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Last updated 6 months ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Pseudo-knowledge seekers, quoting texts as if it has been from their very own fingertips.
Hearts voided, their knowledge vain, and nothing they have shown to be upon the truth.
Keep on disputing, takfiring, and wasting your fleeting days on the pathetic endeavor of despoiling another's name while your own lies are a showcase worthy of derision, remaining keyboard warriors.
Spineless creatures, we know of you within, and your condition as a whole.
Those who slanders the scholars, imprisoned for the speaking the truth, are among the liars. Your fathers and mothers have failed to discipline, and your instinct is something unknown.
Deserving of beatings till your comprehension finally starts working like a normal person with common sense.
Until then, remain silent. Your words are as worthless as your very existence.
You know who you are.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
There are several women and children who undergo kidney stones in this camp. How? Most likely from consuming tap water.
A concerned mother requests for your help:
"I am a sister in Camp Hol and is in need of sadaqah in order to buy nessesities for my little girl. There are stones in both her kidneys and unfortunetly I am not able to buy simple nessesities in order for her to recover; water, medicine and herbs. May Allah allow you to take this great opportunity to help an ill child with their difficulties."
جزاكم الله خيرا
To donate, contact us at: @letters_donation
Theres an inspiring example in an elderly woman whose attachment and profound love for the Quran was incomparable to anything else. Although she struggled deeply in reading it with fluency, it never discouraged her from reciting; It was her every breath. She was dedicated and keen on memorising the Book of Allah. And by His Grace, was able to complete her memorisation in a very short amount of time.
So it goes, the year she attempted to free her self from the camps, the aunty was unfortunatetly caught and taken to the local prison. Despite the test of facing a harsher inprisonment, She was most accepting of the qadr of Allah; making lots of dua and prioritizing one in specific: "Ya Rabb, I can't live without the Quran. Bless me with one or put me in a place where I would be able to read it again." For this sister, being without the quran was the biggest calamity that could have befallen her. It wasnt the fact that she was suddenly confined within four walls or directly under the watch of the kuffar, but her truest fear was that she would be prevented from reading the Book of Allah. Then, on the night of Eid Al Fitr the guards ordered her to get ready. She assumed at first thought it was because she would be transferred but bi fadhlillah, it was her qadr to return to the camps after four days of imprisonment. Alhamdulilah.
Advice to myself:
You're only a prisoner in this dunya if you hold it in your heart. And you're only truly free from this world if you hold it in your hand.
⚖ For those seeking ajr min Allah:
We have a sister in need who has many children. Like most other families, she lives on sadaqah but that is not always guaranteed. As a family, they make and sell bread to suffice their bare minimum needs for the day and she often falls into debt to either keep her business running or to put food on the table, so to speak.
And as the weather increases in temperature, the family of 6 can drink through 3-4 cases a day. When/if she is capable she will opt for buying clean drinking water, otherwise they have no choice but to drink the tank water that causes them to fall ill.
With $300, it will in sha allah cover her water supply for at least a month and grant her relief from the shackles of her debt.
Take this as a sign and opportunity to build your ahkirah and contact: @letters_donations
A message from your sister in the camps.
"May Allah protect your heart and your intentions, and we pray that you continue to be on this path of deen. Rest assured, we pray that everything you give in the name of Allah will not make things difficult for you, it will not reduce your wealth. Indeed, even the smallest kindness will come back to you. Us women in prison appreciate your help as it always come at a time when we really need it the most, crying out for Allah to get us out of our problems. May Allah make all the affairs of this world and the hereafter lighter for you because you lighten our burden. We thank Allah for your kindness, and greetings from us here."
Three sections of phase three have been warned to move else where after two weeks according to the idaraa.
The tank came in announcing not to move to the only empty space there is available, Making camp living twice as difficult than it already is.
Camp living is strenuous and back-breaking. It is not easy to move belongings, take down tents, and undo a hawsh in the scorching summer's heat. May Allah relieve our sisters and make a way out for them sooner than later.
•In Hol, a few sisters were picked up and taken to the prison in the night.
•PKK have been actively in search for adolescent boys. They enter the camps as soon as maghrib hits.
•Another new phase is being reconstructed after the recent move of phases one and five.
•On another occasion, in the sixth phase, a fire broke out in one of the tents.
•And in the third phase in Roj, a tafteesh happened in the night lasting from 12 AM to 4 AM. A huge crowd of military personnel searched the camp looking for a adolescent boy.
"We were all dragged out to the street and during this time women and men askaris entered our tents. They gathered us in one area even though the children were all tired. No going to the toilet, no water – everything was prohibited. Fajir salah was read there on the street, in the dusty road whilst the soldiers surrounded us. After they failed to find him, families were finally sent home."
A small request ?
When you make dua today, remember those who have been separated from their loved ones by force, those who don’t know if they will ever see them again or walk freely as they once did. Remember those whose only crime was loving Allah and His deen.
Remember those sisters of yours who are just as vulnerable as your own women at home. They were also once princesses in their homes, treated with the utmost respect. Don’t abandon them like everyone else. It’s not enough to like a post or message that mentions the oppression they are facing. Remember those young children who had to grow up as caged birds, never experiencing the true feeling of being a child. We have already failed them physically, so just remember them in your adiyah. That’s the least we can do for them.
بارك الله فيكم?
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago