Promote It!

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

5 years, 6 months ago

cross promotion above 25K
contact : @mfmixadbot

7 years ago

Members Pls. note :
We will NOT ACCEPT channels which donot follow Posting Rules as follows

1) Description of Channel Should be in 8-10 words only, Even if it is 11, we will not considered.
Note :
• '&' and other Shortforms will be taken as One (1) Word
• Joint words will be taken as 2 Words

2) NO Emoji's to be used in Description or Channel Name.. It's STRICKLY not allowed

3) NO Member's Count - Members Count Should not be included in #new

4) Using #request #Add or any other format for channel Submission will not be condisered.. the correct procedure to submit is
@ channel name
Description in 8-10 words

5) 2 Usernames in 1 Channel Submission will not be accepted

6) If you are submitting #new of many Channels in one message, then put #new in front of all channels

7) Minimum 20 Posts required to Qualify for Promotion

For all Above Points for Channel Submission, we will NOT INTIMATE YOU, Members are supposed to READ ALL RULES & understand the procedure of #new Submission & give Correct #new Submission

We will only accept channels which has valid submissions.

Promotion Rules :


Promote It!

Dear Members, !! PLEASE READ THE RULES !! ***1️⃣*** Post the Final list which contains your channel. ***2️⃣*** You need to keep the PROMOTION LIST on top of your channel for 12 hours without any Post. in particular Situations only, Max. 1-3 post will be allowed. and…

7 years, 4 months ago

Welcome to @promote_it

If you own a channel and want to promote with us, please join below groups.

7 years, 4 months ago


?New Channel Submission
Friday 7.30 PM IST -
Wednesday 5.00 PM IST

?Channel Confirmations
Wednesday 7.30 PM IST -
Thursday 5.00 PM IST

?Final List Publication
7.30 PM IST for 0-1000 group
8.00 PM IST for 1000-5000 group
8.30 PM IST for 5000-100000 group

?Sharing the Final Promo List
Thursday 8.30 PM IST -
Friday 5.00 PM IST

- @promote_it team

7 years, 6 months ago

Members Pls. note :
We will NOT ACCEPT channels which donot follow Posting Rules as follows

1) Description of Channel Should be in 8-10 words only, Even if it is 11, we will not considered.
Note :
• '&' and other Shortforms will be taken as One (1) Word
• Joint words will be taken as 2 Words

2) NO Emoji's to be used in Description or Channel Name.. It's STRICKLY not allowed

3) NO Member's Count - Members Count Should not be included in #new

4) Using #request #Add or any other format for channel Submission will not be condisered.. the correct procedure to submit is
@ channel name
Description in 8-10 words

5) 2 Usernames in 1 Channel Submission will not be accepted

6) If you are submitting #new of many Channels in one message, then put #new in front of all channels

7) Minimum 20 Posts required to Qualify for Promotion

For all Above Points for Channel Submission, we will NOT INTIMATE YOU, Members are supposed to READ ALL RULES & understand the procedure of #new Submission & give Correct #new Submission

We will only accept channels which has valid submissions.

Promotion Rules :

7 years, 7 months ago

Hi All,

As promised we developed @promoteitsharebot which will help to auto verify final list sharing in your channel.

What you need to to ?
Add @promoteitsharebot as admin to your channel - give "edit messages" permission only. This bot does not deserve other admin permissions ?

What this bot will do ?
Once you share the final list in your channel, our bot receives a notification. It will validate against the final list and post #shared in our group.

What is the benefit ?
You don't need to get link to the message and put #shared in group. our bot will do that for you. Easy right !!

@promoteitsharebot also provide another exciting share feature. We will anounce once the final lists are out for this week.

You can contact @MFMIX @Muttahir @worldnewsfeedback for assistance related to bot.

-@promote_it team

7 years, 8 months ago

Types of BAN:

We impose 2 types of Ban

Soft Ban - People who share after cut-off time, they will have to skip next week promotion, but we will not ban from group.

Permanent Ban - People who confirms but fails to share the final list, they will be banned from group itself.
Reason is channel who did not share is still being promoted, not vice-versa

Only way to lift the permanent ban is, SHARE the Final LIST from this week with similar category of yours and follow the rules (12 hours on top, 5days in channel).

If you do so, we are glad to see you back in @promote_it

* *Promote it Team****

7 years, 8 months ago

Dear Members,


1️⃣ Post the Final list which contains your channel.

2️⃣ You need to keep the PROMOTION LIST on top of your channel for 12 hours without any Post.
in particular Situations only, Max. 1-3 post will be allowed.
and that too your channel content, and NOT any other promotion Link.

3️⃣ Also Keep the Promotion Message in your channel for at least 5 days.

4️⃣ Do not Alter / Remove the Promo message which is there in bottom of Promotional List...
Doing so, will be banned for a Week or as Admins decides.

5⃣ Description of Channel should not be more than 10 words and Emojis are strictly not allowed.

6⃣ We have STOP Promoting Telegram link / Catalog / Advert Channels, Religious propaganda channels & Porn Channels

7⃣ A #New Channel has to have minimum 20 Posts to Qualify for Promotion. If a Channel has less Post than 20, We will not consider their #new Channel Submission.

8⃣ Members are not allowed to post personal Telegram links / Advt. / Exchange Post or Forwarded messages.
Members can post only channel Submission and queries.
if any Members break the RULE, He / She will be BANNED without warning.

9⃣ We donot allow "Share to" or "will post in another channel"
The Channel for which you have given #new, the Final list has to be shared in that Channel.

? we give 20+ hours to post the Final list, means deadline to post the FINAL LIST in your channel is on Monday, 5:00 pm IST.
Member's should post the list before expiry of Time period, if failing to do so, will be #banned for future promotion.
The only way to QUALIFY for Next week promotion, is to put the list in your channel and Follow all RULEs. Your present week promotion will be skipped but you will be allowed to do future promotion.

1⃣1⃣ This is NOT A CHAT ROOM, So keep your chat short.
if any Members break the RULE, He / She will be BANNED without warning.

1⃣2⃣ Admin's decision will be full and Final and have to be accepted by the Member's.
No Arguments will be taken.

1⃣3⃣ Promote it reserve's the right to reject any channel without any explanation.

➡️ @Promote_it

7 years, 8 months ago

For more details, on how this works, visit below link


Promote it!

Promote it! is a initiative aimed at gaining hundred, thousands of users by promoting each others channel in telegram. This is a week long procedure which will take you through different phases of promotion

***➡️*** **HOW IT WORKS** ***⬅️***
We recommend to visit

Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago