Реклама=> @sadovod_rulit
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/79096859191
Чат => https://t.me/sadovod
Clan: @notmeme
instagram https://www.instagram.com/abu_movie
Bot : @film_vaqti24bot
Reklama uchun: https: @reklama_filmvaqti24
🧚🏻♂. . Sadly seen in a suitcase filled with excellent jewels—a stunning jewel named { @.vHaramShin } has been adopted by J into new home. Much obliged and see you beep beep! 🩰
🧚🏻♂. . Sadly seen in a suitcase filled with excellent jewels—a stunning jewel named { @.Jeemtn } has been adopted by M into new home. Much obliged and see you beep beep! 🩰
🧚🏻♂. . Sadly seen in a suitcase filled with excellent jewels—a stunning jewel named { @.Molekk } has been adopted by I into new home. Much obliged and see you beep beep! 🩰
Halo, saya mendapatkan informasi dari seseorang bahwa ada sebuah channel Telegram yang memposting dan mengolok-olok foto para korban di Palestina. Oleh karena itu, saya menghimbau kalian untuk menyebarkan kepada teman-teman kalian dan bersama-sama melaporkan (report) channel @dead_terrorists atas tindakan Violence.
N: Postingan di channel tersebut mengandung materi yang sensitif yang mungkin membuat beberapa penonton merasa tidak nyaman.
Реклама=> @sadovod_rulit
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/79096859191
Чат => https://t.me/sadovod
Clan: @notmeme
instagram https://www.instagram.com/abu_movie
Bot : @film_vaqti24bot
Reklama uchun: https: @reklama_filmvaqti24