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7 months ago

“The poor may suffer from reality, but that is better than suffering from make-believe.” i

Is it not the curse of those who continue to believe in mainstream media that they suffer from make believe? Will not that suffering increase until we, as a society, turn to truth and reality; the Word of God and His justice?

i. Niall Brennan: The Making of a Moron (New York: Shield and Ward, 1953), p. 140.

7 months ago

So many are ‘relieved from the burden of work,’ either direclty on the dole, or indireclty by non-work jobs in the civil service or in quangos. This, for the Christian and the conservative, seems like self-destructive madness. But for the Marxist by confession or by inclination, it is, rather, salvation; salvation from work into state unicorn manure-funded leisure.

“…the heart of Marxism is that man is that man is better than work and he must be freed from work.”

But what is the result we see in the lives of the non-working or quasi-working classes? An immaturity that makes an otherwise-intelligent man believe that Scotland is powered mainly by spinny windmills or that a man can become a woman by the power of state decrees.

“, who, because of financial circumstances do not need to work, become, no matter how intelligent, somewhat immature. And as the years progress, such people become progressively more immature, and the gap between them and other men widens.”

We need to become increasingly better workers, increasingly mature workers to pick up the pieces when the dark dreams of our elite classes hit a wall so hard that the non-workers will transition to non-eaters, as per the normal rule of God’s Word.

From ‘Work,’ in “Institutes of Biblical Law,” Vol. 1, R.J. Rushdoony.

7 months ago

Why the swing to authoritarianism in the U.K. of late? Did this removal of the functioning doctrine of authority start with the churches and their unbelief in the authority of the Word of God? If they will not agressively reembrace this doctrine, will they not perish at the hands of the wider society they have betrayed, trodden under the feet of men?

“Now, the problem with authority is basic to the nature of any and every society. If the doctrine of authority is shattered, a society collapses; or else, if it does not collapse, it is held together only by total terror. Now, these are the alternatives. You either have a doctrine of authority that holds a society together, or if that doctrine of authority is broken, you have to have total terror to keep it together.”

From ‘The Limitations of Man’s Authority,’ in “Institutes of Biblical Law,” Vol. 1, R.J. Rushdoony.

7 months ago

The state schools cannot be reformed, they can only continue to become ever more consistent with their godless working assumptions.

“It’s like the people who are going to make the public schools work for free enterprise. How can they? The public school is a socialist organization, and the longer it continues, the more it will become totally socialistic in its implications and its teaching. It’s like asking a thief to be a policeman.”

From ‘The Principle of Authority,’ in “Institutes of Biblical Law,” Vol. 1, R.J. Rushdoony.

7 months ago

It’s almost time for the sequel to Genesis 43, ‘Genesis 44,’ which we will be studying this very night at the hour of 7:30pm.

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7 months ago

A heartening sermon from Pastor Mike O’Donovan concerning our present situation.
It is rather idiosyncratic in some minor regards, but is nevertheless most edifying. I recommend giving it a listen,


7 months ago

Good morning, brothers and sisters. Nathan is very unlikely to be able to join the meeting this evening. As such, I will be chairing. Sorry about that. I plan to revisit the early chapters of Genesis, which we covered as part of Hope, Truth and Light, and cover as much as I remember of Nathan's teaching. It would be helpful, if you have time, to read through the first three chapters. We will read them as we go, rather than reading the whole lot in advance. I don't know how far we'll get nor how the meeting will pan out. Blessings to you all, Christine.

7 months ago

Matriarchy is not the problem, the problem is staring men in the face when they shave their beards.

“Matriarchy does not mean that women are in power, it means that women are burdened because there is no real power. They are trying to do two things; be father and mother, and cannot do either successfully when they are so burdened. And the trend to matriarchy is present today in all western culture.”

As for my people, children are their oppressors,
And women rule over them.
Isaiah 3:12.

From ‘The Family and Authority,’ in “Institutes of Biblical Law,” Vol. 1, R.J. Rushdoony.

7 months ago

What happens when men abdicate and women and children rule? Look out your window, look at your Bible.

As for my people, children are their oppressors,
And women rule over them.
O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err,
And destroy the way of thy paths. i

Isaiah declared that when women rule over men, children gain undue freedom and power, and they become rulers over their parents. And the rulers then are simply emasculated men who lead people astray and the end result is social collapse and captivity, which is described in the latter part of the chapter. And this the end result of a system where women and children rule in is the humiliation of women which culminates in the declaration in that:

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying,
We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel:
Only let us be called by thy name,
To take away our reproach.
Isaiah 4:1.

i. The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Is 3:12.

From ‘The Family and Authority,’ in “Institutes of Biblical Law,” Vol. 1, R.J. Rushdoony.

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What happens when men abdicate and women and children rule? Look out your window, look at your Bible.
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