Boburmirzo English | 8.5

• Vaziyat o'zgarsa qilaman, deb yurgan hamma ishingizni, vaziyat o'zgarsa ham qilmaysiz.
• Aqliy mehnatga toqati yo'q xalq, jismoniy mehnatga mahkumdir.
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IELTS score: 8.5
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1 week ago

#Writing ***The line graph gives information about the changes in the average amount of CO2 gasses estimated per head in four countries from 1967 to 2007. Units are measured in metric tonnes. Overall, the CO2 emissions per person increased noticeably in Italy and Portugal, where the opposite trend was experienced by the United Kingdom and Sweden throughout the period. Notably, despite a falling trend, the United Kingdom dominated the graph in this regard, having residents who left the most carbon footprint.

Two of the four countries saw a clear and gradual rising trend. Although people in Portugal were responsible for the lowest amount of greenhouse gases at around 1 metric tonne in 1967, the figure soared to about 5 in the end. Similarly, an individual resident in Italy produced slightly more than 4 metric tonnes of CO2 on average in 1967, and then the amount rose to close to 8 in 2007.

By contrast, the CO2 gases emitted by a single person in the UK remained the highest despite diminishing from almost 11 metric tonnes in 1967 to roughly 9 tonnes in 2007. The figure for Sweden increased sharply from approximately 9 to just over 10 in the first decade, which was followed by a marked decrease to below 6 metric tonnes in the end.***@Boburmirzo_English

1 week ago

Writing challenge day 39/40

1 week, 1 day ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

#Writing ***Parents care most about their children's future and tend to choose private school for their education. This leads to the question of whether these parents should pay taxes that is used to promote state schools or not. I personally believe that there should not be any financial privileges for parents of children in private schools because of difficulties involved, and potential inequality.

Calculating what percentage of taxes paid goes to the maintenance of public schools is an extra burden on economists. Income and property taxes are directed to a variety of sectors, ranging from schooling to military forces. This makes the process of deciding on the discount way more challenging if parents of children in private schools receive a reduction in taxes.

In addition, the fact that residents are not using the service they have been taxed on does not mean taxes must be reduced. This point can be easily proven with the example of the police, fire brigade and doctors, for whose salaries people pay taxes. Otherwise, some of the sectors in a country would collapse, leading to a nation weakening.

Moreover, a reduction in taxes in this case would create inequality in a society. Egalitarianism would be harmed in a community where the rich pay lower taxes than the middle-class and the poor just because their children are studying in better schools. This may even result in public outrage, as the majority of residents do not belong to the upper class in all countries across the world.

In conclusion, I argue that all people must pay the same amount of taxes no matter whether they use a certain service of the government or not. This argument holds for schooling too.***@Boburmirzo_English

2 months, 2 weeks ago

***The pie charts show the breakdown of yearly expenditure in Springfield College in three separate years, namely 1990, 2000 and 2010. Overall, the expenditure on insurance, technology, and teacher salaries saw a rising trend, while spending on the remaining three sectors had the opposite trend. Notably, salaries of teachers accounted for the majority of spending in the college in all three years.

Spending on three categories rose during the period. Money given to teachers as wages made up 40% of the total expenditure in the college in 1990, and this figure grew to peak at 50% after a decade. However, this peak was not maintained and followed by a drop of 5% in the last year. Although spending on technology was not as high as on teachers, it saw by far the biggest growth, soaring from mere 1% in 1990 to 20% in 2010. The third category having an upward trend was insurance, which went up from 2% to 8% over the span.

The percentage of money spent on other three sectors declined. Although salaries of other employees in the college constituted 28% at first, the figure decreased to 15%. The share of books went down from 15% to 9%, and that of furniture and equipment fell to 3% despite the initial 14%.***@Boburmirzo_English

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Writing challenge day 27/40

2 months, 2 weeks ago

***Climate change, in particular global warming, is a widely discussed issue of today. Some people argue that carbon dioxide released from cars is the main contributor to the problem. I do not agree with this view because I believe the problem of global warming is a much more complex issue, and stems from a range of factors, not solely from one single cause.

Agriculture is considered as the main culprit for the changing temperatures today. Scientist claim that rice patches are responsible for around a quarter of methane released into air, as rice is a central food source in the majority of countries around the world. The problem also comes from an excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides by farmers to increase harvest, which also has a considerable carbon footprint.

Animal farming can also be blamed for greenhouse gas emissions. Since the world population is increasing at an incredible rate, there is a huge strain on this sector. Millions of cows, oxen, sheep and goats graze in fields, leaving solid waste behind. As the sun heats their waste, a large volume of methane is emitted into the atmosphere, adding up to the greenhouse gas effect. The prevalence of animal farming makes this industry one of the main causes.

Deforestation is much more harmful to the environment than pollution from vehicles. More and more forests are being cut either to make space for residence or to provide wood and raw materials for construction. Considering the fact that forests have a huge role in absorbing carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen, not only their shrinkage slows down this process, but also trees cut emit CO2 gases when they start drying.

In conclusion, I believe that contribution vehicles make to global warning is negligible compared to farming practices, animal farming and deforestation.***@Boburmirzo_English

2 months, 2 weeks ago


***Task 2:

Opinion essay

The main cause of global warming is pollution from cars.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?***@Boburmirzo_English

2 months, 2 weeks ago

***The line graph illustrates how average temperatures change in three large cities every month throughout a year. Units are measured in Celsius degrees.

Overall, Dubai remains the hottest city for the majority of the period, while average temperature in Sydney becomes the highest in winter. Notably, Sydney has different temperature patterns from Paris and Dubai.

Weather patterns in Sydney are different, where it gets hotter in winter and colder in summer. The hottest month in the city is January with close to 25 Celsius degrees. Then, the temperature starts falling gradually to hit the bottom at around 13 Celsius in July, which followed a growth at the same pace with the decline until January.

Regarding Paris and Dubai, they follow similar temperature patterns although the latter is way hotter. Unlike Sydney, January is the coldest month of a year at 5 C in Paris and nearly 20 C in Dubai. After this month, average temperatures begin growing to reach a peak of 20 C and above 35 C respectively in August. Following the peak, the weather in both cities falls till January.***@Boburmirzo_English

2 months, 3 weeks ago

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Bosvoration do'stlar!**

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