A meme-flavoured battle arena for meme token owners
Website: https://www.memefi.club/
Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago
? one stop center for every pathway after spm
?️ dm us for any inquiry @upuonline_bot
? do follow our tiktok page now!
? Disclaimer: Channel ini bukan Channel Telegram Rasmi UPU.
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Hidupkan hati dengan zikrullah & doa pada Rabb, Pemilik Langit dan Bumi 🤍
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
*Come here, put your head on my shoulder.
I'm here to make you feel better.
Let out your tears let them flow.
You're safe here with me, that's all you need to know.
I'm all ears to anything you say.
I'll be here with you through night and day.
Don't shy away from opening up,
You know in me you can put your trust.
In me you can confide,
I'll always be by your side.*
Just as I with the moon, my heart you effortlessly swoon...
*Semesta Surrealis
Jikalau aku mengajakmu keluar malam ini
Ke angkasa yang luas tak bertepi,
Akankah kau bilang iya? Jangan ragu, sayang,
'Ku kan datang dan bawa kau terbang!
Melintasi dunia surrealis,
Yang membatasi hanya imajinasi.
Selami angkasa naik kuda terbang.
Menjadi raksasa, petik bintang-bintang.
Seberangi nebula Kepala Kuda,
Ruang semesta milik kita berdua.
Andromeda kita kunjungi, juga Proxima Centauri.
Terus berenang menuju Earendel.
Seberangi angkasa naik Quetzalcoatlus,
Pesawat Airbus, dan juga ikan paus.
Lalui semesta yang tak terlukiskan kata-kata,
Seperti dinamika antara kita.
Surrealis, denganmu semua terasa mungkin.
Mimpi-mimpi tak kan pernah habis.
Ayo kita...
...seberangi angkasa naik Quetzalcoatlus
Pesawat Airbus, dan juga ikan paus!
Lalui semesta yang tak terlukiskan kata-kata,
Seperti dinamika antara kita.
Semesta seperti kita*...
*Bajingan Determinasi Merah
Sepi, di tengah jalan penuh duri dan ranjau ini aku jalan sendiri.
Sunyi, tak ada satu jiwa pun tampak.
Hanya aku dan hujan tanpa henti,
Mengguyur tanpa ampun, menolak beranjak.
Setiap guyurannya adalah tertawaan,
Butiran-butirannya adalah cemooh.
Mengejek tanpa rasa kasihan,
Seolah-olah akulah orang paling bodoh.
Zeus melempar panah-panah petir
Yang setiap dentumannya adalah cengengesan,
Menertawai aku yang retak dan getir.
Dewa Petir bangsat nan cabul itu tak berperasaan.
Badai tak lelahnya mengacau bak sekelompok brutal penyamun,
Mencuri pegunungan dan gedung-gedung dan pepohonan.
Banjir menyapu jejak-jejak kaki tanpa sisa satupun,
Jejak-jejak penanda arah jalan pemikiran dan keputusan.
Aku bergeming, tak akan lari dari semua ini; semua keparat ini tak akan menciutkan nyali.
Semuanya kuhadapi walau tertatih dan goyah.
Hujan, badai, banjir, Zeus; aku tak peduli.
Akulah berengsek keras kepala, si bajingan determinasi merah.*
"Just speak your mind honestly, that's the best thing. It may hurt a little sometimes, and someone may get upset...but in the long run it's for the best."
-Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
-A lovely poem by my dear friend ( )
Could you speak to me of Marlborough Fort?
*How the breeze dances on the beaches fair,
With sand entwined in your locks of hair.
The stonewall.. laden with memories untold,
Your palm's touch against the rugged wall.
What impressions linger? What tales do they weave?
Here, restless, I lay, in the realm of dreams.
To a beach, my spirit yearns, or so it seems...
But the sand, like a mirage, evades my grasp,
As if fate denies this tangible clasp.
Yet, in the shadows where visions abide,
Touches linger where the heart and mind reside.
For what is unseen, what the eyes cannot see.
Could you speak to me of Marlborough Fort? What impressions linger? What tales do they weave?...*
Thanks to my terrible memory, I find it really difficult to recall the majority of information in a book I just finished reading. But I take solace in knowing that I remember how the book made me feel, not its contents.
I apply the same thing with people. I might not remember much about our interactions and conversations but at least the feelings and impressions they left on me stay.
Nowadays if you show affection to your loved ones you will be called a "love bomber" by some people.
Such a sad and pitiful mindset they have.
I miss the feelings of your warm tender lips on mine. I dream at times about the jolting yet calming sensation I felt whenever our lips started to dance in unison. An organized chaos. A beautiful mess. A playful wrestle of two tongues in a tussle. I miss the way I stroke your hair and held the back of your neck or the side of your face while we were doing it. And the way you gripped my hair and shirt. I'll never forget the sighs you made. If only you know how I still feel the softness of your skin and smell your sweet sweat as if it still lingered here. I would kill to have all of those back, but that's not how the universe works, is it?
A meme-flavoured battle arena for meme token owners
Website: https://www.memefi.club/
Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago
? one stop center for every pathway after spm
?️ dm us for any inquiry @upuonline_bot
? do follow our tiktok page now!
? Disclaimer: Channel ini bukan Channel Telegram Rasmi UPU.
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Hidupkan hati dengan zikrullah & doa pada Rabb, Pemilik Langit dan Bumi 🤍
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago