Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 months ago
Hi moots.
? Tbh for victory ? #mAdA. Tbh lu keren bro ? ? - tbh kamu dingin dan cakep ? You look cool and attractive ? #donut tbh lo keren sih terus sedikit mengintimidasi ? #Nares. cakep bener bang, cool abiezz gitu. kinda intimidating too ? #kafsa tbh u look…
? Tbh for victory
? #mAdA. Tbh lu keren bro
? ? - tbh kamu dingin dan cakep
? You look cool and attractive
? #donut tbh lo keren sih terus sedikit mengintimidasi
? #Nares. cakep bener bang, cool abiezz gitu. kinda intimidating too
? #kafsa tbh u look so cool, walaupun agak nyeremin dikit
? owi ; tbh, aura kamu seperti aura orang yang misterius tapi keren, dan kamu kaya orang yang cuma ngomong penting
? #bounal tbh kamu kereen banget busettt
? alphard. tbh lo keren banget dan cakep
? #ℜ? Tbh kamu sangat menawan dan misterius sekali
? #Laura tbh kamu cakep banget!
? #jor. cool
? ??. tbh lu keren agak nyeremin dikit
? ?. Your so attractive, cool and seems friendly
? Harritzen. tbh you look very cool and charming
? 꾹♡. tbh, i like you channel soo much!!
? #pinkeu you look really cool ahh, it's even very visible from your ch???
? #Aèri cakep bener dan keren
? #zar tbh, u look so cool
? #?? u are so cool man
? #paji tbh, look so cool and hansome terus positive vibes
? Miguel. Tbh u look so cool and kinda intimidating
? Arvān. tbh lu kece bro
? #biu tbh, you cool and handsome
? ?. You're cool but kinda intimidating
? #orchest cool and attractive but kinda intimidating
? ?. kinda intimidating, but you looks cool and good person
? #Allésh cool and imitation
? #aiyang sexy
? #?! Cool
? s☆ftly.c?m .. tbh, I like ur vibe
? ☩'zeus. tbh, lu keren.
? ?. keliatan keren dan agak ceyem dikit
? ?❄️⬩ looks intimidating but you really really COOL
? #tracy tbh lo keren banget
? ?. cool && lil' bit intimidating
? #zeà sngt cool
? #?ica tbh u look so scary
? #kafsa tbh your so cool
? #revin tbh lo nyereminn, aura intimidasi gitu, dan menawan
? #๖ayiulbul? tbh keren banget
? ?. gantengnya..
? #MRKGF tbh u look so cool, handsome and i like ur name
? 571 people have voted so far.
? Anonymous Board
? Hello, I'm searching for all rp-ers to be my mutuals. Drop ur @.usn for sfs main account with @Taevhyungvi , don't forget to read.
- Mikhayla Eayilsbeyth. @Jeeniekim
- Jendral @cJjhaeyun
- Asmara H. @tSkena
- Miura Kayla, @kayeqing :3
- ꒰ ? ⊹ @qNightmarew >> #HAURA ?
- Reichika 'B @teThoughtful
- Wistara N. @paangerans
- Laura. @YUNJ1NHVH
- Fuschia Seraphine; @MiddeImist
- Chunichi H. @ScriptAficianodo
- sagara @rKimSuncwoo
- Mahendra @nVagina
- Volker @bigdilck
- Milea ft. Pdr.
- @Prexedir Gio D.
- ?????—?. @Amarafp
- A. Kavonzy @psexygirlz
- Dede @semacgka
- Dyxie Y'vanca @hotladysohee
- 공주, Miaryne. ❈.. @lilserena
- ova @iPresidnt جميل
- ༉୭Adrian @Kim1Jongin
- N. Ezar @interarct
- SIGHT. @yTaehyunga
? 25 people have voted so far.
? Personal Participation
*? This poll is closed...*
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤXXIV //Dāngeɹous//
He is an angel who has a dark aura, he is commonly known as the "angel of hatred". He is called like that because his nature and soul are made of fire. What does the "fire" in him mean? The fire within him means, hatred, anger, and brings grudges to everyone.
He always carries all of that within himself. he always makes noise everywhere, pitting against one another, and wreaking havoc everywhere. he is very dangerous, because he was created from the fire of anger.because of that he is in prison, imprisoned forever due to his own actions. regret? the answer is no.
"I will never regret this, I was made to live and carry out my duties, my job is to make noise, and excite other people's emotions, so why should I regret this? I also don't care if I go to jail, I will be responsible for my deeds, I will never be afraid."
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 months ago