??? ⅌????⁰⁷

ㅤ           ㅤ      ㅤ  ??? ??? ⅌????⁰⁷

ㅤ           ㅤ      ㅤ 
╰┈➤ ????? : @arsipride
╰┈➤ ???? : @ourprideofc_bot┊@mppsourpride┊@mppsop_bot┊@ShitposTheOP

✯. @famouspride ?????? ????.
We recommend to visit


♞ . owner & c.own :: @ujasmine • @aduhh
♞ . admin :: t.me/KimRekber/5137

❈ proof & rate :: @proof_kim • @ratekim
❈ fraud & pp :: @infoscamr • @ppkimrekber

ⓘ tidak menerima format melalui rc ⓘ

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

볼만한 뉴스와 증권사리포트, 글로벌경제뉴스. 와신 등을 공유합니다. 내용은 매도/매수의 의견이 아닙니다.매매에 대한 책임은 본인에게있습니다

●/ ●/
《 | 《 |
/〉 제보.문의 /〉

제보/각종 문의 받습니다.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

비트코인 & 경제 & 재테크정보를 공유드리는 방입니다

채팅방 - @enjoymyhobbychat

모든 글은 투자의 참고 자료일 뿐이며,
투자 판단에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.

* 홍보, 후원, 광고 : @KimYoungTaek 문의

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

1 year, 4 months ago

?」 :Mugen The Whiz opening the entrance for men to join!       The roar of cars ready to fight, the sound of spectators providing support, provide motivation to achieve victory. Mugen is looking for new members on Saturday, October 14 2023 at 15.00 WIB show your enthusiasm extraordinary, it's time to show your talent now. The exhaust screams as the throttle is pulled hard, everyone flocks to the circuit! What are you waiting for, prepare everything now

☆.Here is the information you need to read before becomeing a great racer!
[ Prepare your vehicle, we will race happily with the sound of cheers and roars of dashing cars. ]

Make your choice, be a winner not a loser, join our race with your flagship car, screech the sound of car tires on hot asphalt and step on your gas pedal with us. Prioritize all directions, rules, and keep your manners so you don't get kicked out of the race course. We are waiting for you at the racetrack and bring thetrophyof victory, see you guys.



1 year, 4 months ago


⚠️ ????i?? Guy's ? #wassup ?adame / ?ir ? there is ?✪? ????   ??????  oplink Again? . we are back for you characters  ??? ???????? , to be a second home for you to go home, Please use the ATTRIBUTES that have been provided, then please join the link. Welcome back to our home ?

⚠️ and.. Don't forget to read and read our BLACKLIST oke??... So then tap the link below ?

KAMP 1 ?


Come join guys ⚠️⚠️
See you at kamp degem ??

1 year, 4 months ago

???????? ??? ?????? ⚠️
ㅤㅤ · · · ┈───────── ⋆ ──────────┈ · · ·
ㅤㅤ ?Halo.. Halo... Haloo ??????⚠️⚠️ guys, wassup madame , ?ada berita baru nih, ???????? NOS kembali oplink lohh, wahhhh gak bahaya ta ? ??? Sini- merapat langsung saja di kepoin RULES sama atribut nya oke???? Esttt jangan lupa cek BLACKLIST dulu nih ? jangan sampe kamu salah satunya oke ??? ?

Langsung saja tap link di bawah ini yaa ? yang sok jual mahal ngak di ajak ?

Backstreet Girls ? ?

Lobby ?

See u in Backstreet girls madam ?

1 year, 4 months ago

???????? ??? ????? ??????

ㅤ       Warm greetings to the citizens of @.telegram. We're here from @OFCZUREVAN like to inform you that we are looking for New Member. Let's be a part of ?.???????? — We accept all genders, male or female.

If you're interest in being part of us, please use ??????? and carefully read the ????? provided. Share open link this is to a private channel and 25 lpm.

Done all? tap the link that is already listed, complete the atribut and rules as long as the link is open.

[ https://t.me/+cQYFjCuYwDE3NmE1 ]
[ https://t.me/+cQYFjCuYwDE3NmE1 ]
[ https://t.me/+cQYFjCuYwDE3NmE1 ]

What are you waiting for ? Let’s join us now, before we close the oplink !
See you in the base dear ?????? !!

▌│█║▌│ █║▌│█│║▌║
                ???????? ??? ★.

1 year, 4 months ago

*?. CIAO, COSEÁ! ?*

There is important information for those of you who are looking for a CRUISE LINE SEA-based EVENT ORGANIZER for the party you might be planning!@BRIGANZORGANIZER telah membuka pesan tanggal untuk jasa penyelenggara acara di bulan OKTOBER ini, dengan jam acara seperti biasa, yaitu pada jam 19.00 dan 20.00 WIB.

Kami tetap menerima pemesanan dengan menggunakan stok guest star yang bisa di cek di SINI ?. (Kami Menerima Request)

Selengkapnya silahkan cek List Kalender Booking kami dan ambil formatnya di @KEPERLUANBCO, kemudian isi dengan benar. Terakhir Kirimkan ke @BRIGANZORGANIZERBOT !

