
*IELTS 7.5 (w 7.5)
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*Articles monthly challenges⏳
Each month, reading challengpe?
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1 year, 3 months ago

IELTS reading checks your ability to read articles not 18 cambridge books?

1 year, 3 months ago

These are recorded by AI so you can check whether you know how to write that words:)

1 year, 3 months ago

1200 words which you may hear in the listening test ?

Dont forget to check this out even 9s make mistakes in terms of spelling ❤️


1 year, 3 months ago

❗️❗️❗️❗️ Answers ❗️❗️❗️❗️
14 . V
15. VII
16. VI
18. I
19. IX
20. III
21. Skills
22. Castles
23. Ovens
24. Chemicals
25 A
26 G

1 year, 3 months ago

❗️❗️❗️Answers ❗️❗️❗️

1. Robe
2. paper
3. Taxes
4. Gold
5. Foreign
7. caves
8. True
9. Not Given
10. False
12. True
13. False

1 year, 3 months ago

this passage was also reported in the month of october⚡️

1 year, 3 months ago

october 1'st reading passage 2 answers are sent at 20:00 #reading

1 year, 3 months ago

Don't forget to read this ?
5 to 10 articles everyday there are many interesting topics....

1 year, 3 months ago

If you are repeatedly exposed to something, it gets automatically imprinted onto your brain. It is an involuntary process. That's how songs get stuck in your head, and it's also how a lot of advertising works. Input changes your brain, even with zero…

1 year, 3 months ago

If you are repeatedly exposed to something, it gets automatically imprinted onto your brain.
It is an involuntary process.
That's how songs get stuck in your head, and it's also how a lot of advertising works.
Input changes your brain, even with zero effort on your part?

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago