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Short English Movies

In this channel, you can find best short movies in English 📽️
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This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago


Call out - to say loudly
CVV - card verification value
Comission based - related to jobs that provide income based on the amount of products or services you sell
Cut - share/quota
Cog - a person who plays a minor part in a large organization, activity
Trump card - smth that gives one person or group the advantage over another
Repent - to regret
Live out -  to spend the rest of one's life in a specified way
On record - to say publicly
Put on act - to behave or speak in a false or artificial way
Colonel - an officer of high rank in the army
Get on right track - to be doing something in a way that will bring good results

Channel : @short_english_movies ✈️

1 month, 3 weeks ago


Freeloader - a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return
Sneak - a person who acts in a secret or sly manner
Give the floor - to give permission or time to speak at a public meeting
Newlywed - a recently married person
Trailer park - an area equipped to accommodate mobile homes
Take on - to accept a responsibility
In-laws - relatives by marriage

Channel : @short_english_movies ✈️

1 month, 3 weeks ago


Self-sufficient - independent
Predecessor -  a person who had a job or position before someone

Channel : @short_english_movies ✈️

3 months, 3 weeks ago

#New_Words_From_Movie ☑️

Careerist - sbwho thinks that their personal success in their job is more important than the principles and aims of the work that they do
First mate - the officer on a ship who is most important after the captain
Beneath sb - not be good enough for sb
Stick together - to continue to support each other
Eat sb alive - to destroy sb completely
Seal - a piece of wax, lead, or other material with an individual design stamped into it, attached to a document as a guarantee of authenticity

Channel : @short_english_movies ✈️

3 months, 3 weeks ago

#New_Words_From_Movie ☑️

Beat up - attack and injure sb by hitting, kicking or punching them repeatedly
Suit yourself - do what you want to do
Side dish - a food item that accompanies a main course at a meal
Aftertaste - a taste remaining in the mouth after eating or drinking smth
Cut it out - stop it
Intoxication - poisoning

Channel : @short_english_movies 📱

3 months, 3 weeks ago

#New_Words_From_Movie ☑️

Stream - to transmit or receive (data, especially video and audio material) over the internet as a continuous flow.
Fortnite - a player-versus-environment cooperative game, with four players collaborating towards a common objective on various missions.
Black out - to turn smth off or lose especially light
Peanut - a very small amount of money
Subs - subscribers
Router - a device that provides wi-fi
GGWP - good game, well played
Boomer - A boomer is someone who was born during the two decades after World War II

Channel : @short_english_movies 📱

4 months ago

#Movie_Time*📹 Rich son makes fun of homeless*😱

Channel : @short_english_movies 📱

4 months ago

#New_Words_From_Movie ☑️

Take apart - to separate smth into parts
Off the grid - without using public utilities like electricity and water
Accountable - responsible
Embezzlement - theft of money from an employer

Channel : @short_english_movies 📱

4 months ago

#Movie_Time*📹 Boss stole immigrant's salary 😱*

Channel : @short_english_movies 📱

4 months ago

#New_Words_From_Movie ☑️

Chardonnay - a type of wine
Ramble - to chatter
Shiny - bright

Channel : @short_english_movies 📱

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 2 days ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 1 month ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago