
Just a devotee, running this channel as an expression of my gratitude and love towards that ultimate reality [referred to as "Him", "Lord", "You"] - the source and support of all that exists. Every post made here, relates to my direct experiences. 💕
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

Pleasure is just pain in disguise. A true devotee leaves both pleasure and pain behind to seek Him.


2 months, 2 weeks ago

Just like how you offer the ripe fruits and fresh flowers to the Lord, similarly dedicate the youthful years of your life as well to Him - in His memory, devotion and meditation, to see the shower of His abundant Grace!


3 months ago

Desiring anything other than God creates samsara and suffering.


4 months ago

The Flame of Devotion that has been lit in your heart, is one of the greatest gifts from God. Don't let the mundane worldly winds blow it off. Protect it at all costs!


5 months, 3 weeks ago

If you really have devotion towards your Lord and know that He governs everything that happens and will do only what's good for you, then there's absolutely no reason for you to be worried, scared or concerned about anything, even in the slightest.


6 months, 2 weeks ago

When a devotee thinks of you, O Lord, at the moment, you're also thinking of him. But when a devotee forgets your thought, O Lord, even at that moment, you're thinking of him. You always take care of all your devotees, no matter what. Your grace and love truly knows no bounds!


8 months ago

Call upon Him by chanting His name with deep yearning and clap your hands while doing it. The birds of sins will fly away from the tree of your body and you'll experience something very beautiful and profound.


8 months, 1 week ago

There are actually no coincidences in life. It's just His way of remaining hidden from our sight. Not even a speck moves without His will.


8 months, 4 weeks ago

All the power of the Lord truly resides in His name. "Name" and the "one who has that name", are one and the same. So if a devotee holds onto the Lord's name [and chants it repeatedly], he's literally holding Him only. ?


9 months, 1 week ago

The trials and tribulations in a devotee's life are actually His Grace! They are not meant to demotivate or sadden us, but to awaken us to truth and our real glory. One must therefore, bear them [and learn from them] with patience and faith.


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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago