🔨 Self-Forging Man

🔨forging myself into the man I'm meant to be
💪🏻overcoming inborn impairments
📱 documenting & sharing my journey in all aspects of life to inspire my people
🎯 currently focused on: building my body & career
📲IG: SelfForgingMan
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

1 week, 4 days ago
1 month, 1 week ago

Yesterday an extended family member told me:

- Don't you dare to stop with your fitness journey! I'm trying to get started and you are constantly in my mind pushing me to start making those moves. You are constantly reminding me that it's possible. I haven't started yet, but I'm trying to start. If you stop, I'll lose that little motivation I'm having.

I didn't even consider stopping, of course. I'm in this for life!

But I'm sharing this to show that this isn't only about us as individuals. Our positive actions impact our people positively wether we know it or not. When we fall, and especially when we stop and give up, we aren't only hurting ourselves but our people too.

I didn't even know I was influencing that particular person. I wasn't telling her anything. I try to witness by being a good role model, not by giving people lectures without them asking. But my influence is strong enough that she had to tell me that I must not even dare to stop.

Keep going! Your people depend on you.

1 month, 1 week ago


- ended THIS fat loss phase
- I can fit all my old clothes
- starting a reverse/maintenance/lean bulk phase
- shifting focus on building muscle mass
- had to end this fat loss phase primarily due to the complexities of my inborn health conditions
- the goal of reaching 10% BF remains but for a future fat loss phase which I'll enter with more muscle mass

10 months, 3 weeks ago

Add my personal Telegram account as a contact and get access to my daily stories, like this one:


My Telegram account: @SelfForging_Man

11 months ago

"Why is every supporter of the republic, regardless of whether he is a liberal or a conservative, essentially revolutionary, liberal and anti-traditional?

The simple spiritual symbology of republicanism is often based on three foundations; the first idea of revolution, the second idea of liberalism and the third of anti-tradition. Every republic created on the foundations of a destroyed historical state will strive to carry those three foundations in its symbology and essence. Every modern republican is a revolutionary, because in contrast to the historical state, the republic is revolutionary. Every republican will be a liberal, even if he has somewhat conservative principles. Because the idea of a republic based on the 18th and 19th century (from where all today's republics come from) is liberal, be it authoritarian, dictatorial, democratic or extremely politistic. Every republican is anti-traditional, tradition simply rests on historical and hierarchical foundations, the republic arises as a revolution against those natural foundations. Therefore, a republican will always be anti-traditional, even if he shows certain traditional tendencies. Its origin is always in appealing to the masses, whether through democracy or dictatorship, therefore it will always appeal to the people, which is the greatest source of legitimacy for a republican. A Republican, even when he is a Catholic, will put the legitimacy of the people above God, above crown-state, traditional-customary or any other legitimacy. Because respect for a hierarchy that does not arise exclusively from or in the name of the people is for the republican the end of the concept of a positive state. Therefore, it is not surprising that the greatest crimes against peoples and classes were not committed in the name of God, nor in the name of the King, but in the name of the People."

- Count Anthony Breshich Nob. Mikulich of Poglizza

#politics #monarchism

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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago