Canal oficial da juliana Cantoria do bonde do forró fotos exclusivas aqui
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Объективный взгляд из Европы на события в Украине.
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Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
California Democrats ‘Leading’ Through Fraud, Deceit, Divisiveness, and Election Interference
‘At what point does the game of politics become downright fraud and tyrannical?’
California Globe
California Democrats ‘Leading’ Through Fraud, Deceit, Divisiveness, and Election Interference
When California’s Governor and legislative leaders are forced to deceive the populace, and wave rules to get what they want, they no longer lead.
Resisting Tyranny and Protecting Autonomy
In the spirit of Independence Day, I interviewed two powerful women who are truly modern day revolutionaries for my CHD show “Advocacy Lifeline.”
This episode is entitled “Resisting Tyranny and Protecting Autonomy.” Ohio State Representative Jennifer Gross and NVIC Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher stand strong in the truth today that we all deserve the freedom to be autonomous in our own medical and vaccination decisions, and to save our future, we need to declare our independence from the forced vaccinators now.
Learn how to be a better advocate by witnessing our enlightening discussion on what they are doing to drive this message home and what we each can do to liberate ourselves from the public health empire just as the signers of the Declaration of Independence liberated themselves from abuse of authority by a monarchy ruled by a King. Please share this important episode! Time is critical.
Resisting Tyranny and Protecting Autonomy
This jam-packed ‘Advocacy Lifeline’ episode is one that viewers won’t want to miss! Host Dawn Richardson brings on two guests to discuss important issues rel...
Debate on AB 1955 in the CA Assembly just went off the rails.
Bill would prohibit California schools from having parental notification policies if a student is transgender.
had his mic cut for discussing bill from last year, lawmakers raise numerous points of order. Then Essayli said something we couldn’t hear that set off
??? CA Assembly Floor becomes UNHINGED during #AB1955 hearing.
(R) explains how we got to #AB1955 but the Democrats silence him, then the chair threatens to ask him to leave.
(D) yells "you better watch yourself" before they cut the audio.
states "I wasn't prepared to address the Communist China House today"
If the bill passes the Assembly, everyone call
to veto AB1955 at 916-445-2841
WATCH Assembly floor debate #AB1955
Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up
Rather than delivering summary arguments, the attorneys responded for nearly three hours to questions from U.S. District Judge Edward Chen during the last day of the two-week bench trial in San Francisco federal court.
Children's Health Defense
Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up
A landmark trial that could determine the future of water fluoridation in the U.S. ended Tuesday with attorneys for the environmental groups and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency responding to questions from federal Judge Edward Chen.
X (formerly Twitter)
Elon Musk (@elonmusk) on X
Worth watching, especially for parents
Science Has Now Created Synthetic Humans
Researchers have succeeded in creating synthetic embryos for the first time ever, without stopping to wonder if it should be done at all.
Los Angeles School District Encourages Sick Students to Attend Classes
Daily Attendance Rates Tied to State Funding of School Districts
Last year, 40 percent of students in LAUSD were “chronically absent” and the year prior to that, it was at an all time high of 50 percent.
"...if the current 90 percent daily attendance rate increased to 95 percent as it was prior to the pandemic, LAUSD would receive $300 million more in state funding."
#LAUSD #TheVaccineReaction #NVIC
The Vaccine Reaction
Los Angeles School District Encourages Sick Students to Attend Classes
When Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) in California reopened following the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) declaration, public school officials initially demanded that...
Canal oficial da juliana Cantoria do bonde do forró fotos exclusivas aqui
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Объективный взгляд из Европы на события в Украине.
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Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago