Markaz ʿUmar bin Al-Khaṭṭāb

Markaz ʿUmar bin Al-Khaṭṭāb
مركز عمر بن الخطاب
UK Registered Charity Number 1189706

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3 weeks, 3 days ago

Unfortunately today's Al-Lāmiyyah lesson is cancelled and postponed until Saturday Insha'Allah.

3 weeks, 4 days ago

Class Lessons & Seeking Knowledge

A questioner asked Ustadh Hisham for advice on how to participate better for lessons. We have shared the response from Ustādh Hisham حفظه الله so that others can benefit too.

First off, I ask Allah to grant us all and likewise our sister who posed this question, success in the pursuit of beneficial knowledge and righteous actions

Secondly, the steps that were outlined in the question are all beneficial steps. Namely:
1. Regularly attending the live classes while attempting to participate to the best of one's ability
2. Using the dictionary to determine the definitions of the words that are unfamiliar
3. Going back to the material and watching it again to catch whatever may've been missed the first time around

In addition to this perhaps I can share a few reminders as the reminder is beneficial to the believer even when the information is not new to him:
1. Renew your intention. There's a direct relationship between knowledge and sincere intentions such that the greater your intention and the more pure and sincere it is the greater your achievement in knowledge and how much you will benefit from it.
2. Make dua'a. Asking Allah for beneficial knowledge is from the greatest of the means by which a slave can attain knowledge. Allah commanded His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم to pray and ask for more knowledge.
3. Recognize that the path of knowledge is an uphill climb until you get to the peak and then the rest is a pleasurable walk or stroll down a scenic slope. Knowledge is difficult in the beginning but then Allah grants his slave, the love of knowledge and the thirst for knowledge that makes pursuing it more pleasurable than anything else in this life.
4. Some people recommend that you should prep ahead of class. If you have access to another explanation of this poem from a trustworthy source then make use of it and try to digest it to the best of your ability and formulate some questions based on what you've already studied. This prepping allows you to fully focus on the extra benefits that you will find in class. However, this method works for some people and it doesn't work for others. You can experiment with it to determine what works for you.
5. Set some clearly defined goals for yourself in this course of study. Here are my suggestions:
A. Memorize the poem.
B. Write down a very brief commentary that explains the overall meaning of each line of the poem. Use as few words as possible because the next step is to commit what you've written to memory as well.
C. Then test yourself and see if you can recite the poem from memory along with the brief commentary that you've written to give an explanation or overview of the benefits of each line in the poem.

This is what Allah has facilitated at this time, and we ask Him for blessings and help, and He is the most generous most merciful.

3 weeks, 5 days ago

Ajrumiyyah lesson has started

1 month ago

Masa'il al-Jahiliyyah lesson now live.

1 month ago

al-lamiyah lesson has started

1 month ago

Ajrumiyyah lesson started

1 month, 1 week ago
Saturday, four live lessons, in-shā'Allah

Saturday, four live lessons, in-shā'Allah

08.00  | Kitāb at-Tawhīd text study
Ustādh Talha Davis

09.00  | Daily Du'ā Course
Ustādh Talha Davis
( Register and join classroom )

14.30 | Masa'il al-Jahiliyyah
Ustādh Yasar A. Rahman

20.00  | al-Qasīdah Al-Lāmiyyah
Ustādh Hisham AbouZeid

📝 Registration still open for all.

1 month, 1 week ago

al-Qasīdah al-Lāmīyah
Live Lesson starts Soon, in-shā'Allāh

1 month, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago

College Notice:

Ustaad Yasar is hoping to resume his lessons from Sunday 28th April inshā'Allāh. We wil confirm this closer to the time inshā'Allāh.

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