved; now I would consider myself agnostic.

Growing up, I had Muslim friends, and in my late teenage years, as one of them began to embrace her faith more deeply, we engaged in many discussions about Islam. After these conversations, I often walked away feeling a warmth I couldn’t quite explain.

When I went to university, I encountered even more Muslim peers and became increasingly interested in learning about Islam. One aspect I’ve always admired is the commitment Muslims have to their faith, which I don’t see as much in other religions. I find it beautiful how they share and promote their beliefs in a loving, non-preachy manner—something I feel is often missing in my experiences with Christianity.

A couple of years ago, during a troubling time in my life and after trying many conventional self-help routes, I decided to explore religion more seriously. I looked for the nearest mosque, hoping to learn about Islam. However, I didn’t do enough research before entering that mosque, and within minutes, I found myself reciting the Shahada, which felt overwhelming. The pressure to embrace Islam when I was still unfamiliar with its teachings made me anxious. I was told I needed to wear a hijab, change my name, and even that I shouldn’t listen to music. It was all too much, so I stepped back and avoided learning about Allah, which I now regret.

Recently, however, I’ve found myself drawn back into this exploration, starting with hijab tutorials on my YouTube feed. This gradually led to me discovering Muslim TikTok, where I’m learning not only about prayer but also about the small daily practices of Muslims. More importantly, I’ve engaged in scholarly discussions to deepen my understanding of Islam.

As someone who was once ignorant about these topics, I initially viewed the practice of covering up as oppressive. But I’ve come to understand that women are jewels, and Allah knows this. Just as we protect our precious belongings, why shouldn’t our bodies be treated the same way? Although my clothing isn’t revealing, I now grasp the reasoning behind Muslim modesty. Moreover, it’s important to note that men are also instructed to dress modestly in Islam.

While I used to disagree with the perceived patriarchal structure in Islam, I now see it as a way to foster communication and mutual respect within households. A woman on a podcast mentioned that if you find a holy man that Allah would want you to be with, he will encourage you to pursue your halal desires. It’s equally important that if you’re engaging in something haram, your partner’s role is to guide you closer to Allah. The same goes for men; they can’t simply do whatever they want. In the household, the woman is often seen as the head, and it’s the man’s responsibility to support her in being the best leader she can be by providing her with what she needs—emotionally, physically, and financially. This creates a supportive family unit, which I would have loved to have experienced in my own household growing up.

I’ve learned that in Islam, paradise lies at a mother’s feet, and women are to be cherished, protected, and loved. I also appreciate that Allah acknowledges the delicate and painful nature of women’s menstrual cycles, providing them with rest and instructing them not to pray or fast during this time. These aspects are often misrepresented in the media, but my respect for Islam has grown immensely as I’ve learned more. Every day, I engage with Islamic material, which enriches my life. When I have trouble sleeping, I listen to the Quran on Spotify. While studying, I play duas. And when I feel lonely at night, I talk to Allah, seeking His mercy and help to rest.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Elitism, naming people "Saints" and regarding education as useless is wrong, right?

I'm around 20 years old, I live in Islamabad, Pakistan.

I have a standard view of Islam in my life. Do good things, pray. stay away from bad things, gather knowledge, be capable, provide value to others, etc. Trying to apply religious knowledge on my actual life, rather than thinking it's something only to be followed when you're in the mosque.

I am by no means perfect, or even good, so I need some advice.

My uncle is regarded as some sort of 'Saint', named 'Peer' in Urdu. He says he has followers, and can see ghosts and devils etc. He sat me down today and gave me this long lecture that has me really disturbed. It was full of weird things, but I'll summarize into points.

  1. He told me his son will become some kind of huge Saint that will lead millions and that I am such useless garbage that I don't know anything about 'Walis' and that I will be a complete fool when his son takes over the whole country. He advised me to start acting like a Saint's cousin.

  2. Next thing he said was that he can foresee my younger cousins (4-8 years old) to also be some Saints, but his son will be the biggest Saint of them all and will lead a revolution. I was advised to again, start acting like a Saint's cousin.

  3. This was the most messed up one. He said that our blood is more pure as it's touched by the 'Light of the Saints' and that I should never marry outside our extended family (cousins etc) because other women are impure and have bad blood. He also said that a mother is vile and evil if she doesn't tell her kids to listen to this 'Peer and Wali' knowledge, specifically blaming my other aunt who wants her kid to study science.

  4. He said all other things in the world are useless and will give you no faith, and the only way to actually be a Muslim is to listen to 'Walis'. He discouraged reading the Quran, and instead said 'You won't get any value from reading it unless you know this culture'. He said education was useless and has no value in Islam.

Look, I'm a simple person. I'm no Saint, no Peer, no Wali. I just read the Quran with translation and watch Khutbahs on the internet and then apply that knowledge to my real life. I learned STEM, I like Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math etc. They have given me insight into the world, made me humble and even made my faith strong. They have given me abilities to think logically, to provide value to others. I will provide my view on what he said, and since I'm an ignorant fool, I shall seek some advice on them.

  1. His son is 17, he's lazy and has terrible grades with no clear focus on anything. He's disrespectful, insincere and hates responsibility. He wants to study Computer Science but his father keeps degrading him unless he 'acts like a Saint'. His father said some nonsense about 'There are devils on his shoulder, i can see them.' while the kid just wants his approval. He even gave up studies and went to a Madrassa, which I believe was his breaking point. He has seen his father yell at, abuse and hit his mother several times, and I think he knows in his heart that it is wrong.

  2. My younger cousins are too young, they are in school and their parents want them to get a good education. And they're capable too! Full of potential. And this weird crap scares me that they will be conditioned mentally to never ask questions, never understand anything, and just agree with whatever they are told.

  3. This is absolute nonsense, my uncle lost all credibility the moment he uttered these words. Stuff like this is gonna fill his two sons with arrogance and then ruin the life of many more people. How can he claim to be a Saint with this type of Elitism on his mind? It's like hiding your personal agenda and hate behind a banner of Islam, and then telling me I will go to Hell if I question it.

  4. The Prophet (PBUH) was a teacher, not a Saint or a Wali. How can we as Muslims provide any value to others if we don't educate ourselves? How can I save people if I don't study medicine? This is absolute nonsense to

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


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MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago