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(Debre) Qonasle (which means the dwelling place of the foxes) which is 1km from Somat.
✞And between the two, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene is found. Abba Liqanos after organizing his cell and establishing his monastery, received disciples, and taught them.
✞And parallel to his great strife, he preached for 21 years descending from the Mount. And he translated the Holy Bible and other texts from Syriac and Greek.
✞And when the Saint always went forth for ministry, he always had his staff at hand. He used to lean on it when he preached and prayed. And from his repeated use of the staff, his hand was empaled. And the fathers regarding this said, “From holding a staff, his hand was pierced.”
✞Again, when he raised his hands at night for prayer (in the orans position), they used to be seen lit like a torch. The Righteous, Abba Liqanos, because of his efficacious life received favor not only from God but from the Emperor and the people. And to this day the inhabitants of Axum revere him dearly.
✞And we (the author) by the mercy of God have went to and seen his monastery. And according to the fathers there, the forest around Debre Qonasle is the abode of many anchorites (sowah/the invisible ones). Though the monastery was esteemed for more than 1,500 years, it was destroyed during the invasion of Fascist Italy in 1928 E.C (1935 A.D).
✞Today as well it is not as it was in its prime. We found only one father in the monastery during our pilgrimage.
✞However, our eyes have seen many great things and we have admired. And as we have heard, it is still today the abode of saints and the resting place of the servants of Axum. The Saint, Abba Liqanos, departed on this day, Hedar 28 (December 7).
✞✞✞Saint Sarapamon the Martyr✞✞✞
=>The Saint was a fruit of the Era of Persecution and a kin to the Apostles. He was born and raised in Jerusalem in the 3rd century. And when his lineage is counted it reaches directly to St. Stephen the Archdeacon and Simeon Cleophas.
✞The Saint was raised in his childhood per the rites of the Old Testament. However, when he grew and became a youth, he searched [for truth] using his intellect that was given to him by His Creator and decided to become a Christian. And when he asked the then Bishop of Jerusalem, John, with “Baptize me,” the father responded saying, “My son! It would have been my pleasure but your kins, the Jews, will kill me.”
✞And then he added, “It would be better if you go to Egypt and get baptized.” Thus, he left Jerusalem and entered Egypt. After reaching Egypt, the Saint learned from St. Theonas (16th Patriarch of Alexandria) and was baptized. He then entered a monastery and became one of the first monks. Learning asceticism from Abba Anthony the Great, his name became renowned.
✞And because the fathers loved his strife and purity, they appointed him as the Bishop of Niku (Nakiyos). And during his days in office, he removed the worship of idols from the surrounding. And in turn, he was captured by Diocletian and on this day was killed. And when he was slain, like his great granduncle St. Stephen, his face shone.
✞✞✞May the God of the Holy Fathers indwell in us the fragrance of their sanctity. And may He grant us from their blessings.
✞✞✞ Annual feasts celebrated on the 28th of Hedar
1. Abba Liqanos of Debre Qonasle (One of the Nine Saints)
2. Saint Sarapamon the Martyr (Bishop of Niku/Nakiyos)
3. Abba Yohannes (John) of Gund/Tsegero/Agora (His nativity)
✞✞✞ Monthly Feasts
1. Immanuel our Good God
2. The Holy Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
3. St. Andronicus and his wife St. Athanasia
4. St. Amete Kirstos
5. St. Theodore, the Roman (Martyr)
6. St. Abadir and St. Eraee his (Abadir’s) sister✞✞✞“The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.”✞✞✞
Ps. 36 (37):29-31
✞✞✞ Salutations to God ✞✞✞
(Translated by Mhr. Esuendale Shemeles with the permission of Dn. Yordanos Abebe)
✞✞✞On this day we commemorate Abba Liqanos of Debre Qonasle (One of the Nine Saints) and Saint Sarapamon the Martyr✞✞✞
✞✞✞In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!✞✞✞
✞✞✞Abba Liqanos of Debre Qonasle✞✞✞
=>Though the Saint completed his struggles in Ethiopia, he was born in Asia Minor, which was part of the Roman Empire. Abba Liqanos was one of the Nine Saints. And the Nine Saints though they came from the Roman Empire, hailed from different parts.
✞And it was the Holy Spirit, Who made them one through His Wisdom. The following list shows the reasons behind their unity.
1. Their upright Miaphysite Faith.
2. Their purpose ([seeking] the Kingdom of God) and
3. The monastic life.
✞Including Abba Liqanos’, all the [Nine] Saints’ lineage was from the palace. However, they chose to make theirs the heavenly honor by forsaking the worldly. And these fathers that studied the Holy Scriptures went to the Egyptian deserts from Rome at different times.
✞Abba Pantelewon and Abune Aregawi take precedence [from the Nine Saints] in beginning the ascetic life. As the period was when the Miaphysites were persecuted, the 5th century, the Nine Saints chose flight than renouncing their faith.
✞And in those days, there was no better country to take refuge in than Ethiopia. Hence, the Saints by the leadership of Aregawi came to Ethiopia in the 470s A.D during the reign of Alla Amidas.
✞And the Emperor received them well as they were guests of God and because he saw their holiness. Later, he allotted them a place to stay in Axum. This place is called “Bete Qetin”.
✞Abba Liqanos and the 8 Saints after coming to our country made their first task learning the language. And after learning Ge’ez well, they started their [evangelistic] activity there in Axum. And during that time, the kindled missionary activity of Abune Selama, Abreha and Atsbeha including Abune Moses the First was somewhat dwindled and thus Abba Liqanos reignited it with the others.
✞They preached to the people with the local tongue so that they would become zealous for Christianity. And they preached the Gospel for years by restoring the lapsed and revitalizing the lukewarm. Then, their next task was translating books.
✞Thus, they divided the books [for translation] that they had brought from their nation and translated them to Ge’ez. And by this, they did the greatest favor to our country. And while all these occurred, the fathers prayed and ate as a group. Because the grace of God did not depart from them, there was perfect love amidst them.
✞Then, the task of Abba Liqanos and the others became expanding the monastic life. And to do this it was necessary that they separate. Hence, each traveled to the place that the Holy Spirit led him to.
Abba Pantelewon went to Somat.
Abba Garima (Isaac, or Yeshaq) went to Medera.
Abba Aragawi went to Damo.
Abba Sehma went Tsedia.
Abba Yem’ata went to Garalta.
And the others established monasteries in other areas.
*Abba Liqanos by the leadership of the Holy Spirit chose Qonasle (in Tigray).
✞Like his companions, the 8 Saints, Abba Liqanos beyond being a righteous father has done a great deal for our country. Incidentally, the name “Abba Liqanos” was not his first name rather it was a designation that the populous of Axum who were astounded by the Saint’s teaching gave the father.
✞And the fathers have exegeted the name “Liqanos” to mean “The scholarly father”. If asked how that was known, then it is answered from the fact that Abba Pantelewon and Abba Liqanos were the ones that resided around Axum when the Nine Saints completed their ministry as a group and parted to each of their monasteries.✞And the reason for them staying around Axum was that the people and the Emperor had implored the two fathers with, “Do not move far away from us.” Thus, Abba Pantelewon made his abode at a hill named Somat (Endaba Pentelewon - Mai Qoho Hill) above the City of Axum and Abba Liqanos took residence upon Mt.
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✞✞✞On this day, Hedar 15, we begin the Fast of the Prophets (Advent)✞✞✞
✞✞✞In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!✞✞✞
✞✞✞The Fast of the Prophets (Advent)✞✞✞
=>The Holy Church has 7 Fasts that She ordered the faithful to fast. A fast is an abstinence. And we abstain from sin and wickedness. In addition, we refrain from foods that would lead our bodies to them (to sin and wickedness).
✞The 7 Fasts are
1. Great Lent - Abiye Tsome /Hudadi/ Tessaracoste (forty days fasting) [contains 56 days in practicality]
2. The Fast of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin
3. The Fast of the Apostles (After Pentecost)
4. The Fast of the Prophets (Advent)
5. The Fast of Redemption (On Wednesdays and Fridays)
6. The Fast of Nineveh and
7. The Paramon (Gahad) Fasts (On the Eves of Christmas and Epiphany)
✞On these fasts except Great Lent one should fast up to the 9th hour of the day (3:00 PM). However, Great Lent has a different rite, it will be discussed in the future. When we talk of fasting, the first question raised is regarding its necessity. But it is better to ask, “What is the need for faith?” than ask “What is the need for fasting?”
✞And this is because it is the principal of the commands of the faith and standing against it is protesting against faith and the One Who commanded it, God. There is a wicked tendency in our country, which is becoming a habit, that is debating stating, “It is not necessary,” when things become difficult for one.
✞I (the author) am astounded by people who quote verses to annul fasts. To sin, to invalidate fasts it is not necessary to quote verses. Nonetheless, we fast to our abilities as our Creator, Jesus Christ, had started it (Matt. 4:2) and as our blessed fathers had shown us by abstaining (Deut. 9:19, 1Kgs. 19:8, Acts 13:3 and 1Cor 4:11).
=>The Fast of the Prophets (Advent) is the fast that our fathers and mothers from our father, Adam, to St. John the Baptist fasted wanting salvation and aid.
✞Particularly, our father Adam, St. Moses, St. Elijah and St. Daniel, these holy men, are attested to for their fasts. (Deut. 9:19, 1Kgs. 19:8, Dan. 9:3)
✞And St. David saying, “chastened my soul with fasting” (Ps. 68(69)10, 108(108):24) showed how he subdued his body for God. The fast of the Holy Prophets that they fasted in toil and hardship did reach heaven and it pulled the Son from His throne (He became incarnate). And it led Him die.
✞In the time of the Old, Saints of each era, because they fasted, were removed from tribulation. And they were endowed with grace, honor and favor. This fast begins on the 15th of Hedar (November 24) and completes on Tahisas 29 (January 7), and once in 4 years, in a leap year, recedes a day (back to Tahisas 28).
✞The Fast has different names. And the following are some of them.
1. The Fast of the Prophets
2. The Fast of Mary (As she had fasted the fast of her fathers’ when she had conceived the Lord)
3. The Fast of the Apostles (As they had fasted it wanting the blessings of the Prophets)
4. The Fast of Genna/Nativity (Genna – means the Nativity of Christ the praised)
5. The Fast of Exhortation [of Advent] (Because the Ministry of the Prophets is remembered in the season)
6. The Fast of Hedar (Because of the month it begins in.)
7. The Fast of Philip (Because the Disciples of the Apostle Philip fasted it [for 3 days] to find his relics after he was martyred.)
✞✞✞May the God of the Prophets not deprive us from the grace and blessing that would be garnered by the fast.
✞✞✞“Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.”✞✞✞
Joel 2:12-13
✞✞✞ Salutations to God ✞✞✞
Cʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ @Simera10
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