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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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The OFFICIAL Telegram Channel of Simon Parkes.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The WHO Is a Real and Present DangerOur governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families, and societal freedoms to the Director General of the WHO, whenever he or she declares it necessary. The success of this transfer of power depends on public ignorance of its implications, and of the nature of the WHO itself and its recent pandemic policy reversals...
In late 2019, the WHO issued new recommendations for pandemic influenza. Influenza spreads by the same mechanism as Covid-19 (aerosols), with a similar mortality in most people. The WHO stated that it is “not recommended in any circumstances” to undertake contact tracing, quarantine of exposed individuals, entry and exit screening, and border closures. They envisioned that in a severe pandemic it may be necessary to close businesses for up to seven to ten days.
**The WHO cautioned against strict measures because they would have minimal impact on the spread of an aerosolized respiratory virus while inevitably increasing poverty, especially harming low-income people. Poverty makes people die younger and is a major killer of babies in low-income countries.
A few months later, the WHO advocated for everything they had previously advised against, to combat Covid-19**. This reversal in their recommendations had the effect they had predicted; increasing poverty and shortening life expectancy, particularly amongst the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, while having minimal overall impact on virus spread...
It is vital to understand what drove this reversal of WHO policy, and to detail its harm. International public health priorities are currently being upended with the specific aim of allowing the WHO to do this again, harder and more frequently. In May 2024 our countries will vote to allow a single person to dictate border closures and quarantine, and require medical examinations and vaccination of their citizens. They will agree to censor those who protest. Our governments will undertake to make this individual’s recommendations regarding our rights to family life, work, and school effectively binding...
Whilst establishing this influence over public health policy, Pharma and their private investors increasingly funded the WHO itself, now providing about 25 percent of its budget. This funding is ‘specified,’ meaning the funder decides how and where it is spent. Certain governments now also ‘specify’ most of their funding, leading to over 75 percent of the WHO’s activities being determined by the donor. Germany stands out as the second highest national donor after the USA, also being a major investor in BioNTech, Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccine developer....
So, we have a problem. The WHO, ostensibly leading the show, is deeply conflicted through its private investors, whilst governed by an Assembly including powerful States hostile to human rights and democracy. Its staffing policies, based on country quotas and rules that promote retention rather than targeted recruitment, are not even designed to assure technical expertise.
The recent behavior of these staff – blind, dutiful compliance with the organization’s multiple nonsensical claims – must raise questions regarding their integrity and competency. The expanding pandemic industry has a massive financial war chest aimed at media and political sponsorship, and our politicians fear political oblivion should they oppose it....Our democracies are being eroded through a massive amoral business deal, a structure designed to concentrate the wealth of the many in the hands of the few. Covid-19 proved the model works.
The only real question is whether, and how, this society-wrecking pandemic train can be stopped. The public health professions want careers and salaries, and will not intervene. They have proven that in previous manifestations of fascism. The public must educate themselves, and then refuse to comply. We can just hope some of our supposed leaders will step forward to help them.
SOURCE: Brownstone
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Brownstone Institute
The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger ⋆ Brownstone Institute
The public must educate themselves, and then refuse to comply. We can just hope some of our supposed leaders will step forward to help them.
Si l'Ukraine était acceptée dans l'OTAN, la guerre de l'alliance avec la Russie commencerait
"Pourquoi l'OTAN, y compris les États-Unis, chacun des 31 membres n'était pas prêt à accepter l'Ukraine lors de ce sommet de l'OTAN, la raison est en fait assez claire. Si l'Ukraine était acceptée dans l'OTAN aujourd'hui, cela signifierait que l'OTAN serait en guerre avec La Russie aujourd'hui que les États-Unis seraient en guerre avec la Russie aujourd'hui", a déclaré le conseiller à la sécurité nationale Jake Sullivan à CNN.
#NAHEL ===> INTOX (ingénerie sociale) - RadioQuebec - Video LIGHT
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?????? Biden wants EU ~~Gynecologist~~ Chief von der Leyen for top NATO position.
After incumbent NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's term is extended for 1 year, sources say Brussels's overlords in Washington want EU Chief von der Leyen (pictured) to succeed Stoltenberg and that she and creepy Joe have had very wholesome "strong bond" over their hate for Russia and China.
? Given her glorious track record as Germany’s Defense Minister, when she left German army in "catastrophic" conditions and presided over procurement scandals, we believe von der Leyen would make PERFECT NATO Chief.
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Dr. McCullough: The Powers That Be Are Telegraphing the Next Pandemic“They [Tedros, Hotez, Fauci, Gates] are all publicly stating with great enthusiasm that there will be another pandemic — a serious one. And that COVID-19 is just a warm-up for the next pandemic,” reported Dr. McCullough.
“We ought to be ready for treatment and not necessarily concede to lockdown, social distancing, and wait for a vaccine.
“And I think that’s what these vaccine enthusiasts want. They want one after another. In fact ... CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation. The business plan says there will be a wave of pandemics, one after another. And there’s only going to be one solution for each one — a vaccine.”
Dr. Peter McCullough is a world-renowned cardiologist fighting censorship and reprisal — and our Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company.
Learn how we can help optimize your health and provide immune and healing support from spike proteins.
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?‼️ 5G - LES MICRO-ONDES COMME ARME - DR. REINER FUELLMICH DANS L'EMISSION DE STEW PETERS17/03/23 Le Dr Reiner Fuellmich présente ses dernières découvertes sur les dangers de la technologie 5G, qui peut provoquer des symptômes semblables à ceux du COVID et constituer un interrupteur d'arrêt d'urgence potentiel. La DARPA a récemment déployé le système d'antennes réseau à commande de phase COFFEE. Ses documents indiquent clairement que les micro-ondes et les ondes millimétriques (5G) créent des "espèces réactives de l'oxygène" dans la cellule humaine, ce qui a pour effet de priver la cellule d'oxygène, de détruire les mitochondries de la cellule et de créer des symptômes respiratoires.
Lien Crowdbunker:
Le sociologue Michel Maffesoli est un habitué des plateaux de télévision et des radios. Il est généralement invité afin de s'exprimer sur les concepts de sociologie qui ont fait de lui un personnage public. Lorsqu'il lui reste un peu de temps libre, il gratifie nos lecteurs de 450fm de quelques articles sur les thématiques qui lui sont chères.
*⚡️ SE DÉBARRASSER DE LA PROTÉINE SPIKE NATURELLEMENT*Le Pr Paul Marik, spécialiste des soins intensifs, se concentre sur l'étude des protocoles permettant de contrecarer les effets secondaires du vaccin Covid-19. Regardez maintenant | "Le cyanure vous tue rapidement ; les protéines Spike vous tuent lentement". Voici ce que vous pouvez faire pour contrer ses effets négatifs tout en atteignant une santé optimale.
JUST IN: The World Health Organization is now linking diseases with climate change.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 5 months ago
The OFFICIAL Telegram Channel of Simon Parkes.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago