🟠 تعرفه تبلیغات:
Last updated 1 Monat, 1 Woche her
زکات علم نشر آن است
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Last updated 2 Monate, 3 Wochen her
Vivienne westwood the MOTHER of punk like are you serious
motherfuckers hate on punks while wearing a Vivienne westwood necklace LMAOOOO
تازه یک چیز هم بود
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of everything
I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade and nights grow
And we grow cold
Until the end, until this pool of blood
Until this, I mean this, I mean this
Until the end of
اونم تازه goatee
کی به این گفت میتونه ریش pull off کنه
ای بمیری الهی تیموتی چقدر زشت شدی
doomed yuri our one and only savior
🟠 تعرفه تبلیغات:
Last updated 1 Monat, 1 Woche her
زکات علم نشر آن است
آموزش های حوزه دیجیتال
$AMOR | @AMOR_Announcements
YouTube | https://bit.ly/41uiYp1
Chat : @iOSF1_Group_chat
Last updated 2 Monate, 3 Wochen her