Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
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💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago
?A Glimpse into the Future: The Utopia of Internet Evolution and the Battle Against Bots.?
“Once, the Internet was filled with real people, sharing their thoughts and emotions. But in recent years, a significant portion of online activity has become the result of bot operations. Content generated by soulless algorithms aims to capture our attention, thoughts, and feelings to maximize profits through advertising and other monetization methods.”
Every day, an enormous amount of content is created on the Internet, generating reactions, growth metrics, and marketing effectiveness indicators. Increasingly, this content, created by bots, is directed at forming fake consumers for various products. Sometimes, it is used for political interference and societal manipulation.
The #bot problem has become one of the most significant threats on the modern Internet.
The reality is that the percentage of Internet users who are bots is steadily growing. In recent years, the proportion of real people on the Internet has reached a historic low. Malicious bots are spreading at an alarming rate, filling social networks with identical posts and profiles.
We have reached a tipping point where bots make up a larger percentage of the audience than real users. This distorts analytics, making it difficult to distinguish between real and fake traffic, leading to the collapse of platforms. Facebook is actively removing fake accounts, fighting against spam. Over the past two years, more than 15 billion such accounts have been deleted.
It is forecasted that by 2026, nearly 99% of Internet users will be created by artificial intelligence. Bots will take over social networks, whose business models are based on the number of ad impressions. Only those platforms that can adapt to new business models and technologies, ensuring protection against bots, will survive.
? Manco Capac Ecosystem: A New Evolutionary Turn.
However, the future does not necessarily have to be bleak. The influence of Web 3.0 is already beginning to change the world. #Elysium opens up the possibility of creating new ecosystems by verifying real people and urban leisure establishments, as well as accumulating their reputation across all cross-platform applications.
In this future, we will be able to create a space where everyone finds their place, harmoniously combining the best of the Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 worlds, where people and bots will coexist transparently, maintaining the security of personal data.
? TRANSLATE: Spanish,Russian and Arabian.
*⚙️ *Favorite Places.
Adding urban establishments to your favorite places allows you to save good experiences, providing numerous advantages. These include:
✔ Quick friends meet-ups' organization.
✔ Getting a taxi to your favorite places with one click.
✔ Ease in reserving a table, product, or service.
✔ Instant access to contact information.
✔ Receiving news about events at your favorite establishments.
By saving places to Favorites, you simplify your leisure time organization, combining planning comfort, quick information access, and efficient interaction with your saved places.
? TRANSLATE: Spanish, Russian and Arabian.
? Day #4.
*? Filming for our #Social platform #PeekTime.*
? The fourth and final day has come to an end. We are grateful for the time spent together, the new experiences gained, and the wonderful people we met who assisted us with the filming. Thank you, friends, and see you soon. ✨
? Sharing some behind-the-scenes moments with you! ?
? TRANSLATE: Spanish, Russian and Arabian.
#SocialNetwork #PeekTime
#SocialFi #Elysium
#Token #cryptocurrency $ELYS
#Ecosystem #MancoCapac
"The development roadmap of our products is a long journey through mistakes, failures, and the constant improvement of a team united by a common mission".
Past Steps:
1️⃣ PeekTime V.0.0. Update MVP.
Our journey began with a small but ambitious step: we launched a minimum viable product (MVP). This was the foundation upon which we started building our future.
*2️⃣ PeekTime V.0.1. Update Alpha.*
Version 0.1 showcased new features of #PeekTime for interacting with the city and integrating automated solutions, ensuring the best comfort in planning leisure activities.
This step strengthened our belief in the chosen path and our commitment to improvement.
#SocialNetwork #PeekTime
#SocialFi #Elysium
#token $ELYS
We have reached 400 readers on #X. Thank you, #community, for being with us.
In 2 months:
✔️ 72 posts.
✔️400 readers.
✔️86 verified readers (21.5%).
? We love setting goals and will do our best to close June with 150 verified readers.
We greatly appreciate your attention. Any reaction from you, whether a like or a repost, is a tremendous support and helps visualize our community to everyone else.
Thank you for being with us!
? Mission of #PeekTime.
We develop digital #technologies to enhance intellectual potential, stimulate creativity, and improve users' financial independence. Consequently, we prioritize the development of #human interests and tailor our technological and commercial offerings to meet these interests.
PeekTime's mission is to make each day of our users dynamic and eventful by:
✔️ Inspiring an active #lifestyle in the real world.
✔️ Helping with the development of personal interests.
✔️ Finding like-minded people.
✔️ Exploring vibrant places in the city.
? Our collective will must resist the manipulations of social networks. Do not automatically accept recommended videos; always make your own choices — this is our way of fighting for freedom and awareness in a world where technology strives to control our reality.
? يجب أن تقاوم إرادتنا الجماعية تلاعبات شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي. لا تقبل مقاطع الفيديو الموصى بها تلقائيًا؛ اتخذ دائمًا قراراتك الخاصة — هذه هي طريقتنا في النضال من أجل الحرية والوعي في عالم تسعى فيه التكنولوجيا إلى السيطرة على واقعنا.
? Наша коллективная воля должна противостоять манипуляциям социальных сетей. Не принимайте рекомендованное видео автоматически, всегда делайте выбор сами — это наш способ борьбы за свободу и осознанность в мире, где технологии стремятся управлять нашей реальностью.
? Nuestra voluntad colectiva debe resistir las manipulaciones de las redes sociales. No aceptes automáticamente los videos recomendados; siempre haz tus propias elecciones — esta es nuestra forma de luchar por la libertad y la consciencia en un mundo donde la tecnología busca controlar nuestra realidad.
??️?? #️⃣3️⃣.
? Why #PeekTime is Important for the Future of Social Networks?
The main problem lies in the business model of social networks. Their primary source of income is advertising, so it is vital for them to keep us in front of screens as long as possible to show more ads. These companies are not interested in change because their current model brings enormous profits. That is why we need strict regulations. We become more profitable for them when we spend hours staring at screens with ads instead of living our lives.
Companies use powerful AI to capture our attention and direct it to what they want us to see, instead of focusing on our interests, goals, and values. Their commercial interests infiltrate every aspect of our lives, affecting our children’s mental health, shaping our political views, and distorting public discourse. They do not take responsibility for the consequences of their actions and do not discuss these important issues with the public.
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago