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admin : @Firstgod
Last updated 2 months ago
King Von ft. Fivio Foreign - I Am What I Am
On that fateful night, Quando was outside the Hookah lounge in his car, his entourage was in the club and he decided to take a nap. His friend Lul Timm refused to leave him and decided to keep him company shortly afterwards, as the parking lot filled up with people Quando Rondo didn't know, that's when he decided to go back to the club, but as he was going alone he was confronted by a large group, they started beating him, as they tried in vain to free their right arm Quando, who had been in the vehicle all this time, saw that his brother was in numerical inferiority, Von and his manager were hit as everyone scattered in all directions. Lul Timm was also hit, according to Von's manager. Lul Timm was shot in the leg after the plainclothes policemen started firing, while Von was still holding Quando, What's interesting is that Quando later revealed that he didn't know it was Von who had attacked him or even that he had been shot - in fact, Quando said in the interview that when he was hit he had an out-of-body experience for a moment, he didn't know what was happening, what Quando remembers is that Von clung to him, he then remembers seeing gunshot wounds on Von and started shouting that the man clinging to him had been shot, this information was even confirmed by Von's manager, who was closest, but was unable to help Von, as he was also shot in the leg, after Von's men returned and separated the two Quando put Lul Timm in his car and drove to the hospital with their driver.
@TheKing_von ?
#KingVon #Von #Chicago #64 #Oblock #LilDurk #OTF #DayvonDaquanBennett #Edit #kingvonfrmdao
@TheKing_von ?
#KingVon’s mom was in the club rapping his song word for word.❤️??
@TheKing_von ?
OTF (Only the Family) was founded by American rapper Lil Durk. It is a rap collective made up of artists and producers with whom Lil Durk collaborates. The group was formed in Chicago and has become a platform for promoting and supporting emerging talent on the hip-hop scene. OTF is also the name of a record label founded by Lil Durk to help propel the careers of the artists he represents. King Von has collaborated with many OTF members and released music under the group's label.
As a member of OTF, King Von benefited from the support and visibility offered by the collective, enabling him to develop his musical career and gain exposure in the hip-hop industry.
Funk Flex x King Von - Lurkin
It's amazing what AI can do, I'll always be amazed. ?
Only voice chat prediction
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Fan Channel Sondra Blust ? ?
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
admin : @Firstgod
Last updated 2 months ago