History Adventures with Alice Jones

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Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

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Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

1 month ago

Today, I'll tell you about the ancient Italian civilization of the Etruscans: their culture, art, love of life, and strangeness.



Etruscan Civilization: Why Did Romans Hate Them? [History Adventures]

We've all heard about (and thought about) the mighty Roman Empire. But what about the civilization that came before it and lived alongside it? The Etruscan civilization. They went down in history as punks of their time, free-spirited and mysterious. Romans…

1 month, 2 weeks ago
**The oldest animation** ***🐐***

The oldest animation 🐐

3200 BCE, Iran, Shahr-i Sokhta (“Burnt City”).

In this ancient artwork, which can be considered the world's first animation, the artist depicted a goat jumping towards a tree and eating its leaves.

On some other clay items found in the Burnt City, repetitive images are depicted, but none of them indicate any movement.🗺️ 30°39'00.7"N 61°24'00.5"E

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1 month, 3 weeks ago
**Why did ancient people build religious …

Why did ancient people build religious structures? 🛕

🍻 In the ancient temples of Göbekli Tepe, large stone vats capable of holding up to 160 liters were found with remnants of oxalic acid, suggesting that beer was once brewed here. In two bowls from Körtik Tepe, traces of tartaric acid were found, indicating the possible brewing of wild grapes.

Evidence was also found of communal feasts similar to the Minoan parties in the Knossos "palace-labyrinth" and other such structures.

These meals were a special kind of spiritual experience, allowing participants to feel a connection with other worlds and forces. The construction of these temples was linked to the discovery by ancient people of "archaic techniques of ecstasy," which were considered very important and compelled people to build special places for this purpose. In building these sites, people from different groups united, creating new spiritual communities. This unified ancient societies.

🤔What could prevent someone from committing violence against the weaker, such as women and children? Only a sense of community, brotherhood, and kinship. And such feelings often arose during the mysteries and feasts like those that took place in temples like Göbekli Tepe. Join us: History Adventures

1 month, 3 weeks ago
History Adventures with Alice Jones
1 month, 3 weeks ago
History Adventures with Alice Jones
1 month, 3 weeks ago
**Common ancient source of myths or …

Common ancient source of myths or shared psychological experience of humanity? 🧠

Around 3000 BCE, the area of modern Athens was already a settlement that became a city in Mycenaean Greece, and by the first millennium BCE, it still bore the name of a goddess who was a patron of snakes and birds in the Neolithic era.

Mythology states that the first ruler of Attica, Cecrops, was a son of Gaia-Earth (feminine principle), had a snake's body and dual (female and male) nature, and was a judge in the dispute between Poseidon (Zeus’s brother) and Athena (daughter of Zeus) over who would present the best gift to the inhabitants of Attica and thus gain possession of it. Poseidon struck with his trident and opened a spring of seawater in the rock, whereas Athena’s spear strike caused an olive tree to grow. The tree was more favored by the residents of Cecropia than the spring of salty seawater, and Athena became the main deity of Attica and the city named in her honor.

The genderless ruler Cecrops, with a snake's body, draws attention. Moreover, the entire myth has clear parallels with the myth of the fruit from the Tree of Life in Paradise. Here we find all the elements: the male principle - Poseidon/Adam, the female principle - Athena/Eve, God - Zeus, the serpent - Cecrops, the Tree of Life - the olive tree, the fruit of the Tree of Life - the olive, which was favored over Poseidon's gift.

Religious narratives have many plot parallels in the traditions of peoples living all over the world… Join us: History Adventures

3 months ago
**The golden helmet of Meskalamdug** ***✨***(an …

The golden helmet of Meskalamdug (an ancient king of the Sumerian city of Ur) made from a solid sheet of gold.

📌By the way, Agatha Christie, then unknown as a writer, participated in the excavations. She helped her husband, documented, photographed, and cleaned the finds with her favorite moisturizing cream.

26th century BCE. Territory of modern Iraq.

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3 months ago
History Adventures with Alice Jones
3 months ago
History Adventures with Alice Jones
3 months, 1 week ago

The Terracotta Army: A Cruel Lesson In Ancient Chinese Power [History Adventures] 📹


The Terracotta Army: A Cruel Lesson in Ancient Chinese Power [History Adventures]

The #terracottaarmy in China is an astonishing discovery by archaeologists, which has brought forth a wealth of new facts and mysteries from ancient times. Today, we will journey into the past to unravel some of them. 2000 years ago, a 13-year-old boy rose…

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Last updated 2 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago