Ukraine Front ⚡️⚡️

Here we show you the white front of Ukraine!

Daily updates on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the white resistance!

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1 month, 1 week ago
Rare Fuentes W

Rare Fuentes W

His Muslim followers ratio him with the downvotes

1 month, 1 week ago

Fucking Q niggers

1 month, 1 week ago

What in the world is this cope

3 months, 3 weeks ago

🇲🇩 The unrecognized Transnistria (Moldova) claims a kamikaze drone attack on a military unit in Rybnitskiy district, 6 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.
The so-called Ministry of Defense of the Transnistrian region claims that the target of the attack was a radar station, which sustained minor damage. An investigative team is already working at the site, and local security forces have opened a criminal case.

Local media outlet Novosti Pridnestrovia published a video of the alleged moment of the drone attack.

It should be noted that russian collaborators in Transnistria may be carrying out actions to destabilise the region and these reports have not been independently verified.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***🇫🇷******🇺🇦*** Французькі добровольці на Авдіївському напрямку …

🇫🇷🇺🇦 Французькі добровольці на Авдіївському напрямку пліч-о-пліч з українцями боронять Україну від необільшовицької орди.

«Si el comunismo es vida, Viva la muerte.»

🌚 European Brotherhood!

☠️ @vallholl

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Ukraine Front ⚡️⚡️
6 months ago
Ukrainian unit in the Wehrmacht somewhere …

Ukrainian unit in the Wehrmacht somewhere near Kharkiv

6 months ago

🇷🇺 Russian boxing federation representatives

Der Untermensch

6 months ago

Unfortunately gay organisations like the Red Cross are heavily involved in the process of Russian POWs on Ukrainian territory but we support the following policy

- normal Russian soldiers and the mobilized should be treated with respect and exchanged.

- ideological fighters, those with Soviet patches etc and Untermenschens invading white land - torture and dispose, video the process and send to family members as a deterrent to those thinking of joining them.

Coming to Ukraine and invading European land should carry strict and feared consequences.

6 months, 1 week ago
Liquidated Fagner mercenary

Liquidated Fagner mercenary

Photo credit to Argentinian volunteer “Panchito”.

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