Jangan Lupa bahwa BCO tetap membuka Dinner Night Romantic di Hari KAMIS dan SABTU dengan blank date berbeda ?

Let's make your beautiful party with us, WE ARE BCO ?

— With love,

1 year, 4 months ago

**??????? ??????
                   ????? ???????

?ll ?arty!
Hanya open book pada tanggal
yang tidak ada kata HOLIDAY.

  1. H O L I D A Y
  2. H O L I D A Y
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ☃️
  6. ?
  7. ☃️
  8. H O L I D A Y
  9. H O L I D A Y
  10. ?
  12. ☃️
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. H O L I D A Y
  16. H O L I D A Y
  17. ⚡️
  18. ?
  19. ?
  20. H O L I D A Y
  21. H O L I D A Y
           DI BULAN OKTOBER.
  23. ☃️
  24. H O L I D A Y
  25. H O L I D A Y
  26. H O L I D A Y

? : wedding party
? : engagement party
☃️ : birthday party
? : mensive couple
⚡️ : mensive/collab party
? : promnight party
? : guest star

HOLIDAY     :   Libur Team

??‍✈️ Tanggal akan kami keep
      sesudah mengirim format
      dengan benar.
??‍✈️ Baca S&K dan ambil Format   
??‍✈️ Jika sudah fiks order
      silahkan kirimkan ke @briganzorganizerbot.

1 year, 4 months ago
‎ ?????? ????

‎ ?????? ????

!¡ » ?ello the PEOPLE JAMET in this roleplay!! Werdelinus is back to find a new team with ?????? to be part of Werdelinus. ?efore that, make sure you pay attention to the ????? for prospective teams this time and if you are sure you can register yourself!

!¡ » ?ere we need several divisions and choose one of the divisions below that you are interested in. ?e’re looking for ;


!¡ » ?ave you chosen the division you are interested in? don’t forget to use ?????????? that have been provided during the hiring team.

!¡ » ?fter you determine the division that you understand, please fill out the ?????? then send it to our BOT Only for people who really intend, don't forget to wear attributes that are important points. Lucky candidate to be a part of Unlimited Squad!

          Ø?? ??????? ????

1 year, 4 months ago

──── ?♡‌????? ????? ???♡‌? ────

?urir ?aket ?od adalah jasa yang bergerak dibidang pengiriman barang, makanan ,pesan dan lain-lain. Kurir paket KOD memudahkan anda mengirim paket tanpa diketahui oleh si penerima paket yang anda kirimkan.

OPEN 09.00 WIB s/d 22.00 WIB.

∆⊱ ?????
∆⊱ ????????
∆⊱ ??????
∆⊱ SEND TO @kurirpkt_kodbot

¢⊱ kuris KOD
¢⊱ dan bukti kirim bisa ikuti hastag #buktikirim

║▌│█║ █║▌│█│
© All team KOD



***▪***︎𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 1. Pengiriman format harap dicek kembali jika akan di kirim kan ke bot,takut jika adanya typo yang membuat kesalahpaham an. 2. Wajib sub ketiga channel ini @OFFICIALKOD @OFCAIX dan @OFFICIALTNDB terlebih dahulu, sebagai bentuk payment. 3. Dilarang…

1 year, 6 months ago

ㅤㅤ??????? ?????? ????? ?????
• ─────────────────── •

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ?ㅤ????????   ?

┉ ?  SFS
┉ ?  PFP
┉ ?  MPPS

Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam. @OFCRAIDERSS sedang mengadakan hiring admin tanpa seleksi untuk mengisi bagian dari divisi kami, untuk divisi sfs ,pfp , mpps tidak memakai seleksi ,langsung diterima. Sedangkan editing adanya dilakukan wawancara . Make sure you fulfill and understand the ????? and use the ???????? for the candidat new team. Jika berminat silahkan  send data ke bot @RAIDERSOFCBOT dengan format.

ㅤㅤㅤ?????? ???????????

Selamat siang saya (nama + id) bersedia untuk menjadi bagian dari Team/Admin Raiders. Alasan saya bergabung menjadi team raiders ( alasan bergabung) saya memilih ( divisi + alasan memilih ) dan hal yang saya pahami mengenai divisi ini ( pemahaman mengenai divisi yang dipilih) . saya siap bertanggung jawab dengan divisi yang saya ambil.


We recommend to visit


♞ . owner & c.own :: @ujasmine • @aduhh
♞ . admin :: t.me/KimRekber/5137

❈ proof & rate :: @proof_kim • @ratekim
❈ fraud & pp :: @infoscamr • @ppkimrekber

ⓘ tidak menerima format melalui rc ⓘ

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

볼만한 뉴스와 증권사리포트, 글로벌경제뉴스. 와신 등을 공유합니다. 내용은 매도/매수의 의견이 아닙니다.매매에 대한 책임은 본인에게있습니다

●/ ●/
《 | 《 |
/〉 제보.문의 /〉

제보/각종 문의 받습니다.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

비트코인 & 경제 & 재테크정보를 공유드리는 방입니다

채팅방 - @enjoymyhobbychat

모든 글은 투자의 참고 자료일 뿐이며,
투자 판단에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.

* 홍보, 후원, 광고 : @KimYoungTaek 문의

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago