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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
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Last updated 1 week ago
‼️Qishda sovuqdan qorqish yo
q endi😎
Ertadan barcha guruhlarda o`z vaqtidan darslar davom etadi
‼️Otopleniya (Isitish tizimi) ornatilayotgani munosabati bilan **Barcha guruhlarga**, narigi filial dagi dan tashqari, Bugun va Seshanba kunlari darslar bo
egregious [ɪˈɡriːdʒəs] - seriously bad; shocking/ judayam yomon
Example: His egregious behavior at the party shocked everyone and resulted in him being asked to leave.
Uning judayam yomon harakteri bazmdagi hammani hayratda qoldirdi va undan chiqib ketish so`raldi
SOLITUDE - state of being alone/yolg`iz vaqt sarflash
Solitude can enhance creativity by providing a quiet space to think freely and explore new ideas without distractions.
The maps illustrate the changes that took place in the town of Darwin over a period of 5 years (2009–2014). Overall, the town underwent a noticeable transformation during this period, evolving from an industrial hub into a more balanced and recreational area with the construction of new facilities such as a harbor, swimming pool, and additional residential buildings. Despite these developments, certain key elements, such as the school, fishing area, and lake, remained unchanged.
In 2009, the town was dominated by an industrial area in the southwest, with a block of residential buildings to the north. The lake and industrial zone, located in the center, were surrounded by a footpath running from east to west. A school and a convention center were adjacent to the central area, while two swimming pools were located along the seafront. In the northeast, a fishing area was situated at the end of a road extending from the west.
By 2014, the industrial area had been significantly reduced in size, making room for a new harbor and recreational facilities, including a swimming pool and a park with green spaces. The residential area to the north expanded, with additional buildings constructed to accommodate the growing population. The footpath was extended and connected to the newly built harbour in the west, enhancing accessibility for residents.
Despite these changes, the school in the northeast and the fishing area by the sea’s edge remained intact, preserving some of the town’s original features. The lake itself continued to serve as a central focal point of the town, maintaining its significance in the community.
The map illustrates the changes that have occurred in a park over a period of 44 years, from 1980 to the present day.
It is evident that the park has undergone a significant transformation, becoming more developed and focused on entertainment.
The only feature that has remained unchanged is the pond on the western side of the park. In 1980, benches were placed on both sides of the pond; now, the benches on the west side have been relocated, with an additional one added. The flowerbed in the southwest corner of the park has been replaced by a cluster of bushes. Another notable change is the expansion of the pathway connecting the gates in the west and south. The introduction of new entrances in the north and east has made the park accessible from all four sides.
The most substantial changes have occurred in the top right-hand corner of the park. Part of the orchard has been cleared to create an entertainment area where visitors can sit around tables and enjoy a barbecue. Additionally, the flowerbed in the southeast has been replaced by a new playground area for children.
*??*Hello, folks! We have a football match tomorrow (20:00-22:00).
If you have free time , try to come to “Uray gazon” , and we won’t limit place.
??Xalq! Jamoatiz bilan ertaga soati kechgi 8 dan 10 gacha bo’ladigan futbol o’yiniga taklif etamiz. Hurmat bilan EXACT ACADEMY . Manzil : “O’ray gazon”.**
Intermediate (Even days, 14:00-16:00)?
⚡️10 beautiful idioms for speaking
An early bird ?- erta turuvchi inson
A night owl ? - kech uxledigan inson
A lone wolf ? - yolg’iz bo’lishni yoki yolg’iz ishlashni yoqtiradigan inson
A party animal ? - bazmlarni yoqtiradigan inson
A gold digger ? - faqat puli uchun kimnidur yaxshi ko’radigan inson
A creature of habit - bir xil kun tartibiga ega inson. Bir xil narsani qilishni afzal ko’radigan inson
In deep water ? - juda qiyin vaziyatda bo’lmoq
Get to the point - maqsadga o’t! Gapni aylantirma
Kill two birds with one stone - bir o’q bilan, ikkita quyonni urmoq
A fish out of water ?- o’zini noqulay his qilmoq (xuddiki suvdan tashqarida turgan baliq kabi)
Community chat:
Last updated 2 months ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 week ago