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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Writing rising 1.0 ✏️
?For those who want to score 7.0+ on Writing (who previously got at least 6.0)
Lessons: LIVE
Duration: 25 October - 5 November, every day
Requirements: Intermediate or B2 and above (also suitable for those with 6.5-7.0 in Writing)
?Course Offers:
✔️Essay-Checking: 10 Homework (5 reports & 5 essays)
✔️12 LIVE Lessons
✔️30 + pre-recorded videos for writing
✔️Advanced Sentence Structures
✔️Writing Approaches for 7.0-8.5
✔️20 Topic based articles for Idea Generation
❗️Maximum of 30 students will be taken, so hurry up to be one of them?
?Mega Bonuses:
?A Complete Listening course from zero (brand-new)
?30 Reading Passages (Real Exam Papers)
?Price: ~~300,000 UZS~~ 250,000 UZS if you book a seat until 20 October
8600572968221247 Azamat Nurmatov, Uzcard, send a screenshot to me (@Azamat_Nurmatov)
Contact @Azamat_Nurmatov to book your seat by paying only 50,000 UZS in advance.
Reading Marathon/Course
Online (Zoom/Video chat on Telegram)
?What Do I get?
✅ 30 real exam, authentic, reliable passages-10 passage 1s, 10 passage 2s, 10 passage 3s
✅ 30 LIVE video lessons (the recording will also be shared)
✅ 30 articles from publications used for IELTS Reading
✅️ A list of mostly used synonyms
So, you don't just watch videos but can ask questions in real time.
*** Passagelar bittalar tahlil qilinib, vocab va grammarlarga alohida urgʻu beriladi- qisman grammar kurs desangiz ham boʻladi- passagelardagi har bir muhim grammar rule batafsil tushuntiriladi!
- Kursda comprehension(oʻqib tushunish oshiriladi
- Har qanday imtihon(IELTS, CEFR/MULTILEVEL/ SAT...)ga tayyorlanish uchun mos.
- Kamida IELTS 5/ CERF B1 levelda boʻlishingiz talab qilinadi(undan past darajada boʻlsangiz ham zarari yoʻgʻ-u, sal qiynalishingiz mn)
- Hozirgi darajangizni kaaaamida 1 ballga oshirasiz( dars qoldirmasfan qatnashish, vazifalarni vaqtida qilish sharti bn, albatta!)
Starts Oct 21. Lasts for 30 days(except Sundays) . Ideal for test takers in November/December. The classes are expected to start at 21.30/22.00, but could change depending on most students' needs and my availability.
?How much?
120,000 soums transfer the money to 8600570409052924(Serob Turaev)
and send the receipt to @SerobTuraev)
Multilevel (CEFR C1)✅
Another small achievement)
Thanks for your attention my dear students?
It was an unforgettable day and surprise for me)
Let the legend start ?️?
Yangi o’quv yilida IELTS topshirishni niyat qilganlar diqqatiga:
Yangi Pre-IELTS guruhiga qabulni boshlaymiz ?⚡️
Required level:
◽️IELTS 5.0+
◽️Everest Elementary course
〽️agar darajangizni bilmasangiz kelavering o’zimiz aniqlab beramiz
Time: TOQ Kunlari (Dushanba/Chorshanba/Juma) 9️⃣: 3️⃣0️⃣ AM
Location: Everest Inyaz
??click here??
IELTS instructor: Akbarshokh Gafurov
(Personal score 8.0)
Contact: @eightpointfiver
Qo’shimcha bonuslar:
- Free Mocks
- Sunday lessons
- Access to special Grammar Storage
START: 25 September ?
P.s: 1 - darsga qatnashish tekin :)
Students’ results:
Another result which is 0.5 shy of 7.0 again :(
The same is here, Listening is ?
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago