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? We would like to invite the revolutionary youth of all around the World to participate in the 1sr World Youth Conference. Here we are sharing the invitation of Retomada Aty Jovem (RAJ).
Since 2012 the Guarani and Kaiowa youth is discussing and organizing themselves, mainly within the Aty Guasu, the great assembly of the Guarani and Kaiowa people. In 2016, we officially emerge as RAJ, Retomada Aty Jovem, that unites young leaders, warriors, women, artists and yvyrai’ja – shaman apprentices of our people to struggle for the recovery of our ancestral territories and knowledge. We walk side by side with our ancestors, rising up against slave work in sugar cane fields, growing in small camps near the road, expelled from our land and murdered by extractivism. Through RAJ, we organize as grassroots councils to take our lives back and decolonize our conscience in struggle!
To help comrades like these participate, contribute to our solidarity fund:
YPG: The Kobanê resistance makes us more determined to defend the Rojava revolution "On this important and meaningful day, which marks the first of November, International Kobanê Day, we are proud of the heroes who made the Kobani resistance known to the world, their dedication and their sacrifices, with all reverence and respect. We remember our comrades Arin Mirkan, Revan, Gelhat, Paramaz Kazalbas and Herdem, and the resistance fighters of redemption in the Sarzori school. We are grateful to those people who have become a ring of defense around Kobani with their hard work and heroic resistance.They united with the freedom fighters and brought down the dark reactionary mentality of ISIS.
ISIS, which has become a major threat to humanity in this century in which we live, with the support of international and local forces, especially the occupying Turkish state, through unspeakable atrocities, massacres and genocide, wanted to destroy the hopes, dreams and beauty of human life.
The victory was achieved as a result of the 134-day resistance led by our forces YPJ and YPG in Kobanê against ISIS nine years ago, which no one dared to fight, like the reality of people who do not accept injustice, oppression, subjugation, slavery and captivity and want to be free. This resistance entered the pages of history. Humanity, which witnessed the resistance of the YPG and YPJ, stood alongside the freedom and honor fighters against the reactionary mentality of ISIS. By uniting the peoples and standing with Kobanê, it was not the city alone to be liberated. Rather, humanity revived its hope for life again, and light triumphed over darkness. Kobane became a graveyard for the dark mentality of ISIS and the last stone was placed on his grave in Baghouz.
Today, the occupying Turkish state, the government of the AKP-MHP, represents ISIS, it uses and employs all its capabilities to liquidate and overthrow the Rojava revolution, which is considered the common heritage of humanity. Although the ISIS threat is not finished yet, the attacks by the Turkish state pose a danger not only to our region, but also to the world. The international forces remained silent in the face of the brutal attacks by the Turkish state because of their interests.
Before ISIS rises again, humanity must stand, which declared a general call and stood with Kobanê before 9 years ago for the sake of human values. This time it is necessary to embrace the Rojava Revolution, which is its own legacy, and show a stance against the dark mentality of the Turkish state. We, as the YPG and the YPJ on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Kobanê we repeat our promise to our martyrs and our people to protect the Rojava Revolution against all kinds of attacks of fascism and backwardness and to preserve the gains of the Rojava Revolution."
Heval Abbas - Duran Kalkan:Our approach is not like that. We have no interest in profit. In the war fronts, we became friends and neighbors with the Palestinian people. Our movement has mostly supported the Palestinian resistance, the Kurds have become supporters. They also supported us a lot. We will forever defend the rightful cause of the Palestinian people. They say there is a massacre in Gaza, let there be no massacre. They say that they act in the name of the Palestinian people, how much they represent this people, how much they think of the people's interests or they are the successors of some other interests; these should be seen and understood well.
Israel does everything against civilians. This is part of the Third World War that has been going on in the Middle East for nearly 30 years. The solution is Leader Apo's national line and democratic confederalism. Leader Apo has already announced the project that will solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem. He said it himself. We are in favor of this. This is our position. We are against such concepts and ideologies that collide with religion and nationalism. They make the Palestinian people a victim of their interests through politics. We are against this war for profit. Jewish democrats and socialists also criticize Netanyahu's administration in this way.
We also support their struggle, the rightful cause of the Palestinian people. The people of Palestine and the Jewish people of Israel, their workers, should not have two separate nation states and the poison of religiosity and nationalism, but on the line of nation and democratic confederalism, they should have anticipated living together, and should have adopted a basis, understanding and policy. If it flourished like this, the conflict would be prevented.
Reality of turkish fascism:In Amed today a collaborator who worked as a village guard was killed by his own son.The collaborator, named Selahattin Umay, was the head of the Village Guards Association in his village and used violence against his wife.
When he repeatedly attacked his wife and wounded her with a stabbing weapon, the 13-year-old son took his uncle's gun, who was also a village guard, and shot his father to protect his mother.
The father succumbed to his injuries in hospital, the mother is receiving medical treatment and the son has been arrested.
Pensei muito se publicava sobre, mas acho importante contribuir ao debate, se vale de algo. Há muita gente taxando 2013 como o início do crescimento fascista na sociedade brasileira...acho que há um grande equívoco em tal análise.Das Jornadas de Junho à Rojava:Nas jornadas de junho, foi o primeiro momento em que senti a euforia de uma mobilização popular e o sentimento comum de exaustão e revolta. Foi quando senti a necessidade de compreender o porquê de tanta gente (especialmente juventude) estar indignada, mas não a um nível superficial. Queria compreender a raiz do problema. Foi então no segundo dia de manifestação que experimentei o efeito de gás pimenta pela primeira vez e vi pessoas feridas por balas de borracha nada comparado a atuação covarde da pm fascista de SP no mesmo dia. Não compreendia porque estávamos sendo atacados pela polícia, mas acreditava que uma solução pacífica e uma resposta não violenta era possível.
