Words Unfolded.

I hope to make Arabic poetry accessible to a wider audience & to share the beauty of this language. My translations aim to capture the essence & meaning of the original verses, rather than a word-for-word translation.
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In The Name Of God

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1 year, 2 months ago

إِذا هَمَّ أَلَقَى بَيْنَ عَيْنَيْه عَزْمَهُ
ونَكَّبَ عن ذِكْر العَواقبَ جانِبا
ولم يَسْتَشِرْ في رَأْيِهِ غَيْرَ نَفْسِهِ
ولم يَرْضَ إِلا قائِمَ السَّيْفِ صاحِبا

When his purpose takes shape in his mind's eye,
And he chose not to speak of the ensuing aftermath,
And he sought counsel from none but his own thoughts,
And no action brought contentment, save for holding his sword.

Words Unfolded.

1 year, 2 months ago

Beware Of Me 

By Chisom Benedicta

I am a house of warring beings,
No love is lost nor lurks around.
Battered like a bird with broken wings,
I go grinding aimlessly on the ground.

It's continuous deaths trying to know them all.
They trivialize my strengths and aggravate my flaws.
I shatter before I get a chance to chatter.
Left a frazzled fighter, if I must flatter.

Their clamors are unending,
Causing explosions upstairs.
Like a queen who dreads her dynasty,
Perhaps, I gave them much liberty. 
I'm Offered stabs as a banquet of honor,
Emptiness envelops me with horror.

The ones I can't face,
The foes I fear,
Are within.

1 year, 2 months ago

حفظ الله جميع امهات المسلمين وغفر لهم

1 year, 4 months ago


A million faces flash before me
While the drunk eyes rest on the silver screen
A strange allure , like moths to fire ,
Likewise , I am drawn to unnamed horizons
That rises above all pretenses-
and sets me free .
Hurry ! Take me now
or the World will drag me -
Down to human nicities - My personal hell
Oh! The torments of a false smile .
It cuts into my face with each passing day .
Light me on fire now , and set me free.
As free as the charred moth - that lies by the candle.

- Afsan

( Taken from my old diary. I don't remember when I wrote it or why I wrote it in the first place . But all the pages that followed were empty . As empty as life can be )

1 year, 4 months ago

هب أنني طفتُ السماء مُحلقاّ
وبنيتُ قصراً في الفضاء وخندقا
أو أنني أصبحتُ أول حاكمٍ
بلغ الأعالي دون خوفٍ وارتقى
ورُزِقتُ خيراتِ الكواكب كلها
وملكتُ جيشاً كالنجوم وفيلقا
أيفيدُ هذا حين أول سكرةٍ
عند المماتِ بدون زادٍ أو تُقى؟
كلا فلن تجدي الممالك والدُنا
إلا الذي قدمتهُ قبل اللِقا
واعلم بأن العيش فانٍ إنما
سيفوزُ من باللهِ كان مُعلَّقا

If I were to rise through the endless skies,
And construct a palace amongst the stars up high,
Perhaps I claimed a throne as the strong ruler,
Pursuing heights unafraid, ascending further and further,
Endowed with the blessings of all planets above,
And commanding an army as vast as the stars,
But when the first true agony would grip my soul?
At death, with no provisions, no faith, and peity,
Then know that the kingdoms and this Dunya will fade,
Except what's presented before the Lord, the ultimate trade,
Remember, life os fleeting, transient as it goes,
To win truly, be attached to Allāh in all your ways.

معروف الرصافي
Words Unfolded.

