المصباح فی زجاجه | The lamp in the crystal/glass

The eyes tear up, the heart grieves, and we only say what pleases ﷲﷻ

Seeker of Knowledge || طالب العلم

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4 weeks, 1 day ago
4 weeks, 1 day ago
1 month ago

Ibn Hazm said: "The wise man is the one who can see faults in himself and tries to overcome them."

‎● {الاخلاق و السير صحفة ٧١}

1 month ago

Yaḥyā b. Muʿādh said: "Don’t delay an answer to your duʿāʾ by blocking its path with sins."

● {شعب الإيمان جلد ٢، صحفة ٥٤}

1 month ago

A Sunnah Of Wuḍū Not Many Act Upon | Washing Between Fingers Of Hands And Toes Of Feet (The Latter With Pinkie i.e Smallest Finger)

عن لقيط بن صبرة رضي الله عنه قال : قال النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام : إذا توضأت فخلل الأصابع

From Laqeet b. Ṣabrah Raḍi-Allāhu ‘Anhu who reported that Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “When you make Wuḍū (ablution) then wash through in between the FINGERS.”

● [رواه الترمذي ٣٨ ، صححه ابن خزيمة في صحيحه ١٥٠ وأيضا صححه الألباني في سنن ابن ماجه ٤٤٨]

وعن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أن رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام قال : إذا توضأت فخلل بين أصابع يديك ورجليك.

And from Ibn ‘Abbās Raḍi-Allāhu 'Anhumā who reported that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “When you make Wuḍū (ablution) then wash through between fingers of your HAND and (toes of) your FOOT.”

● [رواه أحمد ١/٢٨٧ وصححه الألباني]

وعن المستورد بن شداد الفهري رضي الله عنه قال : رأيت النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام إذا توضأ دلك أصابع رجليه بخنصره

And from al-Mustawrid b. Shaddād al-Fihree Raḍi-Allāhu 'Anhu who who said: “I saw the Prophet ﷺ, when he made Wuḍū he rubbed/washed in between his toes with his PINKIE (smallest finger).”

● [رواه الترمذي ٤٠ وصححه الألباني]

'Ikrimah Raḍi-Allāhu 'Anhu used to say: “When you make Wuḍū, START with your fingers by washing through in between them for indeed it is the RESTING PLACE of SHAYṬĀN.”

● [المصنف لابن أبي شيبة]

Shaqeeq b. Salmah Raḥimahullāh (one of the Salaf) said: “I saw 'Uthmān b. 'Affān Raḍi-Allāhu 'Anhu making Wuḍū, he washed between his fingers then said: 'I saw Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ DO what you have seen me doing.”

● [رواه ابن خزيمة في صحيحه ١٥٦]

Imām at-Tirmidhee Raḥimahullāh said: “With the people of knowledge washing through one’s fingers and toes is one of the acts of Wuḍū.”

● [الجامع ٣٨]


Imām Ibn Qudāmah Raḥimahullāh said: “Washing in between the fingers of hands and toes of the feet is a SUNNAH OF WUḌŪ and what is RECOMMENDED is to go in between the toes of the foot with the smallest finger (pinkie) and to BEGIN with the RIGHT FOOT by washing through little toe FIRST and then proceeding to the thumb (big toe) and on the left foot to wash through thumb (big toe) first and then proceeding to the little toe for Prophet ﷺ used to love beginning from the right side first in his ablution.”

● [المغني ١/١٥٢]

1 month, 1 week ago
المصباح فی زجاجه | The lamp …
1 month, 1 week ago
المصباح فی زجاجه | The lamp …
1 month, 1 week ago


The person who has a secret, as we previously described, should tighten his chest, but if he feels he must share his secret, he should do so by consulting someone who is religious, intelligent, and beloved, and he should never seek advice from someone who does not possess these three characteristics. If he is not religious, he will betray him; if he is not intelligent, then he will make a mistake regarding the correct course; and if he is not loved, then he may not give him sincere advice.

Book: Selections from the Garden of the Wise and the Meadow of the Virtuous
By Abū Hātim ibn HibbānAuthentic Statements Publications
P. 106

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Funny videos?Trends that is going to blow your mind?❤️

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago