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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
We ask you to command the army and hosts of heaven to assist us and to bring with them, the cloud of witnesses, at their appointed time, to see the greatest deliverance the world has ever known.
We command all terror cells and
Individuals with an intent to do harm or stir up fear, to drop dead in their places should no repentance be possible. We, your people, ask you to put a bounty on their heads and declare them "WANTED! DEAD or Alive" May God have mercy on their souls.
We come into agreement today to declare life over our regions and to command all terror cells to be dissolved by the great and mighty Creator, God himself and we command all vacated places to be filled with fear of the Lord.
Release your dread on these cells and bind all terror back to the head of the ones who sent it. Cancel all plans of the enemy to terrorize America and the world. All spirits of death and fear we command you to leave our land and go to the place where Yeshua sends you. In Yeshua's name we pray amen.
West Coast Region 1
Southern region 2
Northern region 3
Midwestern region 4
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua's name, we the Ekklesia, living in the United States, do take my authority by the finished work of the cross to command all terror cells in America be relieved of their purpose and removed from their post, willingly or unwillingly, DEAD or ALIVE!
We acknowledge that very evil workers of iniquity have moved in here to co mingle amongst us with an intent to do harm, we also recognize the U.S. Government is to blame for this Crime Against Humanity. They have left our borders with no accountability or protection. We renounce and come out of agreement with this world wide hoax and godless act. We declare your word that says the earth is yours and everything in it and we call on you, the Creator of heaven and earth to release a target focused, laser accurate, strategy of warfare against these people.
We call them out of the darkness and into the light so that they may meet their maker and give an account for ALL crimes against humanity. We ask that every tunnel entrance be exposed, every shipping container, abandoned home or building, desolate land, uninhabited mountain or desert region, every high place, low place, or places in between be exposed and burned out by your mighty hand.
We issue a divine restraining order, and a DEATH warrant against all of those working in this terror cult and we ask you to declare it from the heavens. We ask you to release Holy Warring, policing angels and all hosts of heaven to launch an all out attack on these people and forbid them from unleashing terror on your people.
We, your Ekklesia are NEVER in agreement with a spirit of death, nor are we in agreement with a spirit of fear and we repent for any weaknesses in that area. We ask you to unleash a crusade in this country, of spiritual and physical war against this evil and declare the bombs from heaven will be dropped on these individuals. We command these spirits that came in with these
Ungodly wicked ones to have terror unleashed in their realm where they exist, that their silver cords would be cut as you see fit and their spirits will be sent into outer darkness with their life sources cut off from them.
We acknowledge our error in times past by not knowing of spiritual darkness when it crept into places of worship, our local, state and federal governments and we ask you forgiveness for all blinders and ignorance. Please forgive us for not heeding the call to intercede for our land. Forgive us for all laziness and for not recognizing our calling to legislate with you to see your Glory fill the earth. We ask you to break all of this off of us and release us into a time where we are ready to fight such wickedness on our knees and to take the fight to the enemy in ALL regions you have ordained is to live or work in.
Please unite us in one accord to call on you and ask for the biggest deliverance and harvest the world has ever known. Send down your anointing and make us worthy of it to operate as the spotless bride, to rescue as many as we can for your names sake. Abolish the laws of this evil, satanic rulership that exists here and restore your righteous spiritual laws that decree your children's freedom. Give us the ability to rise up become the head and not the tail. We declare the earth is your footstool and we have been given ALL authority by you, to trample on snakes and scorpions. We command the army of God to rise up in the earth and exercise all of your physical and spiritual senses to wake up to the real enemy and to quit being deceived by the ultimate deceiver and all of his minions.
Truth ??????
I'm hearing people saying how hurt they are from the Prophetic (False Profits) and all the False INFORMATION they are prophesying. This Prophetic Psyop is designed to do exactly that! To turn you away from, and Hurt the TRUE Prophetic and YOU! THEY don't want you hearing from Jesus, They want you dependent on them (False Profits). They can't control you if you hear from the Lord! Don't fall for Satan's DECEPTION that's driven by the Illuminati, CIA or any 3 letter agency! Yes these groups and Satan himself are in charge of these False Profits and Pastors, NOT the Lord Jesus Christ! Don't fall or get HURT over a Pysop from Satan! We DO NOT have as many TRUE Prophets as THEY would have you believe. Discern! If you can't, then READ THE SIGNS! They are not hiding it anymore! ...- Paul 18:7
Nehemiah 9:2
Maybe they should do Thia again in Israel.
Purchasing a child for sex is a misdemeanor in California, carrying a maximum sentence of a year in jail.
California lawmakers this week will debate a bill to classify it as a felony.
Similar proposals have failed in CA dating back to 2014.
Matthew West - Don't Stop Praying (Lyric Video)
Listen to my song "Don't Stop Praying" here: Connect with me! Newsletter: Text List: Facebook: Instagram: Website:…
I've dug into masonry for many years but there always seems to be other layers exposed. Symbolism is totally related to separating the head (who is Christ, from the body, or the congregation) if Satan cannot recruit those with spiritual gifting so he can use them for his purposes then he retaliates against them. This is because of oaths made in secret places. These oaths must be renounced so the Lord can heal your family. Unfortunately the country has been founded on these secret oaths.
The Holy Spirit does nothing in secret!
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago