☀️Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack☀️

🔞 NSFW 18+ ONLY 🔞
Queer Nostalgia Horror / Yandere Eroge Dating Sim developed by https://www.snaccpop.studio/

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9 months, 2 weeks ago

We have no clue if this will happen. But in this instance we can say that we do not consent to any unauthorized release of SDJ builds. We do not know what SDJ assets this programmer has or has downloaded, but we are aware they are storing game sensitive information in private storage spaces.

We would advise fans to avoid any SnaccPop website domains or projects not posted by official accounts. And we hope, if Programmer can see this, they will understand that regardless of whether they intended to or not- it is unacceptable, and a choice that will likely reflect deeply on their personal career and something that could potentially blacklist them should other developers come to find out.

Otherwise, while it would be nice to have back these things paid for- the programmer has made it clear they believe this is in the fan's best interest. Hiring them back is a requirement, and they believe that the fans paid for the content, not SnaccPop, so they're under no obligation to return it.

The amount loss totals to several thousands of investment, months of planning and work, and contributions from multiple persons from across the team (consequently, making their work either temporarily or even permanently unusable.)

This is why we were hesitant to make any changes or decisions on the matter. We understand that it might not have been the correct choice to actively degrade our own health for the sake of the project, but the valid disappointment, frustration, and even distrust of fans was something we felt was worth the effort to continue to try.

No personal or individual contractors were made to endure mistreatment, and the affected were content to bear the circumstances while we could. But a point has been reached where we no longer can.

As of now– we are aware this individual is currently attempting to make pledges to the Patreon to further “elaborate”. We are aware they are monitoring our posts on our social media accounts, and we are very much aware they are unhappy with being removed from this position.

All we have to say to this is the following:

Please. Leave us alone. The whole of the SnaccPop team is not comfortable being around you. The SnaccPop team does not feel safe with you around ANY member. And the only reason we will not further elaborate is because we are tired, weary, and want to be left to develop this project in peace.

We don’t want to be around you. And that is OUR choice. You cannot force yourself upon people who do not want to be around you. And if you continue to try, you will never be able to move on.

Please just leave us alone.

As for updates, for now? A team of four programmers is assembling the game together.

We don’t have much to update yet, because we are actively waiting for more concrete information to become clear.

The intentions of a customizable pronoun system are in the works. Those programming are longtime, since-the-beginning fans of the project. The whole of the SnaccPop team has come together under this situation. It’s a sad reason to do so, but we’ve been doing our best.

We still plan to release something by October of this year. And we’re hopeful, because we’re a bunch of fans now working together and collaborating (with pay–) on this project, just like it was always intended to be.

Whatever is released in October will be on Early Access still. And we know it’s been a difficult period of time for the development team AND fans. But we’re going to make the best of the situation.

Again– please do not harass, stalk, “call out”, or “expose” anyone. Do not try to figure out or pass around who Programmer is.

This entire situation has ultimately been a large drain on the affected persons and we just want to be able to figure out what comes next and how to make the game. We'll answer what we can to the best of our ability.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Sunny Day Jack -- A Difficult Update/Setback

Hello everyone.

It is with great unfortunate sadness that after many months of trying to work with our current programmer for Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, we have had to make the difficult decision to terminate their working relationship with them.

This isn’t a choice made or taken lightly. We understand that doing so comes with a great amount of disappointment, and an attempt was made to do our best to withstand the situation because we knew that either way, it would be the disappointment of you all– or our health and safety.

We’ve made posts to social media before today, but now we will be going into a smaller bit of depth to the best of our ability.

After coming onto the project in 2023, a series of negative interactions began between Us (the affected) and the programmer. The programmer was brought on by former management at the time quickly, and with little integration.

Issues had cropped up at the time, chief among the affected being creator Sauce. It was around this time that the HIMBO Engine was created between older management and this programmer. And work on the engine, to the best of our knowledge, began.

There had been at the time an internal push not to use this engine and revert to the originally promised one by creator, Sauce. And while we understand that the core drive was to make the game as accessible as possible to as many computers as possible, as well as to create a superiorly programmed product– it was only programmed in or by the programmer and one other person.

By that point, the push to resume working in NaniNovel continued. However, we were told that too much had been completed in Himbo and it was not financially viable to roll production back.

When prior management left in 2023, we continued to work with this programmer under the continued understanding that considerable work had been done.

However, issues still occurred. And there were instances of inappropriate treatment and actions between management and the programmer in question.

Attempts were made for many reasons to accommodate this person, and to allow them to grow and hopefully become aligned with the team’s core values. No persons were forced to work with them, besides management. And management has done their best, to their own ability, to not have to rollback the project and persist.

We are not comfortable releasing the extent of the disagreements and actions that have caused this separation. We have to focus on the future, and those involved in this decision are not comfortable reliving and reiterating the events that took place.

We know more than anyone it seems that unfortunate things have happened. And we apologize for not holding on any longer. However, we are unable to interact with this person any longer. It is for health reasons– it is for fear of safety reasons– and it is with an unbearably heavy heart.

We must ask any and all fans to please not seek this programmer out. We will not be further releasing their name. To attempt to maliciously contact, find, or “expose” this person would be to go against the affected team member's wishes entirely.

However, this means we are now unable to any longer have access to several resources.

The loss includes:

- Any progress on SDJ (builds)
- The HIMBO Engine, in its entirety
- The current most build of SleepyTime Jack
- Access to and ownership of the SnaccPop website
- The planning Github, contributed to by other SnaccPop team members

We will probably never get these back.

The programmer has made it clear to us that not only unless we reinstate them, but give to them a position of authority within SnaccPop, that we will never get these back. They have idled the concept of releasing or continuing work on these things without our consent, "for the fans".

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

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