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2 months, 1 week ago
***➖*** **Cold water reminding of the …

Cold water reminding of the hellfire (1)

? Book: Fleeing from the Fire by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali

2 months, 2 weeks ago

"Beauty sick: how cultural obsession with appearance hurts girls and women" of dr. Renee Engeln dives deep into the harmful effects of societal beauty standards on the psychological health of women. The book discusses how the pressure to comply with these unrealistic beauty standards leads to self-doubt, lower sel-esteem and different psychological problems between girls and women. Dr. Engeln explores the toxic effect of the objectification of women's bodies in the media and ads, focussing a spotlight on the beauty sickness that is widespread in modern society. Through personal testimonies, research results and differenet perspectives, the book presents a convincing analysis of how the cultural obsession with appearance has a negative effect on the welfare and self-esteem of females from different age groups and backgrounds. The book invites to a change to accepting diversity,  reinforcing self-acceptance and to challenge harmful beauty standards in order to create a more inclusive and healthy environment for women.

I say: I also read an article of Elizabeth Han, an entertainment content creator, wherein she said the following: "the article of NEDA with the title" Body Image and Eating Disorders" indicates that 40-60% of girls in primary education age feel stressed about their body weight. This problem starts from a young age and stays with the woman for her whole life. Useless body standards can lead to eating disorders and mental health problems. The same article also indicates that more than half of teenage girls skip meals, fast, smoke cigarettes, vomit (on purpose) and take laxatives to control their weight. These actions become habits that can evolve further into psychological issues.

This is a Hell that many girls live in especially in immoral modern societies where men's tastes keep rising and women are forces to cope with them on top of their bodies being a resource for the capitalist media machine.

Will Durant said in "The Story of Civilization" talking about the situation of women during the renaissance in europe: "Now and then the flair for nudity went out of bounds, and Sacchetti observed of some women that if they took off their shoes they would be naked. Most women imprisoned themselves in corsets that could be tightened by turning a key, so that Petrarch pitied “their bellies so cruelly squeezed that they suffer as much pain from vanity as the martyrs suffered for religion".

I say: this pain doubled today with high heels, eating disorders and psychological issues stemming from the society that critiques their looks and how that is linked to earning a living in those societies.

The commandement to conceal oneself, Hijab, forbidding free mixing, marrying early and keeping busy with family solves most of that if you think about it.

The martyrs mentions by Petrarch, if they where on the right creed, hope for what is to be found by Allah and those (women) hope to attain the pleasure of a society has mythical standards because of the media machine.

Written on the 24th of July
Original post ?


قناة | أبي جعفر عبدالله الخليفي

"مرض الجمال: كيف يضر الهوس الثقافي بالمظهر بالفتيات والنساء" للدكتورة رينيه إنجلن، يتعمق في الآثار الضارة لمعايير الجمال المجتمعية على الصحة النفسية للمرأة، ويتناول الكتاب كيف يؤدي الضغط للتوافق مع مُثُل الجمال غير الواقعية إلى الشك في النفس، وتدني احترام…

"Beauty sick: how cultural obsession with appearance hurts girls and women" of dr. Renee Engeln dives deep into the harmful …
2 months, 2 weeks ago

Allah says: 'Then one of the two women came to him walking with shyness.' Sheikh Al-Tarifi commented: She approached him alone because there was no need for her other sister to come close, so she withdrew out of modesty and bashfulness."

2 months, 3 weeks ago

"It is narrated that some of the Prophet's wives used to cover their mouths with their hands when speaking to non-related men, altering their voices in fear of sounding soft and alluring... Guarding one's speech from strangers is among the virtues of women, whether in the pre-Islamic era or in Islam."

- Rouh Al-Ma'ani by Al-Alousi.

2 months, 4 weeks ago

This is a scientific paper written by Korean academics and foreigners about the comparison between mixed-gender education and single-gender education. The importance of this study stems from the fact that the Korean people have an Eastern culture, but have greatly westernized in recent years. The government has encouraged mixed-gender education and converted single-sex schools to coeducational ones. The study concluded that mixed-gender education negatively affects student achievement, especially for girls. They found these results in the same schools that were converted. Do these results concern us? In reality, we are not only concerned with academic achievement but also with chastity, religious integrity, and safeguarding the heart from the harms of desires. Even if we assume that coeducation does not negatively impact student achievement but corrupts their morals and undermines their chastity, then those benefits hold no value against this corruption, especially when it is prevalent in all cases.

Abdallah Al_khulify

2 months, 4 weeks ago
2 months, 4 weeks ago

Ā'īsha  رضي الله عنها:

O Women! If you really understand the rights of your husbands upon you, a woman among you will wipe away the dust from her husband's face with the cheeks of her face.

Mussanaf Ibn Abī Shaybah

3 months ago

Amr bin Waqis said:

We were at a funeral and Abu Umamah, may Allah  be pleased with him, was there
He saw women at the he chased them out.

[Ibn Abi Shaybah in Al-Musannaf 11408]

3 months ago

The Prophet ﷺ said, "The best of women among the people of Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint 'Imran, and 'Asiyah bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh."

[Musnad Ahmad 2896]

3 months ago

Rabīʿah reported that ʿĀʿishah said: “Yā maʿshar al-nisāʾ (ie: O council of women)!

If you knew al-ḥaq (ie: the rights) that your husband has over you, the wife would wipe the dust from her husband's face with the cheek of her face.”

Ibn Abī Shaybah, al-Muṣannaf 3/557 #17129

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