Cosmic Light Force

💜 Akashic Wisdom Keeper I DNA & Lightbody Activation 💜
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#UPSC , #SSC #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.

🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.

✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899

Last updated 1 month ago

Ставим всех на место одной фразой?

По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)

Менеджеры: @sharp_rek

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago

Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago

8 months, 3 weeks ago
Cosmic Light Force
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Cosmic Light Force
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Cosmic Light Force
11 months, 2 weeks ago

Make sure you drink plenty of clean pure living water right now! It will also help greatly to add in trace minerals — sea salt & ‘mined’ sodium bicarbonate or natural baking soda. ??????

Starseed Fuel Humic & Fulvic Acid ??****

Humic & Fulvic Acid ?? Spike Proteins

Boujee Thirsty Water Snobs

Watch the Water!

Water is the conscious Source of Life Force Energy


11 months, 2 weeks ago
**The current ‘movie’ events are building …

The current ‘movie’ events are building up to the next phase of manifestations of collective timeline — much of it is all theater. This is why these things should not be that important at this moment. This is a good time for a ‘unplugging break’ from the matrix.

The Aetheric Energy that is causing a massive shift in EVERYTHING on a quantum & cellular level right now is what Humans should be more aware of & to act accordingly. This will have great effect on a personal & collective timeline.

Nonstop absorption of matrix Energy will only drain you. Every single race car must pitstop at some point. All machines & gadgets must be reset & reboot at some point. We should do this more often. How you experience the Great Awakening will be more profound & enriched in doing so. Full-charged & optimal-conditioned body-vessels will be able to maneuver in the quantum realms & traverse up in the higher timelines with more ease & ability — while watching the collective events more safely in the Eye of the Storm. ????

3 movies are playing out in the collective


11 months, 2 weeks ago

The incoming Cosmic Light infusion affects global consciousness & cellular formation. All of existence originates as Energy waves looping in coherence, storing quantum packets of electrical charge that materializes as physical matter (atoms). The order of the fractal-holographic universe resembles a field of infinite possibilities, pulsing in a wellspring at Zero Point. It repeats on all scales, from spiraling weather patterns to quantum subatomic particles.

Through the Ascension Process we are becoming masters of Centropy – the ability to transform unlimited Energy & matter from negative entropy or negentropy into Superhuman Light Bodies. The spiritual electrification of matter produces creative renewal, self-generating vitality, health & well-being.This powerful Light initiates Zero Point alchemy for human transformation. In zero point balance, command the Solar Ascension Light-waves to awaken dormant DNA & activate yourCELLph.

11 months, 2 weeks ago
**Protect your Body-Vessel. Counter all attacks …

Protect your Body-Vessel. Counter all attacks by detoxing & keep your Immune System strong. ??????
Take only natural & organic ‘High Energy’ supplements — CBD, NAC, Glutathione, Power Immunity, Colloidal Silver, Irish Sea Moss, Shilajit, C60, Dandelion Root, Fennel Seed, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Activated Coconut Charcoal & much more!
Starseed Fuel Organic & Natural Supplements For High Vibrational CBD??????

Starseed Fuel x Blondeberrie CBD with James Elizabeth


11 months, 2 weeks ago


Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts

The heavy suppression of IVERMECTIN by the medical industrial complex

Nobel Prize winner Dr.Satoshi Omura on IVERMECTIN — “A splendid gift from the Earth.”

Black Cumin Seed — Natural alternative for Ivermectin!

FDA grants full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

FDA will always bat for big pHARMa

The FDA and Pfizer Concealed Evidence That COVID-19 Vaccines Will Cause Myocarditis in Children

The FDA is part of big pharma medical industrial complex

The FDA and Pfizer Concealed Evidence That COVID-19 Vaccines Will Cause Myocarditis in Children

Project Veritas Expose FDA videos

FDA's "Political & Paid for" Science

The FDA is part of big pharma medical industrial complex


11 months, 2 weeks ago
**Holy Basil, St. John’s Wort & …

Holy Basil, St. John’s Wort & Black Cumin Seed is super Grounding, Calming & also an Immune System Booster for this wild Great Awakening ride! ????Holy Basil, in Hindi is know as the Queen of the herbs, is part of the mint family & is a traditional medicinal herb native to tropical Southeast Asia. It is considered to be a tonic for the body & is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Holy Basil is an adaptogen that can help the body adapt to stress & treat inflammation. It can help the body fight everything from the common cold to fevers & digestive problems.

St. John's Wort is an herbal supplement that has been used for centuries to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, PMS & menopause. It is commonly used as a part of alternative medicine to treat depression, anxiety, ADHD, boost mood & provide some relief from depression.

Black Cumin Seed — Natural alternative for Ivermectin!
Starseed Fuel All Well’s Organic Holy Basil, St. John’s Wort & Black Cumin Seed Oil available here.??


11 months, 2 weeks ago
Cosmic Light Force
We recommend to visit

#UPSC , #SSC #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.

🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.

✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899

Last updated 1 month ago

Ставим всех на место одной фразой?

По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)

Менеджеры: @sharp_rek

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago

Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago