Dieser Kanal zeigt Informationen und Analysen von Dr. Stefan Homburg, Professor für öffentliche Finanzen an der Leibniz Universität Hannover im Ruhestand. Unabhängiger Kanal, frei von politischer Einflussnahme.
Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago
We take, ETH, USDT, USDC payments, we DONT ask you to sign anything or connect your wallet!! All payments are taken through the bot and have no manual intervention at all, its all built to be automatic and stress free for the user, once payment is made and the bot confirms the the correct payment amount access is granted immediately
Our Portal Bot doubles as a payment bot, the way this works is a user selects a subscription of their choice, Hedex will supply an ERC-20 wallet address, from there the user sends the required amount to the wallet and inputs the transaction hash into the bot when prompted. Hedex will then scan the transaction and as long as the amount sent matches the amount of their subscription, Hedex will send a confirmation message and share a link to our premium channel, Hedex Tracker will work automatically for that user.
The transaction hash is stored on our data base and linked to the users individual Telegram ID, this means transaction hashes cant be shared or reused.
With ETH payments, Hedex will check the current ETH price and adjust the value accordingly, this means that users will always pay the same amount in USD value even if ETH goes through a volatile move!
This keeps things fair for everyone no matter their choice of payment.
If your subscription ends with Hedex your tracked/stored wallets wont be lost, our data base will keep them on record so this means that if a users subscription runs out and they sign up again they will pick up from where they left off!
Payments will not automatically be taken monthly so if you wish to subscribe again you can do so with another transaction hash. You can find out how long is left on your subscription through the portal under “Subscription”
Subscriptions and what each subscription gives users can be found here
For the Subscription menu go here
Notifications - Wallet Buys:
Here is an example of a notification sent to a user from Hedex Tracker:
Let’s go through the information provided:
?Name: Here is where Hedex displays the nickname they provided when setting up the wallet in the menu. By clicking on the name Hedex will take you to Etherscan to view the wallet.
#️⃣ THash: Hedex supply’s a link to Etherscan where the user can view the transaction.
?Brought: This is the amount of the token that the wallet brought. Hedex also tells the user how much of the total supply the wallet brought.
⏱Time: The exact time the token was purchased.
? Date: The date the token was purchased.
As you can see from the above image; in this example 2 wallets brought the same token within the set amount of time however one of our tracked wallets (CTO4) brought the token twice, which ment that both transactions where supplied by Hedex.
Notifications - Contract Scanner:
When a user receives a notification from Hedex we will automatically scan the contract for any suspicions activity and general token data! The first part is a contract scan and this information is displayed as follows:
?CA: This displays the Contract, the tracked wallets brought and also the ticker symbol, when the ticker is clicked this will take the user to Etherscan to view the contract address. Users can also click or tap the address to copy it.
?Chart: This will take users to either Dexscreener or DEXTools when clicked.
?Total Holders: This shows the user the total number of holders the scanned contract has, at the time of the scan.
?Honey Pot; Hedex scans the contract to see if it could potentially be a Honey Pot, Hedex will either display "No ?" or " Yes ?"
?Red Flags: Hedex runs the contract through various API's which scan the contracts code, these API's can pick up on potentially malicious lines of code, i.e Tax changes, Liquidity issues or Honey Pots. If we see that the contract can be in anyway sinister we display this here.
⚖️Tax: Hedex runs a simulation to let the user know the buy and sell tax at the time of the scan.
?Renounced Ownership: This lets the user know if Hedex has found that the owner has renounced the ownership of the contract.
?Open CA: Hedex runs a check on the contract to see if the contract and its source code can be seen by the public.
⚙️Modifiable Trading Tax: Hedex will scan the contract to see if there is a build in mechanic that allows the user the ability to change the buying and selling taxes of the token.
?Total Supply: This is the total supply of the token.
?Creator Balance: We sheck to see if the creator of the contract holds any of the supply and is displayed here.
⚖️Supply % On Creator: If the contract creator/Deployer is found to hold any of the supply then we display that as a % here.
?Liquidity Pool Holders: This metric shows the user how many wallets are found to hold the liquidity of the token
✍️ Manage:
Users can manage their wallets which Hedex tracks from this menu.
From here users can see the name they have given their tracked wallets, rename the wallets and delete wallets.
Users can also add wallets in this menu by using the “➕ Add New Wallet” button.
When the user makes any changes to any information in this window; clicking the “? Refresh” button will reset this window to show the updated metrics.
⬅️ ➡️ Buttons can be used to cycle through pages of tracked wallets.
10 wallets are displayed per page.
➕ Adding Wallets:
Here the user can add wallets for Hedex to track.
Users will first be asked to enter a name for the wallet, this is comprised of 8 numbers or letters.
Next Hedex will ask the user to paste the wallet address they wish to track.
After the wallet is added Hedex will send the user a message to confirm the wallet has been added successfully.
Configure | Timer Trigger:
Here users can select an amount of time that Hedex tracks between the first wallet which makes a purchase and the last wallet.
Hedex will continue to run the timer until the timer runs out.
If more wallets buy the same token than the user has set up in the Wallets Trigger menu Hedex will notify the user of all wallets who have brought the same token.
User sets 3 wallets to buy within 1h minutes.
If 4 wallets buy at the same time within 1h minutes Hedex will notify the user with all 4 wallets.
Configure | Wallets Trigger:
Here users can select the number of wallets that they track which need to buy the same token before a notification gets sent. This ranges from 2-10 wallets.
⚙️ Configure:
This section is where Hedex really starts to shine. Here users can change the amount of wallets and the time between purchases before they receive a notification!
Dieser Kanal zeigt Informationen und Analysen von Dr. Stefan Homburg, Professor für öffentliche Finanzen an der Leibniz Universität Hannover im Ruhestand. Unabhängiger Kanal, frei von politischer Einflussnahme.
Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago