Dobro došli na službeni T-kanal redakcije portala Epoha
Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
⚠️BREAKING: HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just issued new guidance officially recognizing only TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE.
"A person’s sex is unchangeable and determined by objective biology. The use of hormones or surgical interventions do NOT change a person’s sex because such actions do not change the type of gamete that the person’s reproductive system has the biological function to produce. Rare disorders of sexual development do not constitute a third sex because these disorders do not lead to the production of a third gamete. That is, the reproductive system of a person with such a disorder does not produce gametes other than eggs or sperm."
The guidance ends with very simple definitions for the dummies: "Woman is an adult human female. Girl is a minor human female. Man is an adult human male. Boy is a minor human male. Mother is a female parent. Father is a male parent."
(Apologies for the caps - just couldn't be bothered to lowercase the type)
*??*We are so back…
Scavino on X:
DJT is so back. After the journey we’ve all had over the past 4 years—I could not be happier for him, the fam, and everyone on @TeamTrump who worked tirelessly throughout it all. Another defining moment on this historical journey to put AMERICA FIRST and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!XPOST ?h/t** @KarluskaP
Dobro došli na službeni T-kanal redakcije portala Epoha
Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago