Abby Wynne

A place where we can speak truth. Focusing on empowerment, mental, emotional and spiritual health. As above so below. God is here.

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4 weeks ago
If you’re interested in the astrology …

If you’re interested in the astrology for the week ahead Andrew has made this week’s post free. And it’s well worth watching.

4 weeks ago
**From Ang Stoic**

From Ang Stoic

Look, I’ve said this before—and I hammer it home every time I speak to my tribe—this year will be exponentially better than any in recent memory, perhaps maybe the best yet.

But it's going to require ditching a lot of pretences, which comes from fear of letting go of what little we know, which gets harder the older you are because you’ve got so much invested in the old architecture, the old system, the old hardware... the expertise and status you've attached to it.

Trust me, whoever you think you are, whatever you think you know will pale in comparison to what the next group's coming out with.

As you might see, a whole new software is rolling out. If you think you're not equipped to process it, you might be feeling a bit vulnerable, probably terrified, fearing exposure for the fraud that you might be. Bitter pill, but things are changing so fast that if you’re not ready to adapt, you could end up on the streets, marching with all the other banshees, screaming into the void as progress marches up ahead.

We don’t know exactly how this will unfold, but we do know the bullshit and accusations have to go. And you need to stop feeling ashamed for speaking the truth too: you might feel ill-equipped for what’s coming, but if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, for whatever’s demanded of you, the rest will naturally fall into alignment. #Faith

4 weeks, 1 day ago

From Megan Youngmee on Substack

My eldest son who is now 9 years old told me his life purpose when he was 4. I recorded it and transcribed it. He was sitting in our garden, got a serious look on his face and told me this.

"I’m learning the language of nature. It’s the language of love. For example. I listen to the plants and they tell me over and over. We need good soil. That’s why we compost. I’m going to learn the language of every plant and animal and people and share it so people can remember. You have to be quiet and hear it with your heart.

It’s the language of life. When I’m 15 I want to go to South Africa to learn the language of some of my favorite animals. I’m going to live five minutes away from our friends’ sanctuary.

Then I’m going to travel the earth and teach others how to remember.

When I was on Venus we all remembered that we were loving. There was no time or waiting. Just being here. It was calm and happy. There was no fussing or yelling or anger. We didn’t have to learn patience. Things all just happened and everyone knew.

I think I’m here to share that we are love. If I took the way we do things on Earth to Venus, people would also copy that and act in anger and fight. But I think I’m supposed to bring the love here so people can copy that. It’s a kinder, calmer way. Sometimes I forget. Because on earth we forget. But we do our best to remember. And it’s good to remember love.

We breathe into our heart. That helps. I have to go teach people about the language of living beings and love."

3 months, 2 weeks ago
Did you read the small print? …

Did you read the small print? ?

3 months, 2 weeks ago

It’s December!! Yay!

3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Abby Wynne
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Abby Wynne
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Abby Wynne
3 months, 4 weeks ago

From Peter Yakanowski in response to my video (on Facebook)

Abby, I like what you had to say, it makes sense. It seems key to be liberated by realising we rule and lead ourselves and that political administrators guide, manipulate or distract mainstream flow, and those who follow without question. I knew lots about politics, say 5 years ago, but one day suddenly realised it was a side show or a pantomime, so mostly let it go. Sure between the lines politician's and movements can also indicate the intent of corporate rule and hidden control systems

But like you say we rule ourselves and are capable of a lot more when we as individuals and collectives remember this. I aim to maintain the ability to discern well, to consciously think and communicate in a coherent way, also to trust my instincts and intuition. Because now so much is oversaturated with information, control, entertainment, the disconnect from nature, and from many being able to be grounded in the reality of our own power, that some have forgotten. So much so some are becoming more lost in their very own simulated reality, delusion or living in a denial insisting much is a passing trend, and nothing to be concerned about.

One of the concerns I have is that blatant psychological warfare is effective in herding many into the desired direction scripted by the very rich and powerful control systems. We can witness this in Orwell's book 1984 and right now so many people seem to be mirroring some of the stuff in the book. Or seem mentally unbalanced and their life can become a virtue signalling flag waving parade as they chase the next endorphin fix with the multitude of new popular trends. That are carefully scripted for many to follow. Obviously this is my opinion and I may be deluded trying to navigate this fast changing present and incoming future.

However right now there is breathing space for those on the edge of realising their power. This is why periodically there is an election to raise power, to wipe away the old and bring in the new, even if it is inevitably the same. Whenever there is a power surge there is a vacuum where we can tap into that surge and enhance our own power within. Or even step back and join the dots as the new lays out their intent, distractions or flag waving pantomime. As you say this has gone on for the last 100, 500, 1000 and two thousand years and if we look between the lies or lines of written history there is a pattern of how power ebbs and flows.

The ability to be coherent, create, and to think with true power to lead ourselves rather than to follow, I think is key to not get sucked into insanity. Well it is to me...

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