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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Their new channel.
Bolshevism and christianity are both creations of the same people. Therefore, this video is not entirely off topic.
This is not a clickbait title. It's Jeffrey Daugherty debunking Bjerknes's book.
2700 subs. Praise Rabbi Yeshua!
Monotheism leads to Atheistic Materialism
Meanwhile, what has become of man’s relationship to nature? Monotheism sucks all the mystery out of nature and injects it into God, who is the “explanation” for nature. While polytheism, through the worship of many gods, affirms the life and mystery of the world in all its complexity, monotheism declares the world to be a mere artifact, the product of God’s making, and thus about as living and mysterious as a thumbtack. The transition from polytheism to monotheism is the “de-godding” of the different aspects of the world.
Monotheists therefore progressively cede the complexity of creation to the natural scientist. And what happens to their God as a result of this? The natural scientist need make no reference to God in any of his investigations of nature. The entire material world is (so he supposes) understandable by science on its own terms. Eventually, scientists and others realize that this is the case and God essentially becomes a deus otiosus. God becomes a dispensable “hypothesis” that does no work in explaining the world. The scientist then steps in to take God’s place.
The scientist recognizes that the world exhibits an intelligible order, but without God to underwrite creation, the natures of things no longer seem so “fixed.” John Locke founded his doctrine of individual rights (life, liberty, and property) on the idea that man’s nature is created by God. Remove belief in God and the status of man’s nature—and his rights—becomes highly questionable. Less than two hundred years later the followers of Marx (e.g. Trotsky) explicitly declared their intention to change human nature through “scientific socialism.” The result to the supposed “rights” of men is well-known.
Thus, in the absence of God (or the gods) the scientists come to believe that they can radically, infinitely alter what they study. Since there is no God, there is no reason to believe in the soul, or in any non-physical reality. Human beings are therefore simply a highly complex form of meat, which can be studied and manipulated using the same methods we use to study and manipulate other meat.
Since there is no non-physical reality, there are no objective or eternal ideals. Truth is “posited” by human beings.[9] This must mean, then, that moral idealism is a delusion. Men who exhibit the quality Plato called “spiritedness,” men who are ready to fight for ideals, are simply sick or deluded. This position was explicitly put forward in the twentieth century by the so-called Frankfurt School of sociology.[10] Modern “humanism”—modern science and psychology—considers a person “normal” if his concerns do not rise above the level of what Plato called “appetite”: concern with the satisfaction of desires and the maintenance or attainment of security and comfort. Hence the almost complete disappearance of terms like “honor,” “nobility,” and “self-sacrifice” from modern discourse.[11]
Here again, we see Will manifested: the closing off to anything “higher” than the self and the setting up of personal desire-fulfillment as the end of existence. But human beings cannot live entirely without ideals, and so a new ideal is created: the achievement of a society in which everyone’s desires are satisfied, in which physical security, comfort and health are perfectly realized. Having cut themselves off from any higher aspiration, scientists rush to place themselves in the service of this ideal.
And so, to come back to the beginning, what is the ultimate result of monotheism? Atheism, the violation of nature, the destruction of ideals, the destruction of morals, the barbarization of men, the eradication of human dignity, and the general debasement of human life (what is called “materialism”).
Summoning the Gods , Chapter "Knowing the Gods", Collin Cleary
[deus otiosus is the belief in a creator God who has entirely withdrawn from governing the universe after creating it or is no longer involved in its daily operation.]
Nearly all ante-Nicene Church Fathers were pacifists who advocated desertion from the Roman army, claiming Christians cannot be soldiers. Pagans called this out and Christians replied with an insane and nonsensical answer, obvious traitorous behavior.
It wasn’t until Christians infiltrated high offices and under the reign of Theodosius II did opposite occur, now only Christian’s can become soldiers.
This was no different to modern day communist subversion, infiltration and antifa tactics.
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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