Trump supporter

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

3 years, 7 months ago

The people love Trump.
(Today's President day rally in West Palm Beach)

?? @Nickadamsinusa

3 years, 8 months ago

?Breaking !!!?

Scott McKay Gives A Great Summary of the Cabal War! Things Are Happening Fast! - Must Video


Join us for more info

Scott McKay Gives A Great Summary of the Cabal War! Things Are Happening Fast! - Must Video

***?***Breaking !!!***?***
3 years, 8 months ago
Confirmed ***✔***

The United States is under the government of the armed forces!

You can see evidence of the situation in the convention archives.

3 years, 8 months ago
shall we \_?

shall we _?

? @Nickadamsinusa

3 years, 8 months ago

Patriot Anons, let’s take a trip down memory lane. It was just 5.5 years ago that Trump announced he was running for President. We did not know just how important that was as most of us were still stuck and lost in the evil and fraudulent reality we’ve come…

3 years, 8 months ago

Patriot Anons, let’s take a trip down memory lane. It was just 5.5 years ago that Trump announced he was running for President. We did not know just how important that was as most of us were still stuck and lost in the evil and fraudulent reality we’ve come to know as the Matrix. People have no clue just how close we were to the precipice of destruction should Hillary have been elected. The media, majority of our leaders, all our favorite celebrities, all our favorite athletes and Stars that we stupidly followed, activated and turned against him in an unrelenting fashion. Nobody but Trump could have survived that campaign, overcome the voter fraud, and beat the “most qualified (deep state) presidential candidate”. That was Miracle number one. On October 28, 2017 the anonymous poster now known as Q, a military intelligence team, went to the grungiest part of the Internet (4ch) and started to post of a plan to not only save America but to save the world. They spoke of getting rid of all evil and corruption world wide with only continuous statistical coincidences as proof of the validity of the plan. There were only a few hundred anons there that first night and over the course of a few weeks, after open source investigations by anons into answer questions posted by Q, anons started to piece together the truth about our reality. Information was packaged into memes, word spread, social media accounts began to disseminate this message. For 3.5 years we were spit on, called crazy, chastised, ostracized, fired from jobs, lost livelihoods, lost friends, lost loved ones, lost relationships, doxxed, threatened with our lives, belittled, battered, stalked, deleted and so much more, RELENTLESSLY by not only the media but our peers and neighbors. During all that our numbers of support grew to the hundreds of millions spanning over 100 countries across the world. Not only that but I personally, many people I woke up, and hundreds of thousands, if not more, of some of the most lost and wandering souls found God through the Great Awakening. That was miracle number 2. From the get go, Trump took all of what we got times 1000, directed right his entire family, himself, his businesses, his reputation, with nonsense Russian investigations, impeachment trials, 25th amendment threats, virtually zero support in Congress, nor the federal and local court systems. Even foreign countries, three letter agencies, and all 17 US intelligence agencies, plus Five Eyes, the UN, and the entire global media did everything in their power to stop and end Donald J Trump. Despite all of this, Trump’s support grew by the millions, as he secured peace in the Middle East, peace with NOKO/SOKO, set record stock market numbers over 100 times, stopped corporate corruption, arrested thousands upon thousands of hardened criminals, sex offenders, arrested and deported MS13 gangs and other violent illegal immigrants, prevented hundreds of thousands if not millions of dying from a chinese bioweapon, absorbed the federal reserve, and built a massive wall. Trump did more for America and humanity than the last 10 decades of US political leaders combined and he had MAX RESISTANCE the entire way. That is miracle number 3. Trump and Q team are not God nor Jesus, but their plan and their actions are undoubtedly, IMO, guided by Divine Providence. If all of the above is true, then the Best is SURELY yet to come. All these trials and tribulations we are going through, as they bring us to our knees we will learn to pray. In prayer and hope we will all find God. And only then we will come to realize that all this pain was just Blessings in disguise. Look where we have come from. Look where we are now. You MUST know: We were never alone. There is Another standing in the fire next to us and through Him we will all be guided down the lightened path to Freedom- as He intended. There is a reason we are here in the place and time we call “here and now”. There is a reason that despite everything, WE ARE STILL HERE. It’s a feeling that inside that just won’t go away.

? @nickadamsinusa

3 years, 8 months ago

Journalism: rigged game Social media: rigged game Stock market: rigged game Election: [CENSORED] But you better not complain too loudly, plebs, or Biden’s FBI men may come to arrest you ? @Nickadamsinusa

3 years, 8 months ago

Journalism: rigged game

Social media: rigged game

Stock market: rigged game

Election: [CENSORED]

But you better not complain too loudly, plebs, or Biden’s FBI men may come to arrest you

? @Nickadamsinusa

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago