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Save Our Rights UK

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1 month, 1 week ago


It’s super simple, go here: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

You have until 11:59pm.

Why are we telling you to register to vote?
Who’s even worth voting for?

Well none of them, obviously, but there’s no protest vote without a vote.

We will explain more, but for now make sure you’re registered.


Apologies for silence, life and illness took over for a while!


It’ll be quick, do it now!

7 months, 2 weeks ago


As we all know there is a debate being held on Monday 18th December requesting that there be Parliamentary scrutiny of the 300+ amendments to the International Health Regulations that are being proposed at the next World Health Assembly.

We have created a template letter you can send to your MP not only requesting them to attend but also providing them with a Briefing document.

The Briefing document covers responses to the common arguments that they put forward in support of the amendments, as well as highlighting some of the worst that have been proposed, and concluding with a request to vote in favour of the petition.

It takes 30 seconds to fill in the form and all emails will be sent at 8.30am on Monday morning so that when the inboxes are opened it is just full of our emails.

Take action now and make their Monday morning fun - saveourrights.uk/who

NB If you opted in previously to one of the WHO campaigns this has gone automatically on your behalf.

7 months, 3 weeks ago


Join Louise to hear all the latest from the last week.

Including how James Clevely wants to bring in legislation that actively doesn’t comply with the Human Rights Act, the latest on the WHO and how Bridgens Parliamentary event went.

Sunday 7pm

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8 months ago
Join Louise tonight at 8.30pm for …

Join Louise tonight at 8.30pm for the Weekly News Round Up as she discusses the biggest news of the week including.

- WHO IHR Amendment Campaign
- Data Protection Bill
--- How the Government tried to sneak in 240 amendments with only 1 days notice
--- The vote on recommitting it
--- What happened

And more

Find on YouTube and Facebook

8 months ago
**Thousands of you** have taken action …

Thousands of you have taken action to lobby your MP about the amendment to Article 59 of the International Health Regulations being coordinated by the WHO.

If you haven't already then it is not too late to take action. It only takes 30 seconds but must happen today!

➡️ saveourrights.uk/who

Many of you who have already emailed your MP have shared the responses you are getting. Many of them seem to miss the point of what we are asking.

Therefore we have written a follow up email that you can copy and paste to respond to your MP if you are not happy with the response you got.

Edit it wherever necessary to make it make sense but do send it asap.

➡️ saveourrights.uk/who-follow-up

Also a big thank you to everyone that rose to the occasion yesterday as the Government tried to pull a fast one with the Data Protection Bill.

I will cover a full update on it in the Weekly News Round Up which will be tomorrow night, Friday 1st Dec at 8.30pm. You will be able to catch it on Facebook and YouTube.

8 months ago
***🚨*** **URGENT URGENT VOTE TODAY ***🚨*****


The Data Protection Bill was already problematic and we had previously been raising awareness about it.

At the last minute they added a raft of extra clauses to have their FINAL VOTE TODAY.

We need you to QUICKLY email your MP (which will take less than 30 seconds) at saveourrights.uk/data-protection

And share widely!

8 months ago
Save Our Rights UK
8 months ago
Save Our Rights UK
8 months ago
Save Our Rights UK
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Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/start

Last updated 1 day, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago