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1 year ago

Scott Ritter:

ATACMS - the latest wonder weapon - Its a 50 year old missile that the US stopped buying in 2007...

Two Majors

Sputnik International

Scott Ritter: ATACMS – The Latest American Poison Pill for Ukraine

Sputnik brings you the latest insights from Scott Ritter - former US Marine intel officer and UN weapons inspector – where he explains why ATACMS will not affect the course of special military operation and will not be a wunderwaffe for Ukrainian troops.

Scott Ritter:
1 year ago

The best praise comes from clients. The Khinzirs give this rocket artillery unit five stars and ask them not to come again.

Donetsk section of the front this morning.

Soundtrack - AC/DC Demon Fire

Месть доброй волиTwo Majors

1 year ago

*❗️*North Korea has been preparing for a Ukraine style war for decades stockpiling one of the worlds largest caches of artillery rounds, MLRS rockets all compatible for use in Russian systems.

The long-range 170-mm self-propelled artillery units M-1989 Koksan which can launch conventional high-explosive fragmentation ammunition up to 40 km, and active-reactive ammunition up to 60 km.

The 240 mm North Korean M1985 / M1991 MLRS launches rockets at a distance of at least 65,000 meters.

The 600-mm KN-25 MLRS of “super-large caliber”. These missiles fly about 380 kilometers and reached an altitude of 97 kilometers. The weight of the rocket is 3 tons.

?But most importantly, unlike Ukraine and the Russian Federation, there is no corruption in North Korea.

??That’s why Kim Jung Un has enough shells, rockets & rounds stored in his warehouses to arm an army of 8 millon men.

In comparison, before February 2022 the armies of the Russian Federation and Ukraine combined had enough rounds in storage to arm only 4.5 million men.

?80% of the casualties in the Ukraine conflict are caused by artillery & MLRS rockets which North Korea can easily transfer to the frontline via the Trans-Siberian Railway.

In short, Russia's swaps space, aviation, nuclear submarine & ICBM technology in exchange for a unlimited 'all you can eat' access to North Korea's huge stockpiles.

???????? The West arms Ukraine with Vietnam era junk weapons and cardboard drones. Russia quietly responds by arming North Korea with all the military technology on Kim Jung Un's wish list.

?This is a huge geopolitical and diplomatic failure on the part of the AUKUS alliance.

?Putin warned the West to stop arming Ukraine. Now the West gets a taste of their own medicine.

?Subscribe** @AussieCossack

1 year ago
***?******?*** “Boris Johnson received an honorary …

?? “Boris Johnson received an honorary doctorate from Ivan Franko Lviv National University during his visit to Ukraine”

1 year ago

Alexander Nevsky Full Movie - Sergei Eisenstein Movie from 1938.

A historical and biographical drama about an outstanding Russian commander who defeated the knights of the Teutonic Order. The ingenious plan of Prince Alexander Nevsky and the courage of the combatants brought victory to the army in the battle of 1242 on Lake Peipus.

Some things never change - GERMANS!!
From the medieval crusades until today the GERMANS continue to be germanic....


Two Majors


Alexander Nevsky | DRAMA | FULL MOVIE | by Sergei Eisenstein

A historical and biographical drama about an outstanding Russian commander who defeated the knights of the Teutonic Order. The ingenious plan of Prince Alexander Nevsky and the courage of the combatants brought victory to the army in the battle of 1242 on…

1 year ago

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger on the CIA and FBI's control of Wikipedia. From Sanger 's statements:
1. Back in 2008, CIA and FBI computers were used to edit Wikipedia. Do you think they've stopped doing that?
2. The narrative of the liberal establishment, aimed at countering President Donald Trump, apparently influenced the content of Wikipedia.
3. Ordinary members of Wikipedia — those who are responsible for the bulk of edits on the site — now take an example from liberal corporate media such as CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times.
4. In the period from 2005 to 2015 Wikipedia became a target for use as a weapon when the information war was waged online.
5. Intelligence agencies either paid influential people to promote their programs, or created their own cadres in the intelligence community to manipulate Wikipedia content in their interests.
6. No encyclopedia, as far as I know, has been as biased as Wikipedia.
To the question of the need to create in Russia its own universal online encyclopedia and close access to Wikipedia in Russia. In its current form, it is an open tool of information and psychological warfare, including against the Russian Federation.

1 year, 4 months ago


Soldiers of one of the most combat-ready units, the 96th Operational Regiment of the SKO of the Russian National Guard Troops, advanced from Grozny to the zone of the special military operation.

1 year, 4 months ago

I was surprised by the fact that a lot of people think that Russia is responsible for Bucha. For fucks sake, it's fake!!!! I've heard about the reporter who revealed that this was actually staged with already dead Ukrainian soldiers!! Bucha was faked; faker than Dolly Pardons boobs!! That's how the western propaganda machine works, just like in Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan! They actually brought in dead bodies from around and they piled them up in Bucha and said: “Oh, look at this genocide they're doing”. Some war crimes like this are staged by the Ukrainians. It's just propaganda, it's clearly staged fukery from the satan worshipping pagan nazis!

This is how it works in proxy wars. The puppet leader is the one who first occupies the media. Information operations and attacks, which are so common today, were present almost exclusively in the activities of special services 7–8 years ago and were elements of operational games. The term "information war" itself was not taken seriously for many decades, but now you can see how such a propaganda can turn the tide of war.


Меня удивил тот факт, что многие думают, что Россия несет ответственность за Бучу. Бля, это фейк!!!! Я слышал о репортере, который сообщил, что на самом деле это была постановка с уже мертвыми украинскими солдатами!! Буча была подделана; фальшивее, чем сиськи Долли Пардонс !! Так работает западная пропагандистская машина, как на Кубе, в Корее, Вьетнаме, Ираке, Афганистане! Они действительно привозили трупы со всей округи, складывали их в Бучу и говорили: «Ой, посмотрите, какой геноцид они творят». Некоторые подобные военные преступления инсценируют украинцы. Это просто пропаганда, это явно постановочный фукерий от поклоняющихся сатане нацистов-язычников!

Вот как это работает в прокси-войнах. Марионеточный лидер — это тот, кто первым занимает СМИ. Информационные операции и нападения, столь распространенные сегодня, присутствовали почти исключительно в деятельности спецслужб 7–8 лет назад и были элементами оперативных игр. Сам термин «информационная война» многие десятилетия не воспринимался всерьез, но теперь вы видите, как такая пропаганда может переломить ход войны.

1 year, 4 months ago

???? Artemovsk

  1. The enemy will lose the last positions in the city before the end of the week - the average forecast now on both sides is 1-3 days. What remains of the Artemovsk garrison will crawl back to Krasnoye and Khromovo with losses in the coming days. The rest will remain in the city, since they have stopped taking prisoners there.

  2. Since after the ousting of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Artemovsk, the fighting will continue in the fields to the west of the city, as well as in the Khromovo and Krasnoy regions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will continue to pretend that the "Bakhmut Fortress" is standing, after which, in 1-2 weeks, they will announce that "withdrew to more advantageous positions" and "in general, Bakhmut never mattered much."

  3. The current attacks to the north and south of the city are unlikely to lead to significant breakthroughs in the front, but tactical successes may allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to somewhat dampen the inevitable tantrums in Ukraine about the surrender of the Bakhmut Fortress.

  4. In the middle of the day on May 18, the enemy continued to attack in the direction of Berkhovka and Kleshcheevka. There are intense battles. The enemy also continues to attack in the area of Sacco and Vanzetti. The village itself is held by our troops, the enemy is pressing from the northwest and north. Those reserves are now being used, which for a long time were collected in the area of Konstantinovka, Chasov Yar and Aleksandrovka.

  5. With all the tactical troubles for us in the area of Bogdanovka, Kleshcheevka and Sacco and Vanzetti, the continuation of these attacks after the loss of Artemovsk by the enemy will allow, with competent command and control of the Russian Defense Ministry and the strengthening of the interaction of the RF Ministry of Defense with PMC "Wagner", to grind part of the enemy's operational reserves in Slavyansko-Kramatorsk direction, which will be of no small importance in subsequent battles to break through the defense line of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Konstantinovka-Chasov Yar-Rai-Aleksandrovka, with the aim of a full-fledged entry into the Slavnya-Kramatorsk agglomeration. The fights here will also be heavy.

?Boris rozhin

1 year, 6 months ago

Nautilus Pompilius - Wings (Kriliya)

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