Em alguns estados, os Black Blocs já estavam sendo utilizados como forma de defesa contra a polícia e a repressão. Decidi estudar sobre o que isto se tratava e sobre a ideologia de quem os formava. Há quem não acredite mas eu nunca quebrei uma vidraça admito, me arrependo disto –, a primeira pedra que atirei contra a polícia foi só em 2017. Sempre defendi a ideia de nos defendermos, porém não atacarmos…com o tempo, compreendi que o ataque também é uma forma de defesa.
Se hoje eu tive a oportunidade e decidi vir a Rojava e me juntar a Revolução de mulheres do Século 21 foi porque enquanto um jovem de 15 anos em 2013 eu conheci o sentido da luta, de auto-defesa e da realidade do estado da modernidade capitalista – assim como as máscaras da social democracia. Tratar as jornadas de Junho como o ovo da serpente fascista é ignorar a conjuntura a qual a social democracia, a conciliação com a elite e o apaziguamento da classe trabalhadora criou sob a sociedade brasileira daquele período.
? Leia agora o texto completo
Das Jornadas de Junho à Rojava
Nas jornadas de junho, foi o primeiro momento em que senti a euforia de uma mobilização popular e o sentimento comum de exaustão e revolta. Foi quando senti a necessidade de compreender o porquê d
Tudo indica para a reeleição do traste fascista e seu mandato formato até 2028 - ele já anunciou que a partir das próximas eleições, não haverá segundo turno, deixando claro suas intenções de manter-se no governo até sua morte.
O que isso significa para a Revolução no Curdistão?Erdogan e seu regime formado pela coligação do seu partido AKP (populismo islâmico e nacionalista) com o MHP (partido historicamente fascista) irá continuar aprofundando suas garras nas instituições do estado e controlando o parlamento com uma maioria...As forças armadas, serviços de inteligência e o judiciário já estão aparelhados pelo AKP-MHP há anos...uma saída legalista para a atual conjuntura é basicamente impossível. Ao mesmo tempo, desde 2015 os ataques contra o movimento revolucionário somente se intensificaram e há de piorar...muito provavelmente a Turquia irá lançar uma nova invasão aqui em Rojava, além de colocar pressão em Mexmur e Shengal, aumentar os ataques nas montanhas livres e silenciar qualquer oposição na Turquia. Mais do que nunca, o momento exige dedicação e sacrificio.
Um momento crítico para a Revolução no Curdistão
No ano em que o tratado de Lousanne (1923) - tratado o qual dividiu o Curdistão em 4 partes entre Turquia, Iraque, Síria e Irã - completa seus 100 anos, o momento é crítico. A luta revolucionári
Patriot Front member facing 30 years for child porn chargesA member of a white nationalist group Patriot Front is facing up to 30 years behind bars after pleading guilty to child porn charges. Utah native Jared M. Boyce, 28, was one of 31 members of the extremist group arrested last year after they were found in the rear of a U-Haul van, planning to disrupt and intimidate an LGBTQ pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
A month after his arrest, the FBI searched Boyce’s phone and found images of children performing sex acts, according to court documents obtained by Fox13. Boyce admitted to possessing the images and to sending a photo of his genitals to a 16-year-old girl, according to the court documents.
? SDF - Anti-terror Operation:Within the framework of joint security operations against the terrorist organization ISIS and its cells in the region, our Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT) of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with the participation of the Anti-Terrorism Service in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, implemented CTG with the support of the International Coalition Forces;
On Friday, May 26, a security operation took place in the village of Al-Bonitel in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Our units were able to monitor and arrest a member of the terrorist organization ISIS, who was working to facilitate and support terrorist cells in the region in terms of supplying and smuggling weapons. Our units also seized several weapons and military equipment that he had in his possession, as follows:
- 1 Pistol
- 1 Kalashnikov
- 11 Kalashnikov magazines
- 4 smart phones (mobile phones)
▪️Intellegence Officer killed in an ambush! A unit of NPA-Legazpi ambushed and killed P/SSgt. Abel Sevilla at Sityo Agna, Homapon, Legazpi City at 6:20 am today, April 5. A 9 mm pistol was seized from him.
▪️A unit of the NPA-Rizal clashed with the combined forces of the 2nd Infantry Division and 7th IBPA in Brgy. Mascap on April 1, 5:00 pm. Two were reported dead among the fascist forces while there were no casualties among the NPA.
▪️RJPC-NPA carried out active defense against troops of the 79th Infantry Battalion at Sitio Seraje, Brgy. San Isidro, Toboso, Negros Occidental, 4PM on Thursday, April 6. Two soldiers were confirmed killed in action, others were wounded.
▪️1 Military Asset killed along with 2 others wounded! Dalanon was killed while Quilantang and Masamoc were wounded after fighting back during an NPA team carried out arrest and confiscation of their firearms.
▪️Military Spy killed by the NPA! LPC-NPA carries out partisan operation to punish Military Spy Jorge Javier of Sityo Guibawan, Brgy. Bucalan, Canlaon City, Negros Oriental, at 3:30 p.m., April 16.
▪️Military Spy and a Rapist sentenced to death! Joven Pasinabo and Nene Tobias were killed after a team of LPC-AGC-NPA sentenced them to death for their crimes against the masses
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