The Community ⚔️👑⚔️

There's no time for any hate in this group 🙏🏽
We are simply here to create a new world 🌍
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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks ago

1 year, 9 months ago

Good Evening TC ??

After the HUGE success of the recent study, and the incredible amount of messages from people wanting to join (that missed the dates), we are now going to be running another, based on the tinctures we've cleverly crafted for healing the body and mind.

The tinctures crafted focus on helping people heal from many neuro-related conditions, and also from a wide range of physical conditions that participants may have been struggling with for decades...

The previous study group consisted of 110 participants. A core group managed to detail their daily findings and feelings throughout the month long trial until the end, however some forgot, or just didn't give any feedback at all.

The results collated from those that journalled totally blew my mind, ranging from those suffering with conditions such as fibro myalgia - changing their entire lives, to those sudfering with anxiety - being totally rid of it, to those of age (one 84 years young) - getting up out of bed after being bound to it for months on end...

There are too many incredible results to list here, however the prior study data will be available for you all to view within the next few weeks ?

We are therefore now looking for another group of which will be dedicated to bringing forth results just once daily, as we have now got the chance of being funded by major investors who are interested in seeing us succeed ???

If you or your friends, or family missed out on the previous study, however want to try something natural to target the baseline of the conditions present, then drop an email to [email protected] with HEALING as the title and you'll be more than welcome to participate within ??

For those that were involved previously, you are also more than welcome to participate again, and if you'd like to try a different tincture, then we will more than happily facilitate for you ?

We're doing so much to change the fate of many, so if you resonate with what we're about, then help us make a difference faster and get involved!

Bless up
Tommy ??

1 year, 11 months ago

On a separate note, we're still working away in the background busting our way out of the matrix a day at a time...

Get ready for some big news very soon in which you're all welcome to get involved.

A real Natural Health alternative is being created by Roots which is going to change EVERYTHING....

We're focusing on natural energy therapy, programs designed to give you the best mindset you could possibly get too, mixed with natural medicines picked from the forest, and machines created by tesla.

Get ready for some big moves, very very soon...

If you’re interested drop a heart ❤️

Bless up
Tommy ??

1 year, 11 months ago

Hi everybody, I trust you are all well.?

Once again i have been contacted by a fake Community channel.?‍♂

Remember we will never contact you personally, so if you get a message from them please block and delete. I don't know what they want but it won't be anything good that's for sure.

Hope you all have a good break, enjoy your long weekend.

Blessings from the team❤️?

1 year, 11 months ago

Hello you fine people of the community, I trust you are all enjoying a good start to the week.❤️

We are holding the Sanctuary healing retreat on Sunday the 9th of April at a beautiful countryside location lake side with amazing views. 10am start 4pm finish, and what a day we have planned.?

Not only are there inner healing mediations and spiritual development and card readings and a deliscious lunch but we are raising the bar when it comes to one to one healing.?

We will be using our very own super concentrated tinctures? tailored to individual needs, combined with Natural energy therapy and electromagnetic frequency healing with the use of the Rife machine. To bring the personal healing experience to a new level.

Tickets for the retreat are limited so book now to avoid disappointment. This is something unique and not to be missed.

To book or for further information please visit the website.

I hope to see you there. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Blessings to you all Matt❤️?

2 years ago

Good day to all under the banner of the Sun ?

I've recieved multiple messages this morning from people within The Community stating that someone has now made a fake profile of me with the same picture and is messaging them ?

Looks like I finally made it Maa ?

On a serious note though, TC will never message you directly, and neither will I advertising what we're doing or anything of the sort. Anything we do would only ever be posted in the channel or sent via email..

Bless up ??

2 years ago

Hello everybody,

When I first started doing the meditations for the community channel they were designed to be on mass, a collective experience to bring about change and to raise the vibrations of all participants and every other living being including the earth itself. Thought, words and intention are powerful things when practiced on mass and can change anything we set our minds to. You may not believe this, you may think they are just words, but your thoughts, words and intentions have created your entire reality, along with your life and everything in it up to this point.

Sunday's meditations used to attract 100/150 plus each week and the energy generated on mass was the reason I agreed to do them in the first place and even if nobody else knew what we could acheive I could feel it in a massive way.

Our meditations were live and intuitively bought to you from very skilled faciltators, not read from a book but from the heart and from years of experience. A rota was established by me so that the healing team could hold these meditations for you. That takes meetings and time to make sure we were always 6 to 8 weeks in advance. Then there were times when a person couldn't hold it on short notice so I or others would step in.

There were problems with telegram at the start and my equipment, so I purchased a special microphone a new laptop and even a phone so that I could host meditation wherever I was on a Sunday night.

I don't want a pat on the back or anything because what I do I choose to do all by myself, but when I saw some of the comments, I thought I should point out what myself and the team have being doing this for free for the last 12 months. To see the numbers dwindle to 8 is very disappointing, so Tom and I felt it was time to call it a day.

I have enjoyed this experience and have learnt a lot from it. I haven't taken it to heart, but I do feel the effort the team has put in has been taken for granted.

Thank you to all those who tuned in every week.

Blessings Matt❤️?

2 years ago

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

Unfortunately, the meditations on Sunday evenings will be coming to a halt for the foreseeable future.

Just eight people joined last night, nine the week previous and it's disheartening for the team involved to say the very least. The majority of people now only seem to be interested in the negativity in the world, of which is not our bag.

Our team have shown up constantly without fail to run these live mass guided meditations free of charge every week for nearly a year now. The numbers have completely faded into the abyss with less than ten people tuning in at a time..

It's just not worth the time taken planning the day around something that isn't being appreciated anymore, as the livestreams ended so shall these.

Tommy ??

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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks ago