1 year, 4 months ago

مازال سهم الأمس في القلب يندسُ
والجرح في أضلعي أطويه يا قدسُ
أمضي على وجل والذل يثقلني
لكنني أبدا ما غالني يأسُ
أي الجرائم في محرابك ارتكبت؟؟
ودنس الأرض من أهوى به الرجسُ
خطيئتي أنني يا قدس من زمن
أغراني المال والأوهام والكأسُ
فبعت ميراث آبائي بلا ثمن
أهان ما بعته هل هانت النفسُ؟؟
وسرت أحمل أوزاري على كتفي
لا الدار تفتح لي بابا ولا الرمسُ
وزورقي في بحار التيه مرتجف
وليس من شاطئ هل يا ترى يرسو؟؟
لقد أفقت وبي للثأر دمدمة
على صداها أفاق العزم والبأسُ
وليس غير دماء القلب أبذلها
لتغسل العار عن جنبيك يا قدسُ
قد آن لليل أن تطوي غلائله
وفوق خضر الروابي تشرق الشمسُ

The arrows of yesterday's pain still lasts in my heart,
And the wound in my entire existence, I hide, O my Qudus,
I walk on a path of pain, burdened by indignity,
But I could never surrender to despair, and how can I !!
Knowing the crimes that's committed in your sanctuary?
Knowing that they defiled your land with the filth of their being?
My sin, O my Qudus, is that from the beginning,
I was tempted by wealth, illusions, and brief pleasures,
So, I sold my forefathers' grand legacy, worth nothing,
Did I demean what I sold? Or was it my soul belittled?
I carried the weight of my sorrows, treading along my path,
Neither the home nor the door greeted me with welcome.
And my vessel quivers upon the waves of wanderlust,
But will it ever encounter a shore to secure its moorings?
I am all awake, and within me, lies a thunder of revenge,
In its traces, determination and resilience awakens,
And I offer nothing but the lifeblood from my very core,
To purify your noble existence, O my beloved Qudus,
The time has come for the night to fold its woes,
So that above the green beautiful meadows, the sun rises.

Words Unfolded.

1 year, 6 months ago

أكرم بخلق نبيٍّ زانه خلُقٌ
بالحسن مشتَملٍ بالبِشْرِ مُتَّسِم

How noble was the character of the prophet ﷺ, adorned with excellence of character that encompassed beauty and was marked with a joyful countenance.

Words Unfolded.

1 year, 6 months ago

أتاكَ الوَردُ مَحبُوباً مَصُوناً،
كمَعشوقٍ تكَنّفَهُ الصّدودُ
كأنّ بوَجهِهِ، لمّا تَوافَتْ
نجُومٌ في مَطالِعِها سُعُودٌ
بَياضٌ في جَوانِبِهِ احمِرارٌ،
كما احمرّتْ من الخجلِ الخدودُ

The pretty rose came closer, beloved and guarded,
Like a mysterious distant lover, kept in hiding.
As though the stars had assembled in their orbits,
To sparkle on its face with exquisite radiance,
Gentle hues on its petals with a touch of red,
Just like the look of cheeks blushed with shyness.

إبن المعتز
Words unfolded.

1 year, 6 months ago

يُساءُ فهمُك بين الناسِ أحيانا
فيخلقون لك الأوصافَ ألوانا
فقد تكونُ ملاكاً عندَ بعضِهِمُ
وقد تكونُ بعينِ البعضِ شيطانا
طبائعُ الناسِ شتَّى وهي أمزجةٌ
ولن تُطيقَ لها بالفهمِ إمكانا
فلا يغرُّكَ مدحٌ لو أتوكَ به
ولا يضرُّك ذمٌّ كيفما كانا
لا يعرفُ النفسَ شخصٌ مثلُ صاحبِها
فكُنْ لنفسِك في التقييمِ ميزانا..

Sometimes people fail to grasp you well,
So they portray you with shades of their own views,
An angelic presence in the eyes of some,
While others deem you a creature of darkness,
Human nature and moods are varied,
Beyond your grasp to fully comprehend,
Don't be fooled by applause if they come to you,
No slander can wound you, no matter their might,
The soul is only understood by its owner best,
Stay true to yourself on the scales of life, friend mine.

مصعب عبد الوهاب أحمد
Words Unfolded.

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In The Name Of God

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