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We are going to post Shaykh Ahmad’s Gems of #Ramadan series on our FB page and also on twitter so we can prepare ourselves. I ask Allāh to make it beneficial and make us reach the Holy month in a good state of Imān.
Part 1 Shackle your Inclinations
Gems of Ramadan #1 Shackle Your Inclinations Shaykh Ahmad Jibril
One of the tasks online Da’wah involves is transcribing lectures in order to make it easier for people to study, spread, and translate knowledge and Da’wah. Alhamdulillah, over the years, and more frequently as of late, I and other brothers and sisters have had the honor of working on transcribing many lectures of Shaykh Ahmad Mūsā Jibrīl’s for release, and SubhānAllāh, one of the things it really emphasized for me was how astounding and amazing the Shaykh’s memory is, اللهم بارك له.
To give an example, when transcribing (or even sometimes just doing personal research on his lectures), one has to search the internet and find the Arabic version of the Hadīth or quote mentioned by the Shaykh to include it. It often happens that one scours the entire net trying to find the exact wording of the Hadīth used by the Shaykh, but it’s nowhere to be found. One finds Ahādīth with similar wording, but not exact word for word as the Shaykh spoke (perhaps a missing word/letter or an additional one). At moments like these, I begin to think, “perhaps the Shaykh forgot, or made a mistake” but SubhānAllāh, it is me who made the mistake. Always, after some extended time of research, I’ll find the version of the Hadīth the Shaykh quoted, perhaps from a less popular/available source, but word for word, not even a vowel out of place. Every time I assume he forgot or made a mistake, I stand corrected immediately. It’s gotten to the point that now, whenever I have difficulty in finding something he quoted word for word, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere, I just assume my research is lacking and the Shaykh is right, and this assumption of mines has always proven true thus far. Not just for Ahādīth, but even the quotes of ‘Ulamā’, etc.
In a conversation regarding seeking knowledge, the Shaykh mentioned in passing to a brother how much time he spends revising every day. I’m sure the Shaykh wouldn’t appreciate the exact amount being publicized, but all one can say is that it was staggering SubhānAllāh, but anyone who has to work to transcribe his work would not be surprised at all. Such memory is also a sign of Taqwa, as sins are what cause one to forget knowledge. نحسبه كذلك والله حسيبه
May Allāh Bless him in his knowledge and Da’wah and Accept it from him and Allow it to flourish until Qiyāmah. May Allāh never Deprive us of his presence and Ease his affairs. May Allāh Elevate and have mercy on the parents who raised such an ‘Ālim. آمين
I write this purely so that the Muslims can know and value the worth of the precious gem they have in their midst, and take full advantage of the knowledge that he has sacrificed his worldly comfort for, and that he continues to sacrifice for every day, in order to pass down and make available to us.
Shaykh Hamad ibn ‘Atīq (رحمه الله) said: ‘So Tawhīd is abandoning what the mushrikīn are upon from the worship of the Malā’ikah, the Prophets, the Awliyāa and the Sālihīn.’
? ibtāl at-Tandīd bi ikhtisār Sharh Kitāb at-Tawhīd page 38
Allāh Ta'āla said: You will not find any people who believe in Allāh and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allāh and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers.' [58:22]
Saīd Ibn ’Abd Al-’Azīz and others said: „This verse was revealed in the case of Abī ʿUbaydah ʿĀmr Ibn ʿAbdullāh Ibn al-Jarrāḥ when he killed his disbelieving father, during the battle of Badr.“
[Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr | 8/54]
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