Last updated 2 months ago
سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
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- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago
#للتذكير ?
Vertebral column;
7 cervical vertebrae
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
5 sacral
4 coccyx
Vertebral segments;
8 cervical segments
12 thoracic segments
5 lumbar segments
5 sacral segments
1 coccygeal segment
?Compartment syndrome :
?️ain out of proportion to injury
?️ain on ?️assive flexion
?️alpate tense compartment
?️allor ?️arasthesia
?️ulselessness ( late )
✍? ملاحظات الدكتور لطفي النقيب
مستشفى الجمهوري
مهم في الامتحان
patient come. with. AF and ischemic stroke. when you give anticoagulant. >>>> after 14 days
patient come. with. thrombus in heart and hemorrhage. in brain. when you give anticoagulant>>> 10Days.
when you do physiotherapy. for. patient. with ischemic. stroke. >>> After. diagnosis and stable patient.
when you do physiotherapy. for. patient. with hemorrhagic stroke. >>> After. one month
SAH characteris by Thunder. clap headach. important information.
CT negative in SAH. in. 7% of patient. and do. L p. for diagnosis if no contraindications
patient come by Transient ischemic stroke.
treat by. Aspirin. and. cliopidgrol. for. 3weeks after that. stop. one drug. and continous. one drugs.
but New guidelines. first drug of choice. clopidgrol
هذا السؤال سأله د وهيب للزميل فتحي معوض?
? 6S of tangue ulcer :
_spicy food
_sharp tooth ➡️ chronic irretation
? D.D of halitosis
_dental diseases
_esophageal diseases as achalasia, GERD
_liver failure
_respiratory tract infection due to klebsiella, clostridium , or psedomonas
?clostridium septicum ➡️ associated with colon cancer
? قال الدكتور إنوه بيسأل عليها في العملي
?Bouveret's syndrome triad
_gastric outlet obstruction
_ectopic stone
?ذيه السندروم بسبب ال gall stone ileus بس أنوه الاستون بتحنب في ال
distal duodenum or at the pylorus
?م يهمش هذا الهدار المهم يكون عندكم خلفية بإسم السندروم لو سأل الدكتور و ال triad هيه نفسها حق rigler triad بس فيها
gastric outlet obstruction
بدل intestinal obstruction
? hypercarotenemia : yellowish discolouration of whole skin EXCEPT sclera
D.Dx of a mass prolapsing from the anus :
Rectal prolapse
Prolapsed hemorrhoid
Prolapsed Polys
Prolapsed Intussusception
Lemmel syndrome → obstructive jaundice caused by periampullary duodenal diverticulum
Treated by → diverticulectomy + pyloric exclusion + gastrojejunostomy + drain from cystic duct to CBD to duodenum + retrograde drain from 4th to 2nd part of duodenum
د. محمد الشهاري
?ملخص حلوووووووو لكل دواء بشكل بسيط كــ note ✨✨✨✨✨
emergency room 🚑
مشاركة Fifty drugs MASTA.pdf
Daytime Sleepiness and Academic Performance among 21 September university and Ibn Al-Nafis university Students- 2023. دراسة استكشافية: النعاس أثناء النهار والأداء الأكاديمي لدى طلاب جامعة 21 سبتمبر للعلوم الطبية والتطبيقية وطلاب جامعة ابن النفيس للعلوم…
Daytime Sleepiness and Academic Performance among 21 September university and Ibn Al-Nafis university Students- 2023.
دراسة استكشافية: النعاس أثناء النهار والأداء الأكاديمي لدى طلاب جامعة 21 سبتمبر للعلوم الطبية والتطبيقية وطلاب جامعة ابن النفيس للعلوم الطبية - 2023.
You are invited to participate in a study entitled “Daytime Sleepiness and and Academic Performance among students at 21 September university and Ibn Al-Nafis university - 2023 ”.
The aim of this study is to quantify the effect of daytime sleepiness on academic performance of the students.
The questionnaire will take 5 minutes to complete, and it is completely voluntary to take part in the study. The data will be used confidentially and for research purposes only.
By answering the first question, you voluntarily agree to participate in this study and give your consent to use your anonymous data for research purposes.
Principal Researcher:
Saleem N. Hamilah, BS, RCP, FNIV, MsRC (c)
Lecturer, Respiratory Care Department, University of Ibn Al-Nafis.
[email protected]
Google Docs
Daytime Sleepiness and Academic Performance among 21 September university and Ibn Al-Nafis university Students- 2023.
دراسة استكشافية: النعاس أثناء النهار والأداء الأكاديمي لدى طلاب جامعة 21 سبتمبر للعلوم الطبية والتطبيقية وطلاب جامعة ابن النفيس للعلوم الطبية - 2023. You are invited to participate in a study entitled “Daytime Sleepiness and and Academic Performance among…
Last updated 2 months ago
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- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago