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Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago
This fits
23/11 aye.
I wonder if that fits 22/2 <> 22/12 as the next day.
Jan is 1 & 11 😁😘🎯
It will be ALOT of popcorn to swallow to be fair thankQ
On December 18th, 2017, Q Posted for the 370th time, where the Focus was on what had happened just a Few Days Earlier, December 7th, 2017... And then the Caption, 'Clock Started - 10 Days...' Q And what is the Date tomorrow? December 7th, 2024, which is…
Mary Magdalene Truth = 206
Manifest Mary Magdalene = 206
Mary Magdalene Justice = 206 (The Knights Templar)
Decode Mary Magdalene Hint = 206
Stairway to Heaven = 206 (the Kundalini Rising)
The Dark Knight Rises = 206
Christ Rapture Day = 206
Scary but Beautiful = 206
Love Your Children = 206
The Truth Hurts = 206
The Real Royal Family = 206
Are You Ready for It = 206
The Shocking Truth = 206
And Finally, the 8th and Final Song on the Album was King of the World, where the Song's Time was 5:01, or 51, which is RISE in Simple Gematria...
King of the World = 167 What else is 167?
Enjoy the Show = 167
Phoenix Rising = 167 (Kundalini, Mary Magdalene)
She is the Messiah = 167
Twenty Four = 167 (a Symbol for Alchemy, Kundalini)
Elvis Presley = 167
Escape the Matrix = 167
The Akashic Records = 167
John the Baptist = 167
Message in a Bottle = 167
Portal Activated = 167 (Pineal Gland Turned On)
Faithful and Loyal = 167
All Systems Go = 167
Love's Harmony = 167
Saturday Night = 167
Twin Pines Mall = 167
Eye of Providence = 167
Super Trump = 167
And the Final Line in the Song, King of the World...
'Is the King of the World, King of the World, as Far as I Know...' which = 532...
The One That Knoweth All Things Shall Provide For Thee
= 532
Now, Take a Deep Breath in and Allow it to All Sink Within you, and then Exhale Deeply, as you have just gone on a Major Journey...
Love, CF
On December 18th, 2017, Q Posted for the 370th time, where the Focus was on what had happened just a Few Days Earlier, December 7th, 2017...
And then the Caption, 'Clock Started - 10 Days...' Q
And what is the Date tomorrow? December 7th, 2024, which is EXACTLY SEVEN YEARS from this COMM...
Seven completes all Natural Scales, and so it does for the Q Deltas; thus, this Q Post, 370, pertains to tomorrow, and today, Trump Post the Image to the Right, where he is Seated in the Bottom Right hand Corner, completing the SYMBOL for the Divine Feminine (22 - MAGA) with his Hands, as his Head is turned UP and to the RIGHT...
Now, with the GOLD Watches, it's a Countdown, a Countdown to Ecstasy, as the Bottom Left Hand Corner Watch is 2 Ticks short of the 10:10 Position (11 is the Master Number, Symbolizing God), while the Top Left Hand Corner Watch is merely 1 Tick Short of 10:10, and then the 3rd and Final Watch, UP and to the RIGHT, is BANG ON, 10:10, with the 3rd Hand Right at 12...
Now, the Significance of this Q Post being #370, well, what is the 37th Letter of the Alphabet? It is the 2nd Letter 'K', which is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet; thus, 37 in Code, means 11:11, which Symbolizes God at Home, Right between our Two Temples, or Two Towers!
In other words, God's Moment to Shine is Fast Approaching...
3, 2,'s a Countdown to Ecstasy, which is the title of Steely Dan's 2nd Album, where the 1st Song on the Album was (1) Bodhisattva (which represents Yeshua, Muhammed, Buddha, Krishna and Zoroaster), with a running time of 5:18, and the Final Song on the Album was (10) King of the World, which represents that Last Man Standing, He who is in ALIGNMENT to the Single EYE of God, just like 'Jesus Christ' and has a running time of 5:01...
So, that 5:18 and 5:01, which combined is 10 minutes and 19 Seconds, or 10:19, or 119, Mary Magdalene = 119, and now look back at the Photo of Donald Trump, wearing a RED TIE (Sixty One in Simple Gematria), with his Hands creating the Symbol for the Sacred Feminine Womb; a Symbol that represents Mary Magdalene, and Her Mighty Bloodline thru Christ Yeshua...
What is the Gematria for Bodhisattva? 121...where the Letter A is the 1st Letter of the Alphabet and the Letter U is the 21st Letter, thus, AU or Gold...
Three Seven = 121 (as in 37 or Q Post 370)
God Almighty = 121
Sun Tzu = 121 (as in The Art of War)
Two Eleven = 121 (as in 37, or 11:11)
Revelation = 121
Tiffany Blue = 121
Second Coming = 121
Sky Event = 121
Seven Three = 121 (as in this Album, Countdown to Ecstasy was released in '73 or 1973)
Pretzels = 121 (as in the NEXT Steely Dan Album after Countdown to Ecstasy was PRETZEL Logic)
Phoenix = 121 (as in Kundalini Rising and Born Again)
Don Trump = 121
Seven Seals = 121
Top Secret = 121
Your Gift = 121
White Light = 121
Perception = 121
The Sacred Fire = 121
Pepe the Frog = 121
Apocalyptic = 121
Come and Take It = 121
A Gift From God = 121
What is the Opening Line of the Song, Bodhisattva?
'Bodhisattva, would you take me by the hand?'
Which = 399 in Simple Gematria...
One Hundred Forty Four Thousand Elect = 399
The Creator Trump Has a Message for You = 399
Beginners Guide To Reading The Akashic Records = 399
Here to Help You Find Your Frequency = 399
Info Release: Yeshua & Mary Magdalene are Alive = 399
The Lord Is My Shepherd I Shall Not Want = 399
She Touched the Hem of His Garment & was Saved 399
The Serpent Claimed to be God in the Garden of Eden = 399
The Scarlet Beast Of Revelation Thirteen = 399
And the Last Words in the Song Bodhisattva, after saying Bodhisattva Eight times in a Row, were...
Look Out, which is 109 in Simple Gematria, or 19, which Symbolizes Surrender to God, which is Precisely what All of the Bodhisattva's Taught us to do...and where the word, SEVENTEEN = 109...
The Seventh Song on the Album was, Pearl of the Quarter, which is an Allegory of Mary Magdalene and Her Healing Powers, tending to All those who were in Need in the Poorer Quarters...
Pearl of the Quarter = 206 (or 26, God, Heal) and the Following...
Apologies if I'm being a bad host. Lol.
I've been upto NO Good. ??
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Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago