PFP Esoteric Astrology

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5 months, 3 weeks ago

Bodies are in detox cycle sawyer this last full moon in Capricorn. The light body is feeling an energetic hangover final toxins being extracted. Symptoms will be:
-migraines (solar flares are contributing)
-hot/cold fluctuations
-lymphatic and sinus draining
-body aches

Pluto in opposition to Cancer the past 16 years we are bow coming into the first Leo cycle with an opposition to Pluto.

Leo rules the heart, the solar plexus and digestion. Aquarius being a part of the nervous system, tendons, and lower limbs. Transformation with: gut and brain connectivity.

Hydration is important and or muscle stretching, extra electrolytes, being in tune with our body and food will eliminate symptoms.With Saturn and Neptune both retrograde in Pisces, mysterious illnesses: candida, mold, and lymphatic drainage issues.

Self care and self love is a must externally, and more focused on the depths of the internal. Bravely charging forward... chopping all toxicity out of body with visions quest, , soul piece journeys collection.


6 months ago

Chiron goes retrograde at 23", July 27th, in Aries. Its coarse is to sit with this degree longer than it did at 19°, 20°, or 21° Aries. Meaning if you have Chiron a planet or angle at 23° (especially in Aries, Cancer, or Libra) then that planet will experience a more intense activation by Chiron while it is stationary at that degree.

As America has its Pluto dancing on the eve of Aquarius it also is having Chiron locking itself in the room with all of the people in that same room. That is going to cause quite the irritation after the debacle of Trunpets last act. Being in the same room with the door locked with Chiron, means the influence is inescapable and becomes more internal and personal, as we are directly experiencing its presence.

When a planet is retrograde, it is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit. A retrograde planet exerts a powerful experience compared to when it is in direct motion. We become more introspective with this time spent.

Taking a step back and reflecting, true innerstanding activates the cells.. During a retrograde period, we revisit past experiences with a more reflective perspective.

Use this time to reflect on any old wounds. Your own and the epigenetical trauma codes inherited. This is a time to get to the root and pull it out and fill in the hole with gold or silver. The universal wound needs you action of focusing on the self. For too long have we projected. It is necessary to go deep to innerstand that the wound is beyond anything personal and from the last people who have done harm.

The issue here's your identity. Who are you? Are we even human. Who and what are you? I am... Immanuel, Immiyana... we are now having to focus on what that means in sharing space with the other who is all up in our faces. Enough neglect it is time to face the mirror of the world and choose what our individual roles play. Not following the her or sheep off the cliff of those who govern humans with scarcity.

Feelings of hurt and insecurity. These we experience when someone doesn’t acknowledge us, or when you fail and feel you’ve let yourself or others down.

With Chiron in Aries, we question our sense of belonging, our actions, and the significance of our existence.
Why am I overlooked? Why do I feel so much self-doubt? Why does it hurt so much when someone dismisses me, criticizes me, or looks down on me? These are a few of the key existential questions highlighted during this transit.

Heightened being of identity has also contributed to a surge in face-related plastic surgeries, particularly facial fillers (as Aries rules the face), compared to other procedures like breast surgeries (which are associated with Cancer). The transgender movement as well is a big process of this wound of Chiron.

6 months ago

Medusa is defining the masculine as the ultimate enemy and must pay for the rape of the world and the humans who have been enslaved. Algol is exact conjunction with Uranus who will shock and aww humanity even further.

Mercury also be the trickster, so pay attention to details and red flags the media will shoot out into to distract the public.

With the trining of Jupiter, Pluto, and the Moon, we will see an ever growing enlightenment of the the moons rays, the ultimate mirror, bringing the source of betrayal against humanity to its knees. Expect some confusion with the sextile of Neptune who is also at the 29 degree, yet of Pisces. Neptune is unearthing and bringing exposure to the collective for it is ready to emerge and end its time of being mysterious, lying, betrayal to the universal conscious being displayed, so the original form of the Universe unfolds from the memories of the waters to the flesh. Groups of individuals will more than likely rise up and act against the machine with Mars in its favorable trine to the Moon and Pluto. Carrying the ending even further of what is out of alignment. Jupiter sextiling, Venus will make sure eyes will open in the material world, for Venus in Leo will make sure of the agenda to shine brightly over the current Political traitors.

