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1 month, 1 week ago
**Who we are.**

Who we are.

*Day in, day out Active Club England tribes, trains, acts and lives for the renewal of our homeland and race. We are a group of like-minded physically, mentally, spiritually capable men who together form the collective intended to revive the warrior culture our nation is in exceedingly desperate requirement of.

Without a warrior culture there are no warriors, and without warriors there is no England.

If what you have read or heard interests you, and you are of European heritage over the age of 18. Message us.* @ACE_Contact@ActiveEngland

1 month, 1 week ago

Hail Norman! ⚡️⚡️

1 month, 1 week ago

With everything happening in England at the moment, do you now understand why the State has locked up National Action and Active club leaders.

A lot of people are afraid to join IRL organisations for fear of state reprisals, but in 99% of peacetime cases only leadership is targeted, the most the police will do is rock up at your house and tell mummy and daddy that you are a racist (they should already know this extensively and slam the door on the pigs).

Political forces can mobilise in these early stages from random, organic, decentralised forms. This is flexible and anti-fragile because they aren't reliant on leaders, merely lots of individual men of action.

But for these political actions to take shape and begin using the political instability take parts of state power it requires public speeches from powerful personalities.

These powerful personalities require cadres of hardened and loyal men to carry out the will of the leaders and then pass these orders down to the decentralised public, who in times of chaos look new hierarchies, leadership and aura/order.

The main problem with the "don't join groups" influencers is that they either don't have the most basic understanding of revolutionary history, or they do and are sabotaging our ability to go from chaos to our order.

In the absence of our order the enemy System can repair, mutate and replace puppets with new ones, Zelensky in Ukraine for example or Tommy Robbinstein on a smaller scale.

The old order does a brand change because the revolutionaries suffer from a combination of leaderless resistance and too many opposing smaller cadres and leaders with no clear hierarchy.

But as history continues to rhyme, in the early waves of revolution there are many future leaders paralysed by the State, in this time they develop a deeper understand, they recruit spritual forces from within them that makes them even stronger for the next wave.

It also allows a new generation of junior leaders to be born in battle, a new generation of men of action. Whose instincts force them into action and which action - through suffering, forces them to rise.

Sons of Europa listen to me when I say this, we win by being Loyal to each other.

The enemies system is an unholy alliance, a hodgepodge held in place by jewish money and media control. They will all betray each other at the drop of a hat, I have seen it. When it gets tough the politicians will all betray each other, the Police will all betray each other, the judges will all investigate each other.

Loyalty is what wins revolutions.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Consistency is one of the most important traits for anyone in the modern National Socialist movement

You can be the smartest or most well read, or the fittest or the strongest guy, but if you aren't consistent and don't apply yourself and dedicate yourself to the movement, then you are wasting your potential.

it is always better to be consistent and steady than to go over the top and subsequently burn out in six months. The struggle we are in is a marathon not a sprint.

1 month, 2 weeks ago
South Central Tennessee Active Club
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Stoic daily habits are practices that help individuals cultivate a Stoic mindset and live in accordance with Stoic principles. Here are some common Stoic daily habits:

  1. Morning Meditation: Starting the day with reflection, self-awareness, and setting intentions.

  2. Journaling: Writing down thoughts, gratitudes, and insights to process and reflect on experiences.

  3. Physical Training: Engaging in physical activity to build resilience and discipline.

  4. Reading and Study: Reading Stoic texts, philosophy, and history to deepen understanding and gain wisdom.

  5. Negative Visualization: Imagining oneself in difficult situations to prepare for challenges and cultivate inner strength.

  6. Gratitude Practice: Reflecting on the things you're thankful for each day.

  7. Self-Reflection: Regularly examining your thoughts, actions, and progress toward goals.

  8. Simple Living: Embracing simplicity and reducing desires for material possessions.

  9. Connecting with Nature: Spending time in nature to gain perspective and appreciate its beauty.

  10. Evening Review: Reflecting on the day's events, accomplishments, and areas for improvement.

Remember, the goal is to incorporate practices that resonate with you and help you grow as a person. Experiment and find what works best for your daily routine!

1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 4 weeks ago

“I teach you the Overman. Man is something that shall be overcome.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

2 months ago

Every single day we reinforce positive or negative behavior. Every single time you stuff something unhealthy in your mouth you make it harder not to the next time.

Every time you make the hard choice, the disciplined choice, you make it easier to make that choice the next time.

“I’m going to start lifting on Monday”

Well what if Monday is four days away? You’re going to continue choosing to not train for four days.

The only difference between a champion and a loser is the number of times you choose to do the hard thing.

From a parenting standpoint, a lot of people like to give in to their little ones. They think, there’s always time for them to buckle down later. This is insane to me. Why would you burden your children with years of reinforcing loser behavior, why would you wire their brains for weakness in hopes that you can correct it later.

Discipline from the cradle to the grave.

2 months ago


Living the adventurous lifestyle of our ancestors means you got to challenge yourself.
Try new things that you instinctively know will improve your life, despite it being hard, for your own good and for the betterment of your nation.

Heroism is not limited to extraordinary deeds. Daily small acts of courage, by challenging oneself to rise above the passivity of the mediocre masses, will make the extraordinary the new normal and it will raise the bar for others around you.

One day we will be a nation of heroes. 🇩🇰

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