Jasur Nematullaev | IELTS 8.0

Discover your own English with me, Jasur Nematullaev, an aspiring teacher

IELTS: 8.0 [L 9.0 R 8.0 W 7.5 S 7.5]

We grow together
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2 months ago
2 months ago

#phrases *?***

Immigrate & Emigrate & Migrate1. Immigrate - to move into a new country or region to live there permanently.

Sara decided to immigrate to Canada to start a new life.
2. Emigrate - to leave your own country or region to live elsewhere permanently.

Many families emigrate from rural areas in search of better opportunities abroad.
3. Migrate - in thecomments ⤵️

2 months ago

Nega hamma ingiliz tilini o’rganishni boshlaydiyu, lekin hamma ham o’zi xohlagan natijaga erishmaydi?

Menimcha javobi aniq. Ko’pchiligimizda discipline, focus yetishmaydi.

O’ylab qarasam hayotimdagi barcha yaxshi narsalar intizom, sabr, og’ir mehnat ortidan kelgan.

Bu yuqoridagi ko’rib turgan o’quvchilarni ham birlashtirib turgan yagona narsa aynan shular - intizom, sabr va mehnat!

Brother, agar hali ham o’ziz xohlagan IELTS ballni olmagan bo’lsangiz, hamma narsani yig’ishtiringda 6oyga o’zizni o’ziz ARMIYAga chaqiring. Albatta majoziy ma’noda.

6 oy #monkmode ni yoqingda bor focusizni aniq bitta maqsadga qarating. Hech qayerga chalg’imasdan faqat bitta maqsadga. [No phones, no parties, no gym, no girls, yes no everything, but IELTS]

Man aniq ishonamanki yuqoridagi o’quvchilarni sizdan hech qanday ustun jihati yo’q. Ular faqat kerakli vaqtda distractionlarga yo’q deya olishgan halos.

Ishonchim komilki siz ham buni uddalaysiz.

I believe in you, bruh! You do it. There’s no way back, because this is what you have signed up for.

#peace ?

9 months ago

#writingnotes ✍️

What's wrong with the following phrase?

-A free gift

The person who finds it right will get a chance to have speaking wiz me

9 months ago


Dress down - wear clothes (to work) that are not smart, e.g. old jeans.

- On Saturdays, everyone dresses down at work.

9 months, 1 week ago


Them: How are you?

Me: I am one subscriber away from good ?‍?️

9 months, 1 week ago

For teachers!

Most people ask how I effectively conduct 100% English classes, even with beginner-level students.

This is how I do it: I use ESL methods and learn from the PROs. My all time favorite is Chris Westergaard.

See how he deals with multicultural beginner-level students: Demo lesson by Chris ☠️

9 months, 1 week ago

- Mazza qilib issiq choy ichadigan havo bo'lyapti ekanu tashqarida? ?

9 months, 1 week ago

Take a look at this cool article about what proves to be very confusing - comma.

I, for example, have a really hard time with when I should put a "comma" and when I shouldn't.

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Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago

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