These aspects will unfold over the next month, setting off various wars, endings, disagreements, that humanity will need to further decide if it will play along as a group to ensure we are all under the same umbrella. This could mean either the predatory class or the society of slaves will be under the thumb of Authority. #full #moon #capricon #authority

8 months, 1 week ago

Now that I have got your attention from a Biblical standpoint with the canonized text, tomorrow, we will look at another Biblical reference, which is the Book of Enoch. I know many would like to dispute whether or not we should consider this book canon, or even a valid source for deriving, confirming and/or elaborating on the canonized Biblical truths.

There have been many commentaries that have been written that give the pros and cons of doing so. As far as I am concerned, I have no need to either consider it or not "Scripture", but I do value it primarily because the authors of Scripture certainly did, and to a point of directly quoting from it, while they was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Plus, I have to take in effect everything I know about the certain books of the Bible that was not included with our canonized text. I myself truly feel and believe that there are dozen of text that should have been included and the book of Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees would be a few of them.

8 months, 1 week ago
PFP Esoteric Astrology
8 months, 1 week ago
PFP Esoteric Astrology
8 months, 1 week ago

I I : I I . The double I I is the signature of Twin Flames and signifies that the path of the Shendao Fire of the heart is beginning to resonate more closely with the vibrational rhythm of the Mingmen Fire. There is also a complementing and very closely intertwined aspect of the heart and kidneys in which the Mingmen Fire of the kidneys feeds and energizes the Shendao Fire of the heart. When both the flame of the heart and the
flame of the kidneys resonate with a similar frequency, a higher vibrational field is created. The depiction of double pathways shown by the double I I : I I represents one level of our Lower Twin Flames Within starting to come together and move into a much greater consciousness field.

If you are immersed in a fear-based reality, then the symbolism of the twin pathways of the number I I may
represent Twin Towers to you. There are many examples of Twin Towers all over earth, not just the Twin Towers that were leveled in New York City on September I I, 2001 . On a denser level of consciousness, the esoteric meaning of Twin Towers is connected to money through the financial establishment which controls peoples' daily lives through fear of a lack of monetary stability. Intense fear and see no way out of this dense
reality, the Twin Towers subconsciously remind them they are under the control of a system that seemingly offers no way out. The Twin Towers represent control, hopelessness and desperation.

If you are heart-based, or moving toward developing and working with your inner spiritual growth, then the twin I I 's will initially represent the Lower Twin Flames Within. This is the beginning inner spiritual initiation where the higher vibrations of the flame of the Mingmen Fire is communicating with the higher frequencies of the flame of the Shendao Fire. Although at this stage the two pathways represented by the side by side double I I configuration are separate and seem very distinct from each other, the pathways are beginning to merge together with a movement toward eventually emerging as one inner pathway. As one continues his or her inner plane work to quiet, align and expand the Inner Spiritual Higher Heart, the Inner Spiritual Higher Heart frequency starts to vibrate with a more intense and brighter light. This does not mean that a person will develop a more chaotic, cluttered and busy mind, but rather the inner flame and inner light will begin to evolve with a flow and glow that will signal the shift into a more open, accepting, harmonious and inclusive view toward life and toward others. This is the phase where you have an urgency to calm the mind and go inward to that inner heart space. With discipline and dedicated inner plane work, your consciousness will shift to a much finer frequency.Your constant sighting of the twin numbers I I : I I is signaling to you that you are being given an opportunity to begin your shift into a finer frequency reality, The initial understanding of the double I I : I I configuration is the recognition of an exoteric of the esoteric meaning of this puzzle.

8 months, 2 weeks ago
Age of Aquarius, the Age of …

Age of Aquarius, the Age of ‘Knowing’, i am there and the bones do not lie. Past astrologers see an Age, all 2150 years, belonging to Saturn. Current advanced astrologers, see Uranus, having discarded  Saturn and pinned the father of Saturn (Uranus) as the ruler for the first 1000 years of this epoch.

A predatory class, dominant and linear with Saturn, spewing a restrictive Saturnian control; Uranus, the planet of rebellion, revolution and unpredictability creating a mad max of revenge. Free thought, freebase technology and smashing the paradigm to make room for another repeated cycle.

8 months, 2 weeks ago

This!!!! Seen it before and this


8 months, 2 weeks ago

Necessity: physically oppressed tie of servitude to an inescapable